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All aboard the crazy train? Pakistan’s railways minister threatens India with mini nukes


Dec 14, 2018
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Islamabad possesses tiny nuclear bombs that will decimate India in the inevitable war that will break out in a matter of weeks, according to Pakistan’s minister of…railways?
Railways minister Sheikh Rasheed Ahmad, who is in charge of his country’s choo-choo trains and not of its nuclear arsenal, has announced that Pakistan has developed nukes that weigh as little as 125 grams.

And there’s some more bad news for India: According to Ahmad –who clearly knows what’s he’s talking about– these miniature marvels of nuclear weaponry are highly sophisticated and can strike targets inside India with pinpoint precision.

These wonder weapons will undoubtedly come in handy when India and Pakistan go to war in October or November – another one of Ahmad’s in-the-know observations.

The imaginative train minister made headlines last week after a microphone he was holding gave him a brief electric shock as he denounced Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during a rally.

India’s decision to revoke Kashmir’s special status in August has inflamed tensions with neighboring Pakistan. India insists that its actions in the disputed territory were necessary in order to defend human rights and combat rampant terrorism and corruption.

Both nations possess nuclear weapons. Pakistan’s military spokesman recently warned that the crisis in Kashmir could spark a nuclear conflict.


WTF folks? 125 grams nukes?
125 gram nuclear bomb? That is quite insane. The smallest nuke developed by USA weighed 20-22 kg. But it was abandoned as it was considered to be too weak 125gram is as good as hand grenade! Lol

My guess is he is mixing it with something similar - the way he usually confuses Typhoon with Tycoon.

WTF folks? 125 grams nukes?

125 gram nuclear bomb? That is quite insane. The smallest nuke developed by USA weighed 20-22 kg. But it was abandoned as it was considered to be too weak 125gram is as good as hand grenade! Lol
Nuclear fission cant occur currently below 15 kg of fissile material. It wont gain the critical mass. So, thats that. Where do these people pull those numbers from? :what:
Islamabad possesses tiny nuclear bombs that will decimate India in the inevitable war that will break out in a matter of weeks, according to Pakistan’s minister of…railways?
Railways minister Sheikh Rasheed Ahmad, who is in charge of his country’s choo-choo trains and not of its nuclear arsenal, has announced that Pakistan has developed nukes that weigh as little as 125 grams.

And there’s some more bad news for India: According to Ahmad –who clearly knows what’s he’s talking about– these miniature marvels of nuclear weaponry are highly sophisticated and can strike targets inside India with pinpoint precision.

These wonder weapons will undoubtedly come in handy when India and Pakistan go to war in October or November – another one of Ahmad’s in-the-know observations.

The imaginative train minister made headlines last week after a microphone he was holding gave him a brief electric shock as he denounced Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during a rally.

India’s decision to revoke Kashmir’s special status in August has inflamed tensions with neighboring Pakistan. India insists that its actions in the disputed territory were necessary in order to defend human rights and combat rampant terrorism and corruption.

Both nations possess nuclear weapons. Pakistan’s military spokesman recently warned that the crisis in Kashmir could spark a nuclear conflict.


WTF folks? 125 grams nukes?
Maybe he got his grams and kilograms mixed up?.....its easy to do,I do it all the time when I`m cooking[LOL!]:azn:.

Actually his statement is almost at the same exact level of batsh!t crazy as india claiming that its actions in kashmir "were necessary in order to defend human rights and combat rampant terrorism and corruption":rofl:
Its a crazy place the subcontinent.....:jester:
very bad he should not have disclosed such secret details.. chinese wont be pleased. he told them exactly the wight in grams wtf!!!
Islamabad possesses tiny nuclear bombs that will decimate India in the inevitable war that will break out in a matter of weeks, according to Pakistan’s minister of…railways?
Railways minister Sheikh Rasheed Ahmad, who is in charge of his country’s choo-choo trains and not of its nuclear arsenal, has announced that Pakistan has developed nukes that weigh as little as 125 grams.

And there’s some more bad news for India: According to Ahmad –who clearly knows what’s he’s talking about– these miniature marvels of nuclear weaponry are highly sophisticated and can strike targets inside India with pinpoint precision.

These wonder weapons will undoubtedly come in handy when India and Pakistan go to war in October or November – another one of Ahmad’s in-the-know observations.

The imaginative train minister made headlines last week after a microphone he was holding gave him a brief electric shock as he denounced Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during a rally.

India’s decision to revoke Kashmir’s special status in August has inflamed tensions with neighboring Pakistan. India insists that its actions in the disputed territory were necessary in order to defend human rights and combat rampant terrorism and corruption.

Both nations possess nuclear weapons. Pakistan’s military spokesman recently warned that the crisis in Kashmir could spark a nuclear conflict.


WTF folks? 125 grams nukes?

Actually sheeda is referring to antimatter weapon. :D:pakistan: BTW he shouldn't have said anything regarding this. :D
Nuclear fission cant occur currently below 15 kg of fissile material. It wont gain the critical mass. So, thats that. Where do these people pull those numbers from? :what:

Nagasaki bomb, first plutonium bomb ever, had 6kg plutonium. Modern hydrogen bombs can do with 4kg plutonium as first stage. Compact bombs with low yield can do with 2kg of plutonium. Plutonium has much lower critical mass than Uranium. Yes, in case of Uranium bomb, it will need 15-20kg of 90-95% enriched Uranium for critical mass.
Nagasaki bomb, first plutonium bomb ever, had 6kg plutonium. Modern hydrogen bombs can do with 4kg plutonium as first stage. Compact bombs with low yield can do with 2kg of plutonium. Plutonium has much lower critical mass than Uranium. Yes, in case of Uranium bomb, it will need 15-20kg of 90-95% enriched Uranium for critical mass.
Yea, my bad, i was talking of Uranium, not Plutonium, also bcoz its much easier to make a Uranium bomb than Plutonium.
I have heard his interviews when he was in opposition, the guy is sensible and cares for Pak, I havent heard him speak for a while now so I'm not too sure about what exactly he said but these headlines are a bit embarassing if true because he is simply spoiling his image, should stick to fixing transportation/railway in the country

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