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Alibaba: The Giant of e-Commerce

For the category of “large home appliances”,Xiaomi is ranked 3rd behind Haier and Gree:


which means Xiaomi TVs are selling like hotcakes。:enjoy:
I believe Alibaba and its domestic rivals will make 11.11.2015 the day for a shopping orgy(spree)of truly international proportions。:partay:
Yeah, you can see more foreign products than last year. If the record is getting higher year by year, that will attract more foreign suppliers. Lets unleash the buy power. And yeah, buy Chinese.
For the category of “large home appliances”,Xiaomi is ranked 3rd behind Haier and Gree:

View attachment 149406

which means Xiaomi TVs are selling like hotcakes。:enjoy:

I am a little astonished that Huawei Rank No.2 in smartphone sector and the sales don't reach half of Xiaomi.

Keep going, Xiaomi.
I am a little astonished that Huawei Rank No.2 in smartphone sector and the sales don't reach half of Xiaomi.

Keep going, Xiaomi.

Huawei made a serious mistake of under-estimating demands for its Mate 7 phablets。

It is THE smart device that is most hard to come by in China these days!:hitwall::argh::D
Huawei made a serious mistake of under-estimating demands for its Mate 7 phablets。

It is THE smart device that is most hard to come by in China these days!:hitwall::argh::D
It's a nightmare, bro. My friends and me tried 3 times to order mate 7 golden version in 7th and 11st, Nov all failed.
Ascend mate 7 has good reputation and I think its more popular than Huawei can imagine. Huawei should take this chance and catch up with production and marketing or the potential customers will change to ip.
And mate 7 has been sold for 3 million units
Anyone ordred from Ali Express? It doesn't seem to have a secured checkout
I don't understand why online shops in China don't have to pay the tax.That's weird and not fair at all.
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less than i predicted.anyway, 57.1 billion rmb,new world record.tomorrow we will know how much other shops sell.
less than i predicted.anyway, 57.1 billion rmb,new world record.tomorrow we will know how much other shops sell.


Last time I predicted it is around 60 billion, quite reasonable. Total will surpass 100 billion I think. :D

Very interesting data. There's 217 countries/areas participate the 1111 festival.
HongKong, Russia, American, Taipei, Australia, SG, Canada, MACAU, Brasil, Spain rank top 10.

Sales for export is $9.339 billion.

Alibaba's IPO debut roars, shares soar 33% | Page 6

  【环球网科技报道 记者 陈健】在经历了11月11日一整天的狂欢购物后,阿里巴巴S十一购物狂欢节总成交额以571.12亿最终落定。值得注意的是无线成交243亿,占比42.6%!



阿里双十一成交额571.12亿元 创造新的世界记录_科技_环球网
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in fact, many of them pay tax.you can ask for invoice if needed.
Most of online shops don't give invoice to consumers and if you ask you must pay extra money.First of all,they don't need to,that's the point.I think in Japan or US,they are forced to pay taxes.That's extremely wierd and unfair.
Most of online shops don't give invoice to consumers and if you ask you must pay extra money.First of all,they don't need to,that's the point.I think in Japan or US,they are forced to pay taxes.That's extremely wierd and unfair.
Are you saying if I ordered from Ali there is no invoice sent to my email account ?
Most of online shops don't give invoice to consumers and if you ask you must pay extra money.First of all,they don't need to,that's the point.I think in Japan or US,they are forced to pay taxes.That's extremely wierd and unfair.

In the US a company is only required to pay taxes if they have offices in the state in which the order is placed.
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