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Al-Qaeda plans final jihad for India [picture Pakistanis celebrating TTP being driven out ]

@SarthakGanguly What i have seen or learnt is majority of Muslims are peace loving and want to coexists....... The problematic ones come under NDF/SDPI, Jamat e Islami, SIMI cadres..... The first such organisation in Kerala was named ISS, and eventually got banned...... Then it was SIMI which was baned too.... NDF is also banned but they changed their name to SDPI and it is a political party...... But it is very difficult to judge the support they get (because of the nature of the outfits) and people may not speak openly about it..... But when it comes to electoral politics they are a big "0"
Hardly!! Many of their supporters vote for IUML (Muslim league ) knowing that their so called " political org" ain't strong enough to win elections and in-return they (Political orgs. like PDP , SDPI) are showered with political prowess & influence by the esteemed Congress and it's Malabar ally.

Anantanag .Right? .Once you had mentioned your place in here.
We are still watching them.So they cant play in here ,Fortunately we dont have any border like yours for help .So naughty guys wont get any direct help.

Have you heard about Tadiyantavide Nasir ?South Indian LeT commander ?Well
he was arrested a few years ago.Recently there was a news about his family .Men in that family was totally misdirected .
So Muslim Community in kerala expelled Nasir's family from community.But you knows that is not the case in your valley right?
Correct. :D
Al Qeada and the likes of ISIS wages their Jihad only in Muslim countries killing Muslims exclusively,so don't worry India or other Non-Muslim states have no real threat apart of bogeyman's role...

their part is to give money, so keep giving money to them
saar, i will repeat once again. it was secular hindus who voted for that wife murdering asshole tharoor instead of a life long activist like o rajagopal. we have not learnt our lessons. and i am not even a hindu, i am a mallu catholic. who has the intellectual capacity to realize the truth and the guts to say it out aloud.

kerala will become a battlefield within our own lifetime.

please remember this much. Christianity conquered Rome, Islam conquered Constantinople. These were the two greatest empires of their times. Ignore these at our own peril. Unless hindus pull their heads out of their asses and come together, we will suffer again. and despite my identity by birth, there will be many like me who will stand up and fight for the dharmic cause. because for many it is country before god and not the other way around.

the problem i see today is that too many hindus have nothing but apathy towards their way of life because some white basturd told them its all superstition and idol worship.

:o: :o: :o:
saar, i will repeat once again. it was secular hindus who voted for that wife murdering asshole tharoor instead of a life long activist like o rajagopal. we have not learnt our lessons. and i am not even a hindu, i am a mallu catholic. who has the intellectual capacity to realize the truth and the guts to say it out aloud.

kerala will become a battlefield within our own lifetime.

please remember this much. Christianity conquered Rome, Islam conquered Constantinople. These were the two greatest empires of their times. Ignore these at our own peril. Unless hindus pull their heads out of their asses and come together, we will suffer again. and despite my identity by birth, there will be many like me who will stand up and fight for the dharmic cause. because for many it is country before god and not the other way around.

the problem i see today is that too many hindus have nothing but apathy towards their way of life because some white basturd told them its all superstition and idol worship.

Intellectual slavery masquerading as a sense of superiority. Many are too close minded to bother with. Find those who aren't and try to expand their views and yours. A few interactions are enough to filter such people out.
As Hindus are in north Kerala.
wrong again!
Nobody wants to separate Malapuram (north Kerala district) from kerala or India. Its not a disputed territory!
So i dont think we can compare Pandits of kashmir and hindus of kerala. JMHO!
Fucking @$$holes think that India is some kind of a pansy that Al Zawahari can ride into on his horseback, Bring it on M%$^&##@ we have sent your ilk into the ground for well over 2 decades now. Lots and lots of target practice sending lots of Jihadi scum into unmarked graves.

Yes Hadiths are part of Islam but Gazwah means that battles in which Prophet took part personally , Saraya are battles in which Prophet did not participate in, and instead deputed a group of campanions.

so what's your take on Gazwa E hind?
Why should one die, fight back, if you are in a situation like that take them with you

If ever this happens then NUKING the caliphate will be inevitable:azn:

If they have a GAZWA why not hindus start DHARMA YUDH

It's already on...its called global war on terror. Why do you think there are a bunch of right wing nationalist parties gaining ground all over the world?. We are in it whether we acknowledge it openly or not.
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