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Alas! Nation Of 160 Million Fools

Bill Longley

Apr 15, 2008
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some peole will find this eassy confuseing.... It is....becuse a common man is confus and some what irritated... friend with good english taste are advised not to Read... BUT FRIEND WHO READ ARE ENCOURAGED TO COMMENT...



Iftikhar Muhammad Ch. is back

Now justice will return...every thing will be fine

Suicide bombings and terrorism will end...

PPP govt has done it again....

No its work of PML Nawaz, APDM and lawyers......

Pakistan will become paradise


What the ****.... System is safe now ...but system where few eat all...

Our elite are very clever..... They know how to safeguard their interests..

As journalists working in Pakistan’s most popular Media net work, I regularly meet a common Pakistani...who is frustrated and hopeless.... I can feel the pain of day to day life.... every day I hear new stories of tears and grief’s.....

Atta for Roti is 450 RS per 20 KG bag, Chicken RS 116/ KG, that to live... when I go out with my wife for weekly shopping 3 four thousand vanishes for common vegetable, fruit etc...
I earn 25000 and live in my fathers house.....but I am economically depressed.... when I think about having children new fears come to my mind...how will I afford...I cannot earn dirty money which most of our journalists earn... I know after 10 years if things remain same I will be a lower class man...hand to mouth....

but when I think about Sajjid or khan Sahib , on whose Rickshaws I travel to office....my frustration turns into anger....The great system which is Safe now... thanks to intervention of USA and Army...is Raping the very common man which it is suppose to protect....

Sajjid and Khan Saab are just samples amongst 160 million fools....they earn 15000 per month and from this 15000 had to pay challans, traffic wardens and of course where tare of their vehicle.... they come to Lahore from as far as Mohmand agency and Southern Punjab to earn more than they earn in their native towns and villages... from their earning they send money to their old parents and families... they find life more miserable then hell....

But what about those who have no rickshaw ...or business.... the Mazdoor or common laborer.....who earn just 160 per day i.e. below 5000 Rs.... hell .... Will this saved system bring dollars for him... andWill his life in future be great....

Leaders of my nation (I don’t reckon any one of them) Say "CJ will bring justice and Justice will bring prosperity"....wow ....great...but was a common man getting prosperous when CJ was in office....no


Then what was this justice movement all about??????????

Yea...you are right ...to save system.....

To save system from revolution.....

Have any body amoungst us ever wondered why a teenager agrees to become human bomb?

Or why an educated youngster agrees to commit robberies and street crimes.....

Jokers who love this system blames it on mullah, India, or United states....or cheaps like Altaf Bhai on Feudal system to which they them selves support.... are they responsible?.... to some extent yes....

in our society where there are three standards...first for elite, second for middle and last for lower.... which provides best incubatingenviroment to create frustration....

I have a beard...but I am journalist... when ever police stops me ....my Card and occupation make them give me respect...but on the same Naaka(police cheak post) a common Pakistani is disgraced like an animal.....

I belong to middle class , my Father is an ex army officer.... so i had luxary of attending best army schools.... due to which I got job easily ....but I have seen hundreds of men and women better then me... job less or with jobs which earn them less than 7000 per month....

Once my father told me a Boy with MCom first div ...he came to him to become security guard... upon my fathers refusal he said sir i have two sisters and sick parents... tomorrow if i die in police encounter or get arrested for robbery or other crime ....you and this system will be responsible....

Coming back to terrorism.... can any sane man go for becoming suicide bomber????? NO AND YES

If their is justice....when there are no three standards.... when i know i will get what i sweat for... then never
Andwhen student of LUMS will be taken equivalent to Punjab university student and will be judged on his merit.... then no.....no one will ever think to become a bomber

but when, like Ahmed Ali.... who is security Guard in my colony.... from Rajan Pur .... had to weep for justice in front of police ....to beg justice for his raped sister by land lord... and get cursed and kicked out of police station by SHO...then to beg again to poor journalist like me to help him out ... then yes people will become terrorists....

when people have to stop for hours on signals because Prime minister SAAB had to pass from there...then yes people will become....

when a 60 years Amma with 104 degree temperature have to come to work to clean utensils with cold water in cold winter of Lahore ...just to earn 600 Rs /month...then yes terrorists will born

And yes when Son of minister will be forgiven for every crime and son of common will be punished for crimes he never committed ...then yes

People say now every thing will be all right... what bloody all right

people of Pakistan are and were getting frustrated and hope less...common man was talking about revolution.... when at last people were getting fedup of Mullah, aristocracy ...elite allience of Rapeing them alternately...Three big giants decided to depressurize and bring stability to save SYSTEM.... Nawaz was disqualified along with his brother.... and he took over long march... frustrated foolish people who were convinced by their leaders and media(in hand of big busniss tycoons) that CJ reinstalment will bring them hope.... joined them and this movement succeeded...people think they won...but I bet they soon will realize this DAJJALI ELITISTIC SYSTEM WON...the Potential for revolution for long will never build...Elite has successfully de pressurized the atmosphere

NOW NRO, RECONCILLIATION will happen..... And groups with in elite will enjoy the benefits of this suffocating system

Ahmed Ali will beg for ever.... Amma will die washing utensils..... Zaid, baker will go for extremism.... Fayyaz will become dacoit after his MA ... and there will be peace and prosperity in Pakistan....in words of BUSHARRAF.....SAB SAY PEHLAY PAKISTAN.....

All Pakistan is a jungle
Every Pakistani has become a whore
Elite Rape the country
And we all act like a fool
Some sell religion, some sell dreams
Nation is dieing hungry and they are eating cream
Inter Elite conflicts, democracy and rule of law, all are their fraud
Government of elite for the elite by the elite is a big fraud.
They live in AC and we don’t even get fan
They travel in luxury cars which we never can
Their children study at Harvard when our children have no school
Tears and tears only for NATION OF 160 MILLION FOOL

Those who were in Judiciary restoration movement

Lawyers........................check them out in kacheharies and courts to find out how great they are...

Civil society.....wow they are also elite who benifit and enjoy

EX SERIVICE MEN..... Those who were them selves same in Uniform

APDM................Sincere but confused fools

PML n.....................People know what there game was all about

Those who opposed

MQM...............DON OF SINDH

PPP.......... Don’t Talk about NRO....Swiss......

ANP............. Ministries are yes Important
C J Is here now everything iz safe!We iz safe from terrorism.Democrazy iz in action.Pakistan will become super power now :D
if you want to bring change...then system with elitist culture should be changed

i see re play of iranian revolution withing 5 years
yeah, but it should not be islamic revolution because the islamic regime of Iran has isolated it from the whole world which hopefully wont happen with Pakistan.
C'mon don't force yourself to become a cynic. There is no magic going to happen but somethings will
yeh iran has isolated itself but dont forget they r stil a prosperous nation ! even after being isolated they hav enuf for themselves n the whole world is astonished how there is prosperity after this isolation...brother dont forget islam...islam is the true way of life.watever the west say abt islam..they all r wrong.
and Inshallah aqal aye g hamari nation ko..kafi hadd tak aa gayi hai but still v hav to g a wayyyyyy ahead...Inshallah v will ..to dat reporter brother who is so much hopeless abt our country,dont lose ur heart...umeed pe dunia qaim hain n in islam mayosi gunah hai..so b positive guys.things will change INSHALLAH
Inshallah v will ..to dat reporter brother who is so much hopeless abt our country,dont lose ur heart...umeed pe dunia qaim hain n in islam mayosi gunah hai..so b positive guys.things will change INSHALLAH
مین ایک صوفی ہون۔۔۔اور نا امیدی میرے مسلک میں
نہین۔۔۔۔ میرے بھائی یہ کڑوی سچائی ہے جو میں نے بیان کی
Look, i don't want my state authorities to be the police.I don't want my countrymen to be executed because they are homo or are not following Islamic Laws.I'd rather live in a a democratic or dictatorship pakistan instead of a extreme Islamic country where you live like a slave of Mullahs.
yeh iran has isolated itself but dont forget they r stil a prosperous nation ! even after being isolated they hav enuf for themselves n the whole world is astonished how there is prosperity after this isolation...brother dont forget islam...islam is the true way of life.watever the west say abt islam..they all r wrong.
Yeah, right??Have you ever been to Iran?If it was not for Oil it would be the poorest nation in the world right now.The people so poor in Iran that it's beyond your imagination.Just visit it once and youll find the truth Trust me.I've visited it and the islamic regime has done real damage to people.
Well with every maulvi waving his version of the Shariah the only revolution Pakistan can get is if they start educating everyone they know for only when education is spread will the voter know the responsibility on his shoulders, Pakistan isn't all in ruins we once had a very prosperous industrial sector in a lot of parts of Punjab and Sindh and our arts and culture were once deemed priceless at auctions and tourism boomed we just need to vote right and to vote right we need to educate the voter..
Yeah, right??Have you ever been to Iran?If it was not for Oil it would be the poorest nation in the world right now.The people so poor in Iran that it's beyond your imagination.Just visit it once and youll find the truth Trust me.I've visited it and the islamic regime has done real damage to people.

:) ok so want ENLIGHTNED MODERATION?musharraf ka khuwab?well its ur opiion brother...but in my opinion..zillat ki ayashi se,izat ki ghurbat bether hai...now its upto..whether u make WEST happy n become like them,not totally ofcourse but near to like them and become a PROSPEROUS nation.
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