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Alice Wells is trying hard to woo Imran Khan...

So in essence.. What you are saying is :-

Pakistani generals do not have the will to fight.
The only reason they retaliated was because of pressure from PAkistani awam ?

Also, the reason why kashmir issue is hot is because of Imran rather than military establishment ? Am I reading it right.

Also , if were to take your Yemen thing seriously .. Wouldn't that antagonized Iran and Shias of Pakistan ? Wouldn't that cause an increase in sectarism and increase in social problems ?


Big deal if Iran was antagonized---. Pakistani shias would have been neutered with all the jobs coming pakistan's way---.

I mean to say---following iran is fine---but shia boys got to feed their families as well---and when there is a plethora of jobs coming your ways---you don't want the sunnis to take all the job and you just go die for iran---. What is going to happen to the family---?

Tell me what shia boy would die for Khomeini & his family is orphaned while the sunni boy next door is sending thousands of riyals and dirhams from the gulf---I mean to say---religious loyalties of different flags don't go that far where your sunni neighbor gets rich while your family will become hungry & homeless.

Majority Pakistani military generals always were at a loss of will to fight---. Read up on the history of our wars---if it was not for the brigadiers and colonels and majors and captains and lt's and non comms---we were done and toast---.

These generals changed our successes to failures---.

Just look at our selection---the WORST & most docile General is picked up to lead our military---and the best warrior generals who are superceded take retirement---.

Tell me where does it happen anywhere in the world's militaries---.


The more I think about her speech---the more I look at the tone of her voice---her body language---her mannersim---her timing of the speech---there is some serious viciousness behind this speech against pakistan---. This speech is malicious in diction and approach---.

I mean to ask---what Illusion is the US living under---it chose to worsen its relationship with pakistan---it blamed pakistan for all the US military failures in AFG---it blamed pakistan for the incompetence of american generals---.

What I would really like to know what is the US upto---?
You must understand IK mentality. Yes some of his actions seem confusing but he has a mind set that he is equal to Westerners and simply wont take dictation from them. This is the result of growing up in elite western surrounding.

This reminds me when I was doing surgery rotations at Woodhull hospital in NY. I was often selected for tasks that were not assigned to junior residents but they tried thinking a brown person would never say no.
Took me a while to prove my worth but after that there was no more stupid demands as they realize I won’t lower myself beneath my position.

IK knows how to standup and talk to them in their language. DO NOT ACCEPT DICTATION from these goras......

They will always use your weakness and exploit it to their benefit.

To be honest brother those of us living in US, Europe and Canada wouldn’t even think twice slamming down a request from these low life’s (goras) after living among them they aren’t special majority are retards.

It’s difficult to see those back home bending their heads down, they need to be nationalized more about Pakistani superiority. During college I worked in retail the gora manager would ask blacks, Mexicans and desi people to clean toilets and shit and the whites to just switch price tags. I was always assigned to the pricing team one day the manager came to me threw the towel and cleaning solution on the ground and said go clean the bath room and smiled. I was shocked eyes wide open, mind processing he looks back and says I told you clean the toilet I told him I ain’t doing that shit, it’s beneath me not just as a person but as a Pakistani, a year before I become a member on the original PDF and learned about our culture and identity, promised myself never to work for a damn gora and do my own business (with the grace of God been 10+ years after graduating have my own commercial business and real estate properties).

Anyways I walked off the job within few seconds and said some colorful language. Come home dad smiling looking at his son, and says how’s work? I’m like dad, I walked off that bitch cause the gora said this and I can’t do that shit”. My dads words, “Now you make sure to get the best education and have them work for you”. Never after this worked for anyone in my life.

However, living among them they are shrewd minded in taking advantage over you and once they in positions of power they will twist your hands - but if you back down and allow them to twist you leave them an opening.
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The US needs to put its ‘money where it’s mouth is’.

Arguing that the ‘US model is better’ is meaningless without any kind of tangible engagement with Pakistan on a comprehensive bilateral trade & investment treaty & tangible US govt support & encouragement to private US businesses to invest in Pakistan.

Pakistan has been asking for greater market access & a potential free trade agreement with the US for years, since Musharraf, with nothing to show.
They are very smart people, today she is trying to give a favor or support which they will ask something which favor them later, no one cares if it hurt Pakistanies or not they just want to fulfill their agenda. which she is after and they knows Imran is the key.
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Either way these yanks made their bed with india so go lie down with them.
The Indians are never going to go to war with China on behalf of the US. The only time India will take punitive action against China is if China directly threatens India.

The Indians won’t even cut off trade ties with Iran without the threat of US sanctions. They’ll continue to purchase weapons and maintain ties with Russia, again, unless there is a threat of significant US sanctions.

What’s left is the Indian market, and even there the US is struggling to get India to open it up more.

But for some reason elements in the US Establishment continue to push this fantasy of promoting India as a ‘counterweight to China’. The Indians will take whatever the US gives them and still follow their historical ‘non-aligned’ foreign policy.
The Indians are never going to go to war with China on behalf of the US. The only time India will take punitive action against China is if China directly threatens India.

The Indians won’t even cut off trade ties with Iran without the threat of US sanctions. They’ll continue to purchase weapons and maintain ties with Russia, again, unless there is a threat of significant US sanctions.

What’s left is the Indian market, and even there the US is struggling to get India to open it up more.

But for some reason elements in the US Establishment continue to push this fantasy of promoting India as a ‘counterweight to China’. The Indians will take whatever the US gives them and still follow their historical ‘non-aligned’ foreign policy.

I think Indian foreign minister cleared that up in his interview with a german news paper


Big deal if Iran was antagonized---. Pakistani shias would have been neutered with all the jobs coming pakistan's way---.

I mean to say---following iran is fine---but shia boys got to feed their families as well---and when there is a plethora of jobs coming your ways---you don't want the sunnis to take all the job and you just go die for iran---. What is going to happen to the family---?

Tell me what shia boy would die for Khomeini & his family is orphaned while the sunni boy next door is sending thousands of riyals and dirhams from the gulf---I mean to say---religious loyalties of different flags don't go that far where your sunni neighbor gets rich while your family will become hungry & homeless.

Majority Pakistani military generals always were at a loss of will to fight---. Read up on the history of our wars---if it was not for the brigadiers and colonels and majors and captains and lt's and non comms---we were done and toast---.

These generals changed our successes to failures---.

Just look at our selection---the WORST & most docile General is picked up to lead our military---and the best warrior generals who are superceded take retirement---.

Tell me where does it happen anywhere in the world's militaries---.


The more I think about her speech---the more I look at the tone of her voice---her body language---her mannersim---her timing of the speech---there is some serious viciousness behind this speech against pakistan---. This speech is malicious in diction and approach---.

I mean to ask---what Illusion is the US living under---it chose to worsen its relationship with pakistan---it blamed pakistan for all the US military failures in AFG---it blamed pakistan for the incompetence of american generals---.

What I would really like to know what is the US upto---?

Good points.

Few things I might add. There have been few ambitious and bold generals like Asad durrani and Hameed Gul but both of them were forced to retire early..

I think what US is trying to do is to prop India to the fullest to attack Pakistan. I think , after the end of Afghan war, US will primarily try to denuclearise Pakistan with the help of India. I certainly don't think a muslim country with nukes is acceptable to whites and zionists. After afghan war , Pakistan will not have any meaningful leverage over US.

Also , Ms Alice unwell looks more of an indian spokeswoman than US representative. Just watch her congressional hearing on Kashmir...Her defense for India was cringe worthy to watch. She is clearly biased. Didn't Shah mahmood criticize her as well....

She , along with Lisa curtis have been a major problem for US in DC.
I think Indian foreign minister cleared that up in his interview with a german news paper
This isn’t the first time JS has said this and both the BJP & Congress have the same approach to foreign policy (non-aligned).

Unfortunately, there is a huge number of think tanks and bureaucrats that have invested in this idea of Indian becoming a counter to China over the past few decades, and many of them will continue to push this idea for the foreseeable future. This view of supporting India has been bolstered by the strained US-Pakistan relationship & Pakistan’s close ties with China, but the US itself is responsible for pushing Pakistan away, both by refusing to understand Pakistan’s concerns in Afghanistan as well as doing nothing to establish a broader relationship with Pakistan focused on trade, investment and increased people to people contacts.

Continuously harping on ‘US gave billions in aid to Pakistan’ only shows that the US thinks/thought Pakistan was so naive & foolish that it wouldn’t see that the US was only focused on a transactional and tactical relationship instead of a broader strategic one
The US is creating trouble in South China sea but on the other hand, they don't want a buffer of naval assets comprising of China and Pro-China states, in the Indian Ocean. They don't like being circled while circling.
This isn’t the first time JS has said this and both the BJP & Congress have the same approach to foreign policy (non-aligned).

Unfortunately, there is a huge number of think tanks and bureaucrats that have invested in this idea of Indian becoming a counter to China over the past few decades, and many of them will continue to push this idea for the foreseeable future. This view of supporting India has been bolstered by the strained US-Pakistan relationship & Pakistan’s close ties with China, but the US itself is responsible for pushing Pakistan away, both by refusing to understand Pakistan’s concerns in Afghanistan as well as doing nothing to establish a broader relationship with Pakistan focused on trade, investment and increased people to people contacts.

Continuously harping on ‘US gave billions in aid to Pakistan’ only shows that the US thinks/thought Pakistan was so naive & foolish that it wouldn’t see that the US was only focused on a transactional and tactical relationship instead of a broader strategic one

I think what is done is done. What lies ahead is now important and to be honest ... I see things getting worse..

Have you seen the panels of major US Think tanks and the so called "experts" on Pakistan ... All of them either Indians or whites who equally hate Pakistan. The few countable Pakistanis hate Pakistan equally aka Hussain Haqani and Madeeha Afzal.

All major literature regarding Pakistan that is read in US is again either written by Indians or whites..

State department leads misinformation assault on CPEC as US wants foot in Pakistan:-

  1. State_SCA‏Verified account @State_SCA Nov 21

    Unlike the Chinese government, the US doesn’t tell businesses where to go; they go where they see the greatest opportunities. There are countless commercial connections between US & #Pakistan leading to thousands of jobs for Pakistanis. AGW

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  2. State_SCA‏Verified account @State_SCA Nov 21

    The US is seeking new opportunities to do business with #Pakistan. @CommerceGov has increased its activity with 15 Pakistani trade delegations planned next year. @OPICGov is more than doubling its global investment cap which will lead to sustainable projects with high standards.

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  3. State_SCA‏Verified account @State_SCA Nov 21

    The US culture of corporate social responsibility also provides models for creating jobs and opportunities. The @USPWC is one such initiative that fosters cooperation between US and #Pakistan private sector to mentor women and girls.

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  4. State_SCA‏Verified account @State_SCA Nov 21

    The US-#Pakistan business partnership stands in contrast to the CPEC model, one that contributes to sustainable growth and expertise that builds capacity for local communities. By bringing superior quality & technology, US companies are driving productivity gains in Pakistan.

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  5. State_SCA‏Verified account @State_SCA Nov 21

    CPEC also relies primarily on Chinese workers and supplies rather than giving that business to #Pakistan companies and workers. Pakistanis—particularly enthusiastic youth—are more than able & willing to work on projects that will benefit their country.

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  6. State_SCA‏Verified account @State_SCA Nov 21

    China is a member of the G20, but hasn’t implemented G20 infrastructure standards, or adopted Paris Club practices of greater concessions and grant aid. Both of these actions would ensure greater transparency in lending practices as a part of CPEC.

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  7. State_SCA‏Verified account @State_SCA Nov 21

    ..the Pakistani people. CPEC almost always takes the form of burdensome loans or financing with Chinese state-owned enterprises and the Chinese government profiting. This is hardly the “peace and win-win cooperation” OBOR is supposed to facilitate.

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  8. State_SCA‏Verified account @State_SCA Nov 21

    The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a main initiative of OBOR intending to bring Pakistan closer to China by addressing infrastructure needs, but potentially at an unsustainable cost to Pakistan. Inflated pricing of power & development projects isn’t good for..

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  9. State_SCA‏Verified account @State_SCA Nov 21

    ..far from responsible in its economic practices. OBOR lacks transparent financing practices. Failure to repay can lead to unsustainable debt burdens, which can result in surrendering of assets and diminishing sovereignty.

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  10. State_SCA‏Verified account @State_SCA Nov 21

    Today, I’m speaking @TheWilsonCenter about the impacts of the Chinese Communist Party’s One Belt One Road (OBOR) in #Pakistan. While the world’s economies certainly benefit from initiatives that promote sustainable global investment & trade, OBOR is..pic.twitter.com/cvtnFv4U88


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  11. State_SCA‏Verified account @State_SCA Nov 21

    Congratulations to participants at the 7th US-India Civil Space Joint Working Group. From monsoon prediction to lunar exploration, research on Venus’s atmosphere to collaboration on deep space navigation ,#USIndiaFriendship in space continues to reach for the stars

I think Indian foreign minister cleared that up in his interview with a german news paper

Good points.

Few things I might add. There have been few ambitious and bold generals like Asad durrani and Hameed Gul but both of them were forced to retire early..

I think what US is trying to do is to prop India to the fullest to attack Pakistan. I think , after the end of Afghan war, US will primarily try to denuclearise Pakistan with the help of India. I certainly don't think a muslim country with nukes is acceptable to whites and zionists. After afghan war , Pakistan will not have any meaningful leverage over US.

Also , Ms Alice unwell looks more of an indian spokeswoman than US representative. Just watch her congressional hearing on Kashmir...Her defense for India was cringe worthy to watch. She is clearly biased. Didn't Shah mahmood criticize her as well....

She , along with Lisa curtis have been a major problem for US in DC.


That is pretty much I had stated my previous posts on Yemen---. It was sabotaged by indians to separate pakistan from GCC---a stair step progression the final step of which would de-nucking pakistan---.

A sad ending of pakistan after kissing iran's behind would be a terrible way to go---.

Continuously harping on ‘US gave billions in aid to Pakistan’ only shows that the US thinks/thought Pakistan was so naive & foolish that it wouldn’t see that the US was only focused on a transactional and tactical relationship instead of a broader strategic one


It was never " aid"---. Pakistan let itself be fooled by the americans who called it aid---that was another stupidity by the pakistani generals of that time---.

The americans said ' we will call it aid---pakistani generals said---please call it aid---' not understanding that the americans would manipulate this term in the longer run or when they changed their thinking about pakistan.

This was the money supposedly for the services provided by pakistan for the WOT---.

The biggest blunder was not to ask to be paid in advanced every year---how could the pakistanis fck up---. They gave a loan to the US for 1 billion dollars every year and let US decide how and when to pay it back and call it whatever they wanted to---.
Looks like Pak is on the right path!!! Pak should now pursue CPEC and other reforms with enthusiasm more than ever before...

Actually---pakistan is on an extremely dangerous path---. It is in the cross hairs of US foreign policy and that is not a good place to be in---.

The timing is extremely critical---with Nawaz just landing in London---there is another over throw of pak govt in the making---. IK should never had allowed Nawaz to leave---.

IK---a good man that he is---he does not have much of a back bone when it come to conflict---he is a peace lover---.
Actually---pakistan is on an extremely dangerous path---. It is in the cross hairs of US foreign policy and that is not a good place to be in---.

The timing is extremely critical---with Nawaz just landing in London---there is another over throw of pak govt in the making---. IK should never had allowed Nawaz to leave---.

IK---a good man that he is---he does not have much of a back bone when it come to conflict---he is a peace lover---.
If it were a decade back definitely things would have been different!!! I am pretty sure Pak can now withstand it like the way Turkey is....

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