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Alice Wells is trying hard to woo Imran Khan...

You must understand IK mentality. Yes some of his actions seem confusing but he has a mind set that he is equal to Westerners and simply wont take dictation from them. This is the result of growing up in elite western surrounding.

This reminds me when I was doing surgery rotations at Woodhull hospital in NY. I was often selected for tasks that were not assigned to junior residents but they tried thinking a brown person would never say no.
Took me a while to prove my worth but after that there was no more stupid demands as they realize I won’t lower myself beneath my position.

IK knows how to standup and talk to them in their language. DO NOT ACCEPT DICTATION from these goras......

They will always use your weakness and exploit it to their benefit.
Dear Alice,

You are being illogical and unreasonable. CPEC is the need of the hour for the State of Pakistan.

It is not desirable to not make use of natural flow of business through the geographical miracle, the epicenter of trade, Pakistan.

Wishing you all the best.

IK is focused on trade and mutually beneficial relationship....
Americans want us to sign off on another aid dependent policy for future exploitation.
We must say no Thankyou...... we need to look towards China which has everything and more to offer provided we are able to negotiate better terms and make them realize that we are reliable growth partners and not some pandoo policy makers like orange train pandoos needed to impress their pind.
Enemy is marching our people suffer while we settle what we tried to settle before and know it's not going to happen for their selfish reasons. Why Iran and Saudi relationship is more important than our Kashmiri brother? Why why why? Why we wont give a shit about our people?
Another thing, there was an article that China was going to setup military component of CPEC in Pakistan. Written by some schill based in india and clearly had help in making that article.

Factories are not the concern but the military component is 100% the concern because of Pakistan's geographical layout.

Either way these yanks made their bed with india so go lie down with them.
All I want is for my nation my people to say "Nuts" while the enemy is trying understand what it means meanwhile the job is done.
A few years back these arrogant Americans were talking trash about Pakistan and thinking we would crumble without them forgetting how many times we helped and supported them on international forum on multiple issues and to be fair benefiting sometimes from our relationship with the US as well as suffering heavily no more occasions.

But now we have realized that US only wants to safeguard it's own interests at our cost. We are courteous people, not stupid. Now we will help and cooperate with China on mutually beneficial projects. The "Pakistan" train left the station when US was toying with "India" train, which turned out to be a dud, now US can only stand at the station and wail at the departing Pakistan train.

Alice Wells is trying hard to woo Imran Khan...
Khan sahab you really think its Imran Khan? It's the one who was smoking cigar iin background on crucial day of Pakistan.
F*UK it i will say it and get it off my chest once and for all.
Any true Muslim and patriot Pakistani would picture himself backing democracy of last term? Every Pakistani knnowsbiys fasad. I'm sorry cheif of army staff of Pakistan the sipasillar of current armed forces of Pakistan let me remind you I read you were the one lighting up cigar in background when a crucial decision of a country was at stake. You lit up a cigar in background and said we will back democracy and I tell you what F you and F ur democracy in which average person suffer and rich gets away. F you and your and your bajwa doctrine I'm not scared any more for I'm syed and until my dying breath I will say F you and your meaningless peace because you and this everything will be turned into ashes. F you and you Fiing cigar who cares for not the one for the one who worship Almighty.
So as I own the consensus for every word I say ban me from Pakistan ban from everywhere but you will not exist but will remain name of Allah and I say F you Qamar javed Bajwa the current commander in competence Cheif of Pakistan Army. F your doctrine F your cigar and F your style. There is one doctrine and that's the doctrine of Allah .
There is one policy and policy of Muslim Pakistani that is i will not shake enemy hand as long as my brethren suffers in his custody .
Get your Red boys get your churn get whatever the f8ck you want for I fear no Man I have Allah as my help.

Bro what is wrong with you.,,.look at your language .... using F word and Allah in the same post .....
Tough questions that Pakistanis ask are

Why cooperate with US in it's war on terror, while it keeps accusing us of duplicity?
Why cooperate with US when the violate our airspace and use drones to Kill people on sovereign Pakistani soil?
Why cooperate with US when their helos attacked our military post killing 39 of our sons?
Why cooperate with US when then violated our sovereignty and attacked a residence in Abbottabad?
Why cooperate with US when they refused to deliver 60 F-16 despite full payment in advance?
Why cooperate with US while they refused to deliver 8 F-16 on an agreed price?
Why cooperate with US while the refused to deliver 12 helos on agreed price?
Why cooperate with US when they refuse to pay the agreed cost of using our facilities in their war on terror?
Why cooperate with US when their CIA operatives kill Pakistani citizens riding a bike in broad daylight
Why cooperate with US who refused to help us despite SEATO and SENTO
Why cooperate with US when it helps and supports our arch rival India?
Why cooperate with US who supported military takeovers to support US wars?

Once we get the questions to these answers, we will ask questions about China

Alice Wells is trying hard to woo Imran Khan...
Enemy is marching our people suffer while we settle what we tried to settle before and know it's not going to happen for their selfish reasons. Why Iran and Saudi relationship is more important than our Kashmiri brother? Why why why? Why we wont give a shit about our people?


For that very reason---I have written everywhere that I could and talked to anyone who would hear me---.

We cannot do anything because our air force is WEAK---that is why 26th feb happened---to test our level of strength & reaction and their short comings---.

The indians with the help of israelis and with the permission of the americans were testing the waters---our capabilities were important---but our reaction was more so---.

They tried the 1000 years old option---throw a 1000 soldiers on this wall to test its strength---throw another 1000 on another wall to test that side of the strength---throw another 1000 on another wall to test that walls strength---.

All those indian aircraft in the air were the sacrifical lambs---the indian pilots may not have know---but the general command did on the orders of Mr. Modi ( never under estimate the viciousness of Mr. Modi ).

And you know what---so many pakistanis on this forum challenged me---" who would intentionally send someone to die ".

Those illiterates if they had read some history would not have asked that---.

The indians found that Paf was ill prepared on the 26th---basically sleeping at the job even though the indians had already thrown the challenge and openly stated the sights that would be targeted---.

And as I had state many a times---if it was not for the reaction of the pakistani ublic---Paf would have not done anything---.

Even though the JF17 is a great own aircraft---the primary concern would have been to procure the right numbers of aircraft in a timely manner at the opportune moment---.

The US did not understand why the Paf did not force on the US for more F16's after pakistan signed on on joining the WOT---the indians on the other hand were flabbergasted as well at what was Paf doing---or actually not doing---actually all the world powers were astonished at Paf for not running to get the needed aircraft from the USA.

The kashmir occupation was very well planned---. There were many a misteps on the part of pakistanis and many warnings given to pakistan in different mannerism from some very unexpected places of what was coming---.

I go back to Yemen crisis---. Pakistan's military was invited by the US to come take charge of the region---taking charge of the region meant a 100 K plus troops---taking charge meant a major force in a different geographic location in relation to our known enemies---Indian & Iran---.

Why would the US ask us to form a major military force for the region---why would Barack HUSSEIN Obama give the directive to allow pakistan's military to display power in another geographic zone---?

The failure of Gen Raheel to heed to the needs of the changing scenario was the cataclysmic happening that led to the UTMOST FAILURE of pakistan's military understanding what was to come---.

Barack HUSSEIN knew what was coming---that is why he allowed the pakistani military the option---why did he do that---there is an interesting scenario for that as well.

Pakistanis failed to understand---. The Shia controlled media in pakistan sabotaged the workings of the state---the state by itself did not know how to act---the military under Gen Raheel became directionless---.

This started the separation of pakistan from its herd---the gulf states---and there started deep ill will between the two---.

Now with gulf states in their pocket and Iran playing proxy to india---india decided to make the final move after showed their hand and Imran Khan declared to the world that he is a PESSIMIST and don't like war---.

IK made some terrible statements and cornered pakistan into a spot from where it could not act unless india made a move across the border---.

But with a WEAK air force in numbers---pak military has its hands tied.

The only option is left to the kashmiris---they need to form a defacto govt head quartered in pakistan---the govt should form a military and ask pakistan for help for man weapons and war---.

The pakistani generals may have been wanting excuse---but it was IK who tied their hands---.
Your assessment is wrong.

Obama was not a fan of Pakistan, the fact is Pakistan has suffered more humiliation and losses at the hand of Obama than all the other US presidents combined.

If anything , by joining Yemen war, Pakistan army would have suffered heavy casualties, lost our sons in a foreign war, and become weaker at home front.

Command of 120,000 allied forces means nothing, it's not like Pakistani commander could have used them to fight against India.

If the whole objective of Indian drama on 26/2 was to test our strength and they found PAF to be weak as you claim, then what stopped them from finishing the job?

and then the contradiction, if as you claim US was hinting at what is to come and gave us an opening to show our strength in Yemen, why would the same US help India to attack Pakistan?

The reality is 180 degrees north of your assessment. India found out what PAF is capable of, otherwise they would not have licked their wounds in front of the whole world. IK's statement was nothing more than a political statement, a leaders statement does not make his AF weak.

And don't forget the condition of our economy, Pakistan can not afford a war at this time, the wise thing is to avoid it as much possible, but still we did not hesitate to retaliate and show our resolve to defend the country.

PAF might be "weak" in terms of number of fighter jets, but country's overall fighting capability is determined on all available offensive and defensive weapons, and thanks to Almighty ALLAH, we have very capable offensive capabilities that help us to avoid the full blown war.


For that very reason---I have written everywhere that I could and talked to anyone who would hear me---.

We cannot do anything because our air force is WEAK---that is why 26th feb happened---to test our level of strength & reaction and their short comings---.

The indians with the help of israelis and with the permission of the americans were testing the waters---our capabilities were important---but our reaction was more so---.

They tried the 1000 years old option---throw a 1000 soldiers on this wall to test its strength---throw another 1000 on another wall to test that side of the strength---throw another 1000 on another wall to test that walls strength---.

All those indian aircraft in the air were the sacrifical lambs---the indian pilots may not have know---but the general command did on the orders of Mr. Modi ( never under estimate the viciousness of Mr. Modi ).

And you know what---so many pakistanis on this forum challenged me---" who would intentionally send someone to die ".

Those illiterates if they had read some history would not have asked that---.

The indians found that Paf was ill prepared on the 26th---basically sleeping at the job even though the indians had already thrown the challenge and openly stated the sights that would be targeted---.

And as I had state many a times---if it was not for the reaction of the pakistani ublic---Paf would have not done anything---.

Even though the JF17 is a great own aircraft---the primary concern would have been to procure the right numbers of aircraft in a timely manner at the opportune moment---.

The US did not understand why the Paf did not force on the US for more F16's after pakistan signed on on joining the WOT---the indians on the other hand were flabbergasted as well at what was Paf doing---or actually not doing---actually all the world powers were astonished at Paf for not running to get the needed aircraft from the USA.

The kashmir occupation was very well planned---. There were many a misteps on the part of pakistanis and many warnings given to pakistan in different mannerism from some very unexpected places of what was coming---.

I go back to Yemen crisis---. Pakistan's military was invited by the US to come take charge of the region---taking charge of the region meant a 100 K plus troops---taking charge meant a major force in a different geographic location in relation to our known enemies---Indian & Iran---.

Why would the US ask us to form a major military force for the region---why would Barack HUSSEIN Obama give the directive to allow pakistan's military to display power in another geographic zone---?

The failure of Gen Raheel to heed to the needs of the changing scenario was the cataclysmic happening that led to the UTMOST FAILURE of pakistan's military understanding what was to come---.

Barack HUSSEIN knew what was coming---that is why he allowed the pakistani military the option---why did he do that---there is an interesting scenario for that as well.

Pakistanis failed to understand---. The Shia controlled media in pakistan sabotaged the workings of the state---the state by itself did not know how to act---the military under Gen Raheel became directionless---.

This started the separation of pakistan from its herd---the gulf states---and there started deep ill will between the two---.

Now with gulf states in their pocket and Iran playing proxy to india---india decided to make the final move after showed their hand and Imran Khan declared to the world that he is a PESSIMIST and don't like war---.

IK made some terrible statements and cornered pakistan into a spot from where it could not act unless india made a move across the border---.

But with a WEAK air force in numbers---pak military has its hands tied.

The only option is left to the kashmiris---they need to form a defacto govt head quartered in pakistan---the govt should form a military and ask pakistan for help for man weapons and war---.

The pakistani generals may have been wanting excuse---but it was IK who tied their hands---.

For that very reason---I have written everywhere that I could and talked to anyone who would hear me---.

We cannot do anything because our air force is WEAK---that is why 26th feb happened---to test our level of strength & reaction and their short comings---.

The indians with the help of israelis and with the permission of the americans were testing the waters---our capabilities were important---but our reaction was more so---.

They tried the 1000 years old option---throw a 1000 soldiers on this wall to test its strength---throw another 1000 on another wall to test that side of the strength---throw another 1000 on another wall to test that walls strength---.

All those indian aircraft in the air were the sacrifical lambs---the indian pilots may not have know---but the general command did on the orders of Mr. Modi ( never under estimate the viciousness of Mr. Modi ).

And you know what---so many pakistanis on this forum challenged me---" who would intentionally send someone to die ".

Those illiterates if they had read some history would not have asked that---.

The indians found that Paf was ill prepared on the 26th---basically sleeping at the job even though the indians had already thrown the challenge and openly stated the sights that would be targeted---.

And as I had state many a times---if it was not for the reaction of the pakistani ublic---Paf would have not done anything---.

Even though the JF17 is a great own aircraft---the primary concern would have been to procure the right numbers of aircraft in a timely manner at the opportune moment---.

The US did not understand why the Paf did not force on the US for more F16's after pakistan signed on on joining the WOT---the indians on the other hand were flabbergasted as well at what was Paf doing---or actually not doing---actually all the world powers were astonished at Paf for not running to get the needed aircraft from the USA.

The kashmir occupation was very well planned---. There were many a misteps on the part of pakistanis and many warnings given to pakistan in different mannerism from some very unexpected places of what was coming---.

I go back to Yemen crisis---. Pakistan's military was invited by the US to come take charge of the region---taking charge of the region meant a 100 K plus troops---taking charge meant a major force in a different geographic location in relation to our known enemies---Indian & Iran---.

Why would the US ask us to form a major military force for the region---why would Barack HUSSEIN Obama give the directive to allow pakistan's military to display power in another geographic zone---?

The failure of Gen Raheel to heed to the needs of the changing scenario was the cataclysmic happening that led to the UTMOST FAILURE of pakistan's military understanding what was to come---.

Barack HUSSEIN knew what was coming---that is why he allowed the pakistani military the option---why did he do that---there is an interesting scenario for that as well.

Pakistanis failed to understand---. The Shia controlled media in pakistan sabotaged the workings of the state---the state by itself did not know how to act---the military under Gen Raheel became directionless---.

This started the separation of pakistan from its herd---the gulf states---and there started deep ill will between the two---.

Now with gulf states in their pocket and Iran playing proxy to india---india decided to make the final move after showed their hand and Imran Khan declared to the world that he is a PESSIMIST and don't like war---.

IK made some terrible statements and cornered pakistan into a spot from where it could not act unless india made a move across the border---.

But with a WEAK air force in numbers---pak military has its hands tied.

The only option is left to the kashmiris---they need to form a defacto govt head quartered in pakistan---the govt should form a military and ask pakistan for help for man weapons and war---.

The pakistani generals may have been wanting excuse---but it was IK who tied their hands---.

So in essence.. What you are saying is :-

Pakistani generals do not have the will to fight.
The only reason they retaliated was because of pressure from PAkistani awam ?

Also, the reason why kashmir issue is hot is because of Imran rather than military establishment ? Am I reading it right.

Also , if were to take your Yemen thing seriously .. Wouldn't that antagonized Iran and Shias of Pakistan ? Wouldn't that cause an increase in sectarism and increase in social problems ?

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