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Pakistan warns Afghan Taliban and Haqqani Network

Nothing really .. Once you see the Name of Journalist who made this comment you will understand.
Yaar i think this is a sensitive issue and journalists should be controlled atleast on subject related to our,defence,strategic affair and foreign relations, Dont u think?(look at indians they control them through their ministry of broadcasting(or whatever)....... ) These r sensitive subjects for any nation.
Yaar i think this is a sensitive issue and journalists should be controlled atleast on subject related to our,defence,strategic affair and foreign relations, Dont u think?(look at indians they control them through their ministry of broadcasting(or whatever)....... ) These r sensitive subjects for any nation.
The only way to control these rats is too shoot them between the eyes , I have no sympathy for the traitors no matter who they are if they are hurting the state of Pakistan then they should be Eliminated by any means necessary .
You seriously think that PA will risk of bringing another ethnic group make things more complicated? I doubt.......
Abullah Abdullah and Pakistan have reached out t each other recently and warmed up for the post American Afghanistan time. but thats about it, I cant imagine anything more than a cosmetic channel between the two. Northern Alliance and Pakistan have hostilities that date back to the time of Partition. Tajik Uzbek group is more aligned with Iran and central Asian countries Pakistan has even alienated Iran on directions from KSA so there are not much options than to blow hot air and huff and puff specially the Pak Military and Nawaz league show down will result in a confused or non existent Afghan policy.

its highly Likely that Afghan Taliban would respond that they are doing exactly what Nawaz led government is doing i.e. getting friendly and cosy with TTP.
The only way to control these rats is too shoot them between the eyes , I have no sympathy for the traitors no matter who they are if they are hurting the state of Pakistan then they should be Eliminated by any means necessary .
Yaar i think with proper education, awareness, and a rule by government that every person who wishes to become a journalist must hold atleast a Degree in Masters in the field of journalism from a proper government university only (no international degree should be accepted in this field). Where they make such a curriculum to properly train them how to report ,

1)what should be reported.

2)what should be avoided.

3)what to report and when to report.

A Proper training with a little quomi soch can improve that and journalists who r under matric like Hamid Mir, Kamran Khan, Najam Sethi or his dude with little or no sense of strategic affairs.

I think ISPR should also play its part and should conduct awareness classes for the journalists both covertly and overtly(something RAW has also done) in short term goals to educate this existing stock. This can be done by Think Tanks also.

Putting bullet in their head is an easy meal. Anybody can do that but it wont stop these hordes nor will we achieve anything in long run as the way it seems its just not some individuals but a ''rebel mentality''.

What do u say?
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Yaar i think with proper education, awareness, and a rule by government that every person who wishes to become a journalist must hold atleast a Degree in Masters in the field of journalism from a proper government university only no international degree should be accepted in this field, where they make such a curriculum to properly train them how to report , what should be reported and what should be avoided,what to report and when to report. A Proper training with a little quomi soch can improve that and journalists who r under matric like Hamid Mir, Kamran Khan, Najam Sethi or his dude with little or no sense of strategic affairs and little awareness can be avoided?

I think ISPR should also play its part and should conduct awareness classes for the journalists both covertly and overtly(something RAW has also done) in short term goals to educate this existing stock. This can be done by Think Tanks also.

Putting bullet in their head is an easy meal. Anybody can do that but it wont stop these hordes nor will we achieve anything in long run as they way it seems its just no some individuals but a ''rebel mentality''.

What do u say?
Even though I Agree but with the current Mindset of our people it is not possible , No matter how Much Educated a journalist is he will Sell out for Money as that is what they strive for , they do not become Journalists because they like to report .. most of them go towards Journalism because they have no other option or they want to be famous and earn money .. every journalist who is associated with a Media outfit is deprived of his right of free speech , he has to say that the outfit wants him to say .. Education is important but not necessarily a tool for Rationality ..
Abullah Abdullah and Pakistan have reached out t each other recently and warmed up for the post American Afghanistan time. but thats about it, I cant imagine anything more than a cosmetic channel between the two. Northern Alliance and Pakistan have hostilities that date back to the time of Partition. Tajik Uzbek group is more aligned with Iran and central Asian countries Pakistan has even alienated Iran on directions from KSA so there are not much options than to blow hot air and huff and puff specially the Pak Military and Nawaz league show down will result in a confused or non existent Afghan policy.

its highly Likely that Afghan Taliban would respond that they are doing exactly what Nawaz led government is doing i.e. getting friendly and cosy with TTP.

That is about it.... it is very complicated.... and it is very difficult to even come out of it.....
Even though I Agree but with the current Mindset of our people it is not possible , No matter how Much Educated a journalist is he will Sell out for Money as that is what they strive for , they do not become Journalists because they like to report .. most of them go towards Journalism because they have no other option or they want to be famous and earn money .. every journalist who is associated with a Media outfit is deprived of his right of free speech , he has to say that the outfit wants him to say .. Education is important but not necessarily a tool for Rationality ..
hmm yes u r right. But nothing is impossible also isnt it?

Even this can be addressed but we need to study those countries where media seems to be under their control. eg Iran or India. How they do it, what they do and what they dont. Even sir this indian media wasnt as good as back in 96 or 97. Its since 99 0r early 2000s that they have developed. Also our ex armed forces people should join the media or the political parties as well to infiltrate them as a whole. In this way we can get an accurate in depth analysis of every individual in that field, channel or political party. So that we can differentiate those vulnerable journalists and try to discourage them from getting top positions in their institutions. We can launch campaigns,seminars, sittings for journalists backed by more and more media interactions with ISPR and ISI. So that people from more respectable backgrounds join them.

Obviously we cant do it 100% but still we will be able to influence them decisively.
You seriously think that PA will risk of bringing another ethnic group make things more complicated? I doubt.......

Pakistan army knows AT very well , but TTP are like mad dogs , they only call mullah omar as their leader but they don't follow his orders anyway ... this year will be crucial for this whole region ... either its Abdulla Abdulla comes to power or anyone else , still pak will have influence in Afghanistan ... because as soon as USA withdraw there will be a bloody civil war awaiting for afghans to capture kabul
We have always made our stance clear with regards to shared cooperation between the regional partners. We wish to see the regional partners communicating and coordinating for the betterment of the region. The terrorists have been conducting attacks on both sides of the border, and it is simply imperative to combine our efforts against the common threat. Any rift between our nations turns the tide in our common enemies favor, and it is no secret that they would like to see us indulge in the blame game in order to keep the upper hand. It is also important to remember that despite any differences, we still share a common stance against terrorism, and wish to see peace prevail throughout the region. Therefore, it only makes sense to iron out any differences and unify for the sake of achieving our shared objectives in the region.

Ali Khan
Digital Engagement Team, USCENTCOM
Nothing really .. Once you see the Name of Journalist who made this comment you will understand.
people who have picked up arms against the state of Pakistan, have has some personal grievances against Pakistan army, have been running a campaign against it or have vowed to revolt against it in he assembly.... have been specifically hand picked by Nawaz Sherif to hit back at Pakistan military for its year 99 sin.

I hope you know the names already.
Algeria solved its TTP problem with the generals conducting wholesale massacre of entire villages of their own people to break the backbone of the local populations supporting the Algerian TTP there

but, those villagers were just common people, who were fooled by the Algerian terrorist, and the government and army of Algeria became terrorist itself

But the Pakistan Army is a honorable Army, with good Muslims, who know not to do injustice. The Pakistan Army conducted itself admirably in Sawat and in handling the TTP onslaughts in FATA.

The Algerian army instead made up of apostates from Islam, who cared more about mansions in France than human life.
Not complicated at all. Pakistan can play the same game and invite Tajiks and Uzbeks and offer them help as Afghan Taliban are offering TTP. Without Pakistani help Afghan Taliban are dead meat. Let us see how long Afghan Taliban can survive without Pakistani help.

didn't pakistan forsake them after 911? so whats this deal about choice.
some observations I have

  1. TTP is being hosted by Afghan intelligence agencies in Kunar and Nooristan, not the Afghan Taliban. this is something which has been raised by Pakistan to both the ISAF command and Karzai's regime. our claims were proven right when not once but twice, the Afgan northern alliance was exposed by the Americans when they raided a convey of Afghan intelligence agency that had a TTP guest. the American special forces forcefully snatched the guy and flew away with him and afterwords got the necessary information off him that led to the drone strike on the former TTP leader Hakim Ullah Mehsood.
  2. In the past Mullah Omar has distanced himself from TTP and warned it from engaging the Pakistani state. the fights with the TTP and Afghan Taliban on either sides of the Pak Afghan border strengthened the view that Afghan taliban wanted to distance themselves from TTP which was engaged with Pakistani state which not only supported them in the past but was also facilitating them in their negotiations with Americans and Kabul government.
  3. Ideologically both the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban follow the same faith and values but Afghan taliban have become more realistic in their .approach and have even done the unthinkable by approaching Iran as well (A heretic Shia country as per their faith). TTP on the other side has found no need to be flexible as it has not faced any real challenge due to a confused and apologetic response by the successive democratic governments of Pakistan. there is a possibility of some cooperation among TTP and Afghan Taliban but at a very low level because their area of operation and interest is not only different but conflicting as well. that said there were stories about TTP approaching Afghan Shura and accepting Mullah Omar as its spiritual leader as well. in the end its down to persnal opinion and choice on how to interpret contradictory events of fighting on one hand and cooperation at the same time among TTP and Afghan taliban.
  4. the so called warning by Pakistan to Afghan Taliban about choosing sides desnt make sense because its the Nawaz government which has not only called off the military strikes on TTP when it was in its most vulnerable state but has also accorded VIP protocol to its representatives and written praises to its leadership and called them their long lost brothers. so this so called warning seems misplaced when Nawaz league Hawks use the TTP references to taunt the Pakistan army and praise their "struggle" against the "wrongful" war on terror started by former dictator General Musharraf.

typical of Geo, the "strategic depth" jibe is amusing, this is the most quoted term used to taunt and criticise Pakistan army both domestically and in India without even bothering to know the meaning and the context. which was nothing more than ensuring that Afghanistan was not host to anti Pakistan activities and a source of destabilisation of Pakistan specially due to civil war that ensued after the Soviet withdrawal. the term has been bastardazied into some ludicrous notion by chronic liars and habitual Pak army haters that Rawalpindi was planning to have its next GHQ somewhere in Afghanistan.

without mentioning the source, the so called report/ analysis doesnt make much sense and hold much meat to the bone. Nawaz regime wont do such thing because of my point number 4. TTP are the ideological brothers of current ruling party. which basically leaves Pakistan military but this warning sounds very hollow when it finds itself being ridiculed and scorned day and night by the Judiciary, politicians and media trio and doesnt have the go ahead even to strike back at TTP after the massacre of its captured soldiers.

finally, contrary to the conclusion of the report, it will be easy for Pakistan to deal and convince the Afghan Taliban in case they are in power rather than the current Kabul regime. because the Northern Alliance by its actions and its words has clearly demonstrated that it will do everything in its power to damage Pakistan by not only directly engaging in subversive activities but also facilitating terrorist entities that are engaged in a violent war with thestate of Pakistan and also other international entities that want to instigate and support unrest in Balochistan.

There apparently seems to be some truth to a combining or aligning of the TTP with the AT, especially based on the following news and articles.

When the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban Unite

5 Afghan Taliban Commanders Reach Waziristan To Stop Fight Between 2 factions of TTP

Suicide attack kills 16 senior Taliban leaders in Ghazni
There apparently seems to be some truth to a combining or aligning of the TTP with the AT, especially based on the following news and articles.

When the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban Unite

5 Afghan Taliban Commanders Reach Waziristan To Stop Fight Between 2 factions of TTP

Suicide attack kills 16 senior Taliban leaders in Ghazni
true what is lacking is an all out policy statement

in our books there is no such thing as good taliban and bad taliban

for them we all are bad the moment we joined WoT and before doing so our ISI chief and Saudi prince personally flew to Afghanistan before invasion and warned Mullah Omar about the consequences and advised him to hand over Bin Laden. but that fat head didnt listen.

what is true though is that we didnt peruse Afghan Taliban to the extent Americans wanted but we did captured theme and handed them over TTP pretty much filled our own hands

after the American withdrawal its a very dark picture which has direct consequences to Pakistan and indirect to other countries even India.

this conflict is going to outlast our lives unfortunately
true what is lacking is an all out policy statement

in our books there is no such thing as good taliban and bad taliban

for them we all are bad the moment we joined WoT and before doing so our ISI chief and Saudi prince personally flew to Afghanistan before invasion and warned Mullah Omar about the consequences and advised him to hand over Bin Laden. but that fat head didnt listen.

what is true though is that we didnt peruse Afghan Taliban to the extent Americans wanted but we did captured theme and handed them over TTP pretty much filled our own hands

after the American withdrawal its a very dark picture which has direct consequences to Pakistan and indirect to other countries even India.

this conflict is going to outlast our lives unfortunately

I guess it never ends - hasn't ended anywhere in the world, and I don't expect it to end in the Afg-Pak region too.

Pakistan is in a state of paralysis, other than a few PAF strikes in Waziristan that is quickly condemned by Mullahs and religious groups and a few parties. Peace talks is just delaying the inevitable.

Afghanistan forces are nascent right now and will be tied up defending their own present fortresses.

The NATO is again leaving the region in a mess - this time around a bigger one.

The worrying thing is the previous article talks of Pakistan trying to disrupt peace talks between the AT and Afghan govt, and some mysterious forces disrupting the peace talks between TTP and Pakistan. But I don't see any logic in these talks. What are you going to give them to convince them to shed their arms? Taliban states both sides of the borders?.
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