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ALJAZEERA reporting about most want Pak taliban leaders hiding in Afghan..


Aug 15, 2009
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1. Why USA left there bases when Pak army start operation against these terrorist ? who are no openly running there camps from Afghanistan.

2. Why USA is not hitting them with drone ?

3. Afghanistan and USA before blaming others start cleaning ur own houses.

4. Once again USA are using these fighters for there own interessts and Pakistan has to deal with them after USA leave.

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When they are exposed they start playing peace talks.
Pak Taliban meaning the section of Taliban attacking Pakistan?
Indian + Full Member with 553 posts. Are you really this much ignorant about this topic or just wanted to increase your post counter?
Faqir Mohammed's Faction is splinter group of Pakistani Taliban. Apparently the Pakistani Taliban have no longer a unified chain of command. While some section of Pak Taliban is in negotiation with Pakistani Government, this group of Faqir Mohammed's Faction has adopted a wait and watch policy as Pakistani Government seems untrustworthy to them. The man alleges that Pakistani Government is attacking them when Pakistan gets money from US and trying to negotiate peace when Pak-US relations go down. The group has been taking refuge in the Hindukush mountains bordering Afghanistan and Pakistan. Which, makes the title of thread a bit sensationalist.

Indian + Full Member with 553 posts. Are you really this much ignorant about this topic or just wanted to increase your post counter?
That's before watching the video, But, the usual operation term for Pak Taliban is TTP, isn't it? hence the question.
No,the section of Taliban claiming to be Pakistani but having safe havens in Afghanistan.

that's a bit of stretch don't you think? the usual counter allegation strategy by Pakistan. These people aren't living in Afghanistan villages or towns . They are living in Bordering Mountains. Compare that to drone attacks in Pakistan in Villages in the Tribal regions.
Notice these Talibs wearing their shalwars high above their ankles. A sign of Kharijis.
that's a bit of stretch don't you think? the usual counter allegation strategy by Pakistan. These people aren't living in Afghanistan villages or towns . They are living in Bordering Mountains. Compare that to drone attacks in Pakistan in Villages in the Tribal regions.

They are living in villages and towns of Kunar and other provinces of Afghanistan. They roam around in dozens and mysteriously are never attacked by a drone or ANA.
America's latest attempt , in cohorts with india is to yet again try to use TTP for terrorist activities in Pakistan. The spike in attacks and the musings of zionist writers all points in this direction.
They are living in villages and towns of Kunar and other provinces of Afghanistan. They roam around in dozens and mysteriously are never attacked by a drone or ANA.

They have been given space by the american backed setup in afghanistan so they can be used for atacking Pakistan. When Pakistan started shelling TTP terrorists in Kunar the takleef that it gave the americans ( and their indian poodles ) was quite obvious.
They are living in villages and towns of Kunar and other provinces of Afghanistan. They roam around in dozens and mysteriously are never attacked by a drone or ANA.

Yes they are living there, Haqqani Network, Hafiz Gul Bahadhur faction , Mullah Nazir continues to live freely in North Waziristan, Where as a lot of arabs are also living in North Waziristan? They are not targeted by Pakistan Airforce, Pakistan army, SSG commandos, Frontier corps.
Yes they are living there, Haqqani Network, Hafiz Gul Bahadhur faction , Mullah Nazir continues to live freely in North Waziristan, Where as a lot of arabs are also living in North Waziristan? They are not targeted by Pakistan Airforce, Pakistan army, SSG commandos, Frontier corps.

Living freely? Are you dumb? How they live freely when they are being bombed by the super power by drones.
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