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Alien Earths: why life on other worlds would be far weirder than us

Hey man, you are pissing these aliens off, they will find you. :D

Yeah, I watched a video before, it may be true on some gas giant like Jupiter. These creatures are fed by the energy of lightening.

I just gave birth to a few aliens a few seconds ago. You should stop posting aliens on PDF :rofl::rofl:
They're probably already here!
Photos leaked out of NASA-Johnson Space Center, 100% clear UFOs In High Detail!





And if there's a 'fight' as you say, we don't have a chance! If they have technology for interstellar travel, they could possess weapons that would make ours look like pea shooters!

Jesus...What the heck is this? Alien craft? Which planet is it? But there could be possibilities of space junks by some discarded satellites?

Yeah, human will definitely lose...But what if they are of high moral or don't even bother waste time occupying our polluted earth? Maybe lives on some certain planets are less developed than humans? All possibilities exist!

I just gave birth to a few aliens a few seconds ago. You should stop posting aliens on PDF :rofl::rofl:

Forgive me please...
They're probably already here!

Photos leaked out of NASA-Johnson Space Center, 100% clear UFOs In High Detail!





And if there's a 'fight' as you say, we don't have a chance! If they have technology for interstellar travel, they could possess weapons that would make ours look like pea shooters!

That object is known as the Black Knight and it's said to have been in Earth's orbit for at least 13000 years. (Shouldn't one get immediately suspicious on hearing such 'precise' timelines?) Conventional science dismisses it as a piece of space junk, possibly a chunk of some comet/asteroid that found a stable orbit for itself.
That object is known as the Black Knight and it's said to have been in Earth's orbit for at least 13000 years. (Shouldn't one get immediately suspicious on hearing such 'precise' timelines?) Conventional science dismisses it as a piece of space junk, possibly a chunk of some comet/asteroid that found a stable orbit for itself.
But no space agency has been able to identify this 'space junk' till this day! Remember, every satellite/space junk is cataloged precisely so there's no danger of collisions with other manned/unmanned spacecraft.

Here's what I'm talking about. This is the debris in LEO which stands for low Earth orbit and is the region of space within 2,000 km of the Earth's surface. It is the most concentrated area for orbital debris.The dots represent the current location of each item. The orbital debris dots are scaled according to the image size of the graphic to optimize their visibility.


The photographs posted above called the Black Night is cataloged but NO SPACE AGENCY HAS BEEN ABLE TO IDENTIFY IT AS YET!
Aliens may or may not exist, but the bottom line is all of us would probably be dead long before humans as a species is advanced enough to make positive contact with them by trans-versing the galaxy to get to them, that is provided we dont discover some nano-bot based tech which makes immortality possible....:rolleyes:
Typo man... Office work makes me type it file more often compared to life...:ashamed:

Arre I know, but the word you typed by mistake is also true. If there would be any intelligent life like ours, they must be embroiled in file work...he..he
But no space agency has been able to identify this 'space junk' till this day! Remember, every satellite/space junk is cataloged precisely so there's no danger of collisions with other manned/unmanned spacecraft.

Here's what I'm talking about. This is the debris in LEO which stands for low Earth orbit and is the region of space within 2,000 km of the Earth's surface. It is the most concentrated area for orbital debris.The dots represent the current location of each item. The orbital debris dots are scaled according to the image size of the graphic to optimize their visibility.


The photographs posted above called the Black Night is cataloged but NO SPACE AGENCY HAS BEEN ABLE TO IDENTIFY IT AS YET!

I think the speculation over this space junk stems purely because of it's appearance. But rocks can come in all shapes and sizes, don't they?
Aliens may or may not exist, but the bottom line is all of us would probably be dead long before humans as a species is advanced enough to make positive contact with them by trans-versing the galaxy to get to them, that is provided we dont discover some nano-bot based tech which makes immortality possible....:rolleyes:

just that you wont get to see it, dont be sad...
How exactly can anyone prove the existence of life in other planets though? Seems like calculating the number of potential habitable planets is just as useful as following IPL.:D

One of the biggest idiocies in modern science is the Drake Equation.

It "calculates" the probability of finding advanced civilizations by multiplying a series of terms. Proponents claim it is a valid method to calculate such probabilities, but the fact is that there is absolutely no justification for the values people use for most of the terms.

For any given term, you can put in 1 trillion -- or 1/trillion -- both with equal "justification". It's basically wild *** guesswork masquerading as legitimate analysis. Garbage in, garbage out.
They're probably already here!
Photos leaked out of NASA-Johnson Space Center, 100% clear UFOs In High Detail!





And if there's a 'fight' as you say, we don't have a chance! If they have technology for interstellar travel, they could possess weapons that would make ours look like pea shooters!

nothing unsual probably a space debry...

iam wondering what religion they might be following now
I'm more interested in non-carbon based life forms.

I am also 100% sure non-carbon life for do exists. But can we meet them there or can they meet us here? of course in special suits, as they or we cannot survive each other's climate!!

Also I am interested self replicating Machines/Robots (miniature)
I am also 100% sure non-carbon life for do exists. But can we meet them there or can they meet us here? of course in special suits, as they or we cannot survive each other's climate!!

Also I am interested self replicating Machines/Robots (miniature)

Here's a problem with non carbon based life forms, given the window for non carbon based organic molecules to form complex molecules like protein and nucleic acid is very small. So even if there is life, it has to me under controlled environment as the molecules are susceptible to breakdown even under slight external stimulus. And such life forms cannot attain the stage of complex multi-cellular levels.

P.S: Have been reading a bit on biology recently. :P
I think the speculation over this space junk stems purely because of it's appearance. But rocks can come in all shapes and sizes, don't they?

Studying geology during my engineering days , i can tell you for sure that they do come in all shapes and size. And when they degrade they can come in shapes which we will never believe.

And i really believe that we have too many life forms scattered all over the universe.

or Else its a waste of space :cheesy:
iam wondering what religion they might be following now
Religion is purely a human invention. I don't think aliens have any religion. They're far more advanced than us intellectually. Probably we are the only ones in the universe shedding blood for religion!
Yep! We are the morons of the universe! :partay:
I think the speculation over this space junk stems purely because of it's appearance. But rocks can come in all shapes and sizes, don't they?
Nope, they're not rocks! See my post #19 above. You think scientists and astronomers are so stupid as to not know what rocks look like? The fact is that they have till now been unable to identify these objects.

In other words, those objects aren't space rocks, satellites, space stations, space debris, satellite parts, or spent rocket boosters. So then, what are they?

Here's another triangular object over Earth photographed by the Space Shuttle....


Did I hear someone say, 'rock'? :disagree:
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