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Alert! UFO War: Chinese and US Navy off San Francisco!

History can repeat itself in case of isro2222. Just like when Darwin states survival of fittest theory. When Galileo said earth revolve sun not sun revolves earth, mendel explain law of heredity. Everyone made fun oh them but now everyone see them as legend. May be after some years we will do anything to meet him,for his autograph, our children study about him in books. Who knows
@asad71 and razpak the reason BBC crew got away was MI6.... BBC is puppet of uk goverment and MI6 works for uk goverment.... MI6 even more deadly than KGB and killed head of KGB.... that says all about power of MI6.... They more more deadly than CIA.... However both MI6 and CIA works closely with tall greys.... The reason to spy was may be uk thought america might had hiding something from them.... They choosed BBC because they knew BBC wont get shot by america.... Clever move and it paidoff well....
@on topic....
america learned most of things from tall greys (given and stolen).... When roswell happened than tall greys lost temper (before roswell incident america was not working for tall greys).... The day roswell happened the tall greys decided to end american president kennedy.... Tall greys has E.L.F Technology that can control human frequency.... There are frequencies that are made for perticular purpose.... 528Hz is love frequency.... Same way there are anger frequency, hatred, murder, voilence, mental, hynotized zombie, war etc etc frequency.... i given the proof of it many times but again i will give it.... The tall greys were alot angry. They controled a young man and made him murder american president.... Tall greys didnt stop there.... They decided to make kennedy family go through pain (roswell incident had tall greys family member who died).... After american president his brother too got shot dead.... Till now kennedy family going through hell (recently kennedy family women suicided).... Many family members of kennedy died.... After america found out it was tall greys (in dulce incident) they decided to have a peace treaty with tall greys in dulce.... They decided to built a satan church where every american new president will go to take blessing of Reptilian commander and Tall Grey commander.... Now tall greys have control on american goverment.... If anyone who expose tall greys or sensitive technology they building gets murderd.... America learned alot from tall greys. CIA and MI6 are under tall greys command.... They created MIB (men in black) from dead human bodies to make people shut their mouth about expriment and abductions.... However they work together only on ET section with CIA and MI6.... Even i am scared of them.... But am no threat to them as i dont have any high level post in goverment to influence decisions.... Today most top level people like politicians, singers, actors etc etc who have reach in every house on planet are controlled by Tall greys and aggressive Greys.... Same time good people are controled by Humanoids who are at war with this evil politicians, singers, actors....
YouTube - HAARP Technology Words from project managers
World Mysteries - Was JFK killed because of Roswell?, an article by Doug Yurchey
Michelle Obama Shows Her Allegiance to Satan
YouTube - Lady GaGa's Hairstylist Quits And Says She's A Devil Worshiper !
YouTube - Lady Gaga's Hair Dresser -Found 666 on her scalp
YouTube - Dr. Karla Turner MURDERED for Exposing Alien Greys
YouTube - The man that killed 2 alien greys www.projectspirits.org
How long have you been reading about Aliens and how much you researched in it ?
@Krait since age 8 i was alot intrested in life on other planets.... At winter specialy december and jan i always use to visit nehru planetarium in worli mumbai.... With it i was alot intrested in astrology and numerology.... When i turned age 14 i suddenly started feeling astrology effects on me (planets devices are created by annunakis such a way that it dont disturbs small kids. Only after 14 we get the effects).... Anything i use to think (negative) use to come true.... Than i started doing remedy for it. It was bunch of Mantras.... i slowly started getting positive result.... However mantras dont suit to everyone.... They do but for some it dont work. Example: there is many mantras for laxmi, shani, shiv, etc etc Choosing right one gives benefits.... Choose the one which suits u.... But i always use to get confused.... i always got troubles if i had utterd word Alpha, evil, demon, master etc etc.... Color grey gave me trouble.... Watching dinosour movie gave me trouble.... i kept thinking why.... i started doing metta meditation 3 hours a day.... After two years i got the answer i was looking for by purple Arcturian who invited me on starship Athena.... He told me everything i wanted to know.... Next day i started reciting mantra 'Maha mrityunjaya mantra'.... After few months in my sleep i saw a glowing garud.... Which turned into triangle spaceship.... i think thats humanoid spaceship.... there were many time i sat outside at midnight watching stars and in my heart i said 'i wish i can see humanoid spaceship' and than suddenly i saw a fast glowing spaceship passing by in deep midnight sky.... it happened with me many times. arcturians told me to use internet to spread loving message and message of not to fear.... Arcturians told me so many things. One of them was about gods of Earth.... They all were aliens and they live on planet sirius and nibiru.... They all cant come on earth due to evil age (kaal yug).... From 21st december golden age starting and it will last next 10,000 years. This is the time our lords will land on earth.... i have done alot research on everything. it just i dont know from where to start....
Isro2222, you are one of my favorite poster on this forum. I don't care what others say about you and even if I laugh at your words, I certainly like your conviction, if you are that serious.

Even if I laugh, your posts certainly relieves any stress I have.

Hope I will meet you. You are different from normal people and no matter how weird your statements seems to me, you are an interesting fellow :enjoy:

I wish you get positive energy always. Does Mantra for Surya works ? an astrologer suggested me to use it :D
Isro2222, you are one of my favorite poster on this forum. I don't care what others say about you and even if I laugh at your words, I certainly like your conviction, if you are that serious.

Even if I laugh, your posts certainly relieves any stress I have.

Hope I will meet you. You are different from normal people and no matter how weird your statements seems to me, you are an interesting fellow :enjoy:

I wish you get positive energy always. Does Mantra for Surya works ? an astrologer suggested me to use it :D

Whether real or not, Isro's information is always fascinating for me. I find myself on this thread more often than I thought I would be.
Whether real or not, Isro's information is always fascinating for me. I find myself on this thread more often than I thought I would be.
Among very few things we are on same page. You are absolutely right.
After two years i got the answer i was looking for by purple Arcturian who invited me on starship Athena.... He told me everything i wanted to know....

Starship Athena?? :woot: Now that's interesting! :smokin:

From 21st december golden age starting and it will last next 10,000 years. This is the time our lords will land on earth.... i have done alot research on everything. it just i dont know from where to start....

Ah! So as per your belief, aliens would land on Earth on 21 Dec 2012 and the so called 'golden age' will begin? :what: But I thought the world will come to an end on that date? :lol:
This is still the Kaliyuga and it will continue for many more years the date of dec 21st will still be classed as being in this yuga.
I’ve been involved with the subject of UFOs since 1991, but unlike most people with this interest, this didn’t result from my having a sighting and it wasn’t a hobby – it was my government job! I worked for the Ministry of Defence for 21 years, from 1985 to 2006. I had a varied and enjoyable career, but by far my most bizarre MoD job was one that I did from 1991 to 1994, when my responsibilities included researching and investigating UFOs.

The MoD’s UFO project dates back to the Fifties and the wonderfully-named Flying Saucer Working Party. This had been set up in 1950 by MoD’s Chief Scientific Adviser, the great radar pioneer Sir Henry Tizard, who said that UFO sightings should not be dismissed without first carrying out some sort of proper scientific investigation.

In fact, the Working Party’s conclusions were sceptical. Their final report – issued in 1951 – concluded that UFO sightings were misidentifications, hoaxes or delusions and they recommended that no further investigations be carried out. But in 1952 the MoD was reluctantly dragged back into the subject after a wave of sightings during a large NATO exercise, where UFOs were seen by numerous RAF pilots, and tracked on radar, performing extraordinary speeds and manoeuvres.

The suspicion, of course, was that we were dealing with Russians, not Martians. However, the MoD and the RAF kept open minds and the terms of reference of the MoD’s UFO project simply involved investigating all UFO sightings to see whether there was evidence of any potential threat to the UK, or anything of more general “defence interest” – a phrase we carefully avoided defining.

When I was posted to this section in 1991 I had no idea what to expect. I had no interest in UFOs and no particular beliefs on the subject. So far as I can recall, the first sighting that I investigated involved white, red and green lights not far from Heathrow! My conclusion, unsurprisingly, was “probable aircraft”. Most of the 200-300 sightings that I investigated each year turned out to have simple explanations: aircraft lights, weather balloons, meteors, satellites and various other conventional objects and phenomena. But around 5% remained unexplained and some of these cases involved sightings from police officers, military personnel and pilots.

One of the most fascinating cases I investigated took place in March 1993 and involved a UFO that flew over two military bases. One of the RAF witnesses described seeing a large triangular-shaped craft which flew very slowly over RAF Shawbury in the Midlands, before accelerating away to the horizon many times faster than a military jet. Our first suspicion was that this was a prototype aircraft or drone – a new spy plane, perhaps. But our investigations drew a complete blank.

The job involved more than simply investigating UFOs. A typical day might involve anything from responding to questions from the media to helping a child with a school project on UFOs. It was a fascinating job, but although I became known as the real-life Fox Mulder, MoD’s UFO project wasn’t quite as glamorous as The X-Files!

Despite lots of conspiracy theories suggesting that we were covering up the truth about UFOs, there was no conspiracy. Or rather, if the authorities really do have a crashed UFO hidden away somewhere, I’m afraid they didn’t tell me. People can see for themselves, because the MoD is in the process of declassifying and releasing the entire archive of UFO files. That’s because when the Freedom of Information Act was introduced, MoD received more requests about UFOs than on any other subject!

I’m often asked what I think aliens will look like or what might happen if we ever encounter extraterrestrials. Hollywood has come up with a variety of answers to the first question: some cute, others frightening. My own view is that aliens may look like nothing we’ve even remotely imagined. But one thing I think is quite likely is that we’ll be dealing with robots or cyborgs. Our first encounter with extraterrestrials might involve artificial intelligence and that being the case, they might make contact via our computers: an email from ET, so to speak!

When I left the MoD, I became a journalist and broadcaster. Unsurprisingly, given my previous experience, I’ve specialised in the unexplained, conspiracy theories and science fiction. I often get involved with movies, TV shows or computer games with an extraterrestrial theme and I’m currently involved in promoting the new alien invasion computer game XCOM: Enemy Unknown. It’s a turn-based strategy game in which you build a headquarters, select a team and undertake various missions, which can involve anything from shooting down a UFO and battling aliens, through to researching alien technologies. The game combines tactical gameplay with some incredible action sequences and on-the ground combat. It’s challenging and great fun.

The truth is out there… UFO expert Nick Pope talks about aliens | Nick Pope | Independent Editor's choice Blogs
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