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Alas! Nation Of 160 Million Fools

The whole Mullah Mentality of Pakistan actually started back when that idiot Zia-ul-haq came into power. Pakistan never had much problems with these jihadi elements prior to Zia... Upon US's request to arm the mujahadin to fight the soviets and raking in billions of dollars in doing so.. i don't think he saw the major blowback that would occur a decade a half later.....

Musharaf wasn't that bad as compared to Zia but with that being said we need someone like Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, someone whos educated and a front line Bulwark in politics rather than a chump like Nawaz or Zardari..

Again the past...think of the future...suggest some practical solutions !
Again the past...think of the future...suggest some practical solutions !


Its difficult to believe that a nation of 160 Million plus, does not have men without the acumen to lead the country. Are Zardari and Nawab the last resort? The answer is thuderous NO. The first thing that you need to do is select such a person and send him to the Parliament with a strong and heavy mandate, without getting the secterian sentiments getting midway. The mandate has to be heavy, so much so that any COAS has to think twice before meddling in between. Only such a leader can rudder Pakistan from the present uncertainities to a stable and peaceful future. I don't think it will be any easy for the US to send in a Drone into your territory if there is a leader of substance who can reign the militants/Jehadists with a single, bold and highlighted sentence -

"If you want to stay within the borders of Pakistan, unscathed and unharmed. Abide by the States law of the land. Enough moon dances, you no more need to carry your flimsy Kalashinokovs and Stingers. We have ensured a professional Army, a Navy and an Air Force to ensure that you stay out of harms way. Let them do their job and you f^cking carry on with a more normal and civilised life."

And to the Americans -

"I know how to run my country and ensure peace for my countrymen and the world in general. Thanks but no thanks for all the help. Let me run the show."
I wish it was as simple as that a walk in the park atleast half the people in any constituency except Wah Cantt and Taxila are illiterate and they are easily won over by the free lunch and clothing given to them by the rich, any avergare normal guy cannot possibly win over their section of votes, even if he is a real solutionist and can change how can he convince people with promises isn't that the same any poitician does the problem is that to educate these people it will take time by the way your ideoloy is exactly shared by Imran Khan and his party reflect on what you think he has already provided a lot of hospitals universities schools in his constituency as well as the cheap wheat scheme only now that he is not in power do his people really miss him.
If that be so, why not give him the mandate?
Atleast, he then has a selfless vision for the nation and the grit to say no when it is to be said.
I wish it was as simple as that a walk in the park atleast half the people in any constituency except Wah Cantt and Taxila are illiterate and they are easily won over by the free lunch and clothing given to them by the rich, any avergare normal guy cannot possibly win over their section of votes, even if he is a real solutionist and can change how can he convince people with promises isn't that the same any poitician does the problem is that to educate these people it will take time by the way your ideoloy is exactly shared by Imran Khan and his party reflect on what you think he has already provided a lot of hospitals universities schools in his constituency as well as the cheap wheat scheme only now that he is not in power do his people really miss him.

One thing is sure man on the street has realized what he can do in this process of reinstatement of the chief justice. If this can be the trend going forward and some new level headed politicians come forward you guys will be in for a great run. Hang on to democracy as it is the only way forward.
Musharraf should come back!!!!!

Isn't that weird? He was a dictator, was he not?

The strange thing is I kind of agree.
He was willing to deal with the Islamists, which from my perspective is really most important.

And he might have been a lot of things, but he was not an idiot or a crazy person. Actually he did come across as a pragmatist with makes him seem just right for progress in Pakistan.
Do you think he would have handled the Taliban takeover of the north differently? Since he was forging pacts with the Warlords(non-Taliban though I think) before wasn't he?

I mean shouldn't the military restore government/state control over these regions at once? Free the people living there from Taliban tyranny? I do not intend to be polemic but that's just so intangible to me how a whole region is just taken over..
One thing is sure man on the street has realized what he can do in this process of reinstatement of the chief justice. If this can be the trend going forward and some new level headed politicians come forward you guys will be in for a great run. Hang on to democracy as it is the only way forward.

Well it will only be possible if educated people stand up for a change, but I have to admit even that will be difficult for the people in the economic climate to afford to stand for elections.
And he might have been a lot of things, but he was not an idiot or a crazy person. Actually he did come across as a pragmatist with makes him seem just right for progress in Pakistan.
Do you think he would have handled the Taliban takeover of the north differently? Since he was forging pacts with the Warlords(non-Taliban though I think) before wasn't he?

Musharraf would deal with Taliban as he will see fit per the situation. If situation required heavy hand then he will go all the way but if the situation or 'ground realities' require negotiations then he would negotiate.

People threw their arms open when he took over then they loved him and they started to dislike him. This is Pakistani politics and there is always a lot of emotion involve (less rationale).

I like Musharraf because he is the best among the choices available, besides people have no doubt about his love for the country and its people.
Musharraf was badly advised, and there seems to have been a plot to despatch him from his own senior party members.

The whole Chief justice fiasco was initiated by a couple of politicians, and he was pushed into making a bad decision, which ultimately cost him the Presidency.

Musharraf's biggest mistake was to get involved these corrupt politicians in the first place, ostensibly to please the West. It would have been so much more peaceful, if he had remained a dictator, rather than trying to be a democrat.

Problem was, to Musharraf's consience, being a dictator was anathema. Although that might have been best for Pakistan.
Musharraf was badly advised, and there seems to have been a plot to despatch him from his own senior party members.

Why would they do that they were fat cats getting fatter with the US aid being recieved.

The whole Chief justice fiasco was initiated by a couple of politicians, and he was pushed into making a bad decision, which ultimately cost him the Presidency.


Musharraf's biggest mistake was to get involved these corrupt politicians in the first place, ostensibly to please the West. It would have been so much more peaceful, if he had remained a dictator, rather than trying to be a democrat.

Had he trully been a good leader he could have managed them as well but one can agree members of the PML(Q) have helped remove N.S. in the past they just pulled the same trick again.

Problem was, to Musharraf's consience, being a dictator was anathema. Although that might have been best for Pakistan.

Well if in your opinion taking away the civil rights from people would be best I would disagree.
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