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Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans

This alien thingy sounds like Alex Jones stuff. Guy makes a living selling these.
@fallstuff then explain UFO's people see.... Explain millions have been abducted.... Explain why people being murderd by CIA and MIB for exposing the link between American goverment and Reptilians plus Greys.... What you are telling us is same 'OLD LINE' america used in decades.... Do you think we people are idiots? Do you think russian and mexican presidents are idiots? Do you think defence minister of canada and and goverment of brazil, italy and argentina and 1000s of Goverment military exployees (of usa) are idiots?.... American goverment is evil.... Do u think i am and million more who met arcturians and humanoids are idiots? Care to explain human bones on moon? (photo by NASA itself and Russian sattelite).... Care to explain Bones, weapons etc etc found on MARS? Care to explain what millions of people watching in sky which is cigar shape, disc shape and traingle shape? Care to explain why we hearing TRUMPETS in sky in 2012 (not before 2012).... You know the truth but it seems u having trouble to accept that Aliens think super power americans are Cattles.... American goverment is not Humans voice. Am trying my best to get in touch with commander Ashtar of galactic.... First thing i will tell him that its the American goverment who is evil and they not voice of Humans on Earth.... I want to see how american military counter our creators and saviors.... You HAARP and Blue beam is a toy infront of our Lord.... America already gave american to Greys and their Masters the Droco reptilians for technology secrets. Now FEMA making coffins for Americans. Every 2 of 10 american have been abducted by Greys.... You people have no say anymore. American Goverment already in control of Reptilians.... Trust me that America's time is up (running out)....

You have no proof for bones on Luna, Mars, etc... You just need mental help.
American goverment is not Humans voice. Am trying my best to get in touch with commander Ashtar of galactic.... First thing i will tell him that its the American goverment who is evil and they not voice of Humans on Earth.... I want to see how american military counter our creators and saviors.... Y

and how exactly ure trying to do tht. how would u contact aliens..? Im just curious about it.
@metro by Meditation.... Contacting them by Right frequency. i already cleaned my chakra.... Now am sending my Positive energy to Starship Athena.... Its not hard. Anyone can contact them. You just need to clean your Chakra and emit positive energy.... Yesterday night i saw in my dream number 333.... Its Arcturians holy number.... Am very close to meet Ashtar the commander of Galactic (like commander of U.N).... By the way here are more proof for the guys from pakistan and America.... Its by NASA....
YouTube - N.A.S.A : Alien Spacecraft & Moon Ruins
YouTube - Alien Spacecraft Found on Mars
For how many days uve been doing this..?? Have u got any success..??
@metro from last two years.... i met Arcturians already. They are so bright. Their furniture inside Athena is made by mixture of wood and Crystals.... i seen kids wearing blue dress going for schools made inside Athena.... The Violet bright Arcturian told me not to fear because my fear helping reptilians and then all of sudden i was in my bed.... i felt a glow around me and i felt so much peace and calm that i thought am in heaven.... Since than m trying to contact Arcturians and i keep getting signs that they looking upon me.... Now m trying to meet Ashtar or his lower commander vrilion.... i have heard Ashtar and Vrilion voice already when they hacked the Radio frequency and gave message to brothers and sisters of planet Earth.... i will later add that video. i have to go now....

I checked out the videos, the "structures" had something to do with position of the sattelite that was taking the picture and the suns light.

If moon looks like it has a face on it's surface, should I assume the moon is living?
Of all the UFO videos ive seen so far, this is one video that I think is authentic..

Hahaha Alien BS. :lol:

Grow up kids. :lol:

NO offence and no trolling, but isn't allah himself an alien.? just think about it.
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Of all the UFO videos ive seen so far, this is one video that I think is authentic..

NO offence and no trolling, but isn't allah himself an alien.? just think about it.

In islamic teachings Allah is on 7th sky not near mercury, anyone cannot see him without his permission and he is alone.

In islamic techings its also written that human is the most brilliant among all creatures.
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In islamic teachings Allah is on 7th sky not near mercury, anyone cannot see him without his permission and he is alone.

In islamic techings its also written that human is the most brilliant among all creatures.

Any living creature outside outside planet earth would be termed alien, near mercury or not.
What u are the describing are the powers of the alien/god.
I thought about the concept of GOD a lot. I just came to the conclusion that there is no as such "GOD". But there are two powers, one is the power of good and other is the power of evil, and they both are equally powerful.
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