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Al-Qaeda plans final jihad for India [picture Pakistanis celebrating TTP being driven out ]

You'll probably get sick and eventually die due to Delhi's air pollution. :P
I have faith in jhadu.

As Hindus are in north Kerala.
@Swaha U going to need one more bottle.
WTF. Oh really how do you know?

@Armstrong @syedali73 @Horus, can you read bold parts? Is she making up alot of things here?

Britain warns India of possible terror attack by ISIS
Britain warns India of possible terror attack by ISIS - timesofindia-economictimes

Are all terrorists really Muslims or Hindus? By Aakar Patel
Are all terrorists really Muslims?By Aakar Patel
How? Through ancient alien supernatural knowledge of course. I tell you what, you cant beat that. They employed the same vedic intel to stage the Pakistani boat drama not long ago.
Tippu attacked us with his army .At that time he was US and we were Iraq :D.
We also did mistakes .We tortured our low cast communiities .So they couldnt help us .Infact noone stood for Hindus except nairs and they suffered the most .
Then again Battle of Negungotta happened .Tippu return with defeat .Next time he again attacked us .But we signed a deal with British and that was a death warrant of Tipu.

saar, i will repeat once again. it was secular hindus who voted for that wife murdering asshole tharoor instead of a life long activist like o rajagopal. we have not learnt our lessons. and i am not even a hindu, i am a mallu catholic. who has the intellectual capacity to realize the truth and the guts to say it out aloud.

kerala will become a battlefield within our own lifetime.

please remember this much. Christianity conquered Rome, Islam conquered Constantinople. These were the two greatest empires of their times. Ignore these at our own peril. Unless hindus pull their heads out of their asses and come together, we will suffer again. and despite my identity by birth, there will be many like me who will stand up and fight for the dharmic cause. because for many it is country before god and not the other way around.

the problem i see today is that too many hindus have nothing but apathy towards their way of life because some white basturd told them its all superstition and idol worship.
Al-Qaeda plans final jihad for India: Intel report points to terror recruitment drive targeting nation's Muslims

Al-Qaeda is at the gates, and there are enough jihadis within already.

Intelligence agencies say the terror network is making inroads into India, sowing the seeds of a "final war" across the country.

Information gathered on al-Qaeda's India plans points to a mobilisation of its resources for jihad.

The ideological goal of the group, as detailed in the report, is chilling: Ghazwa-e-Hind, or the final battle in India.


Tribal militias from Pakistan (in photo) are prime candidates for the Ghazwa-e-Hind

Ghazwa-e-Hind refers to an indoctrinated view of a final apocalyptic war in which India will be conquered by a jihadi army. All soldiers of this army are guaranteed a place in heaven.

This term is freely used in jihadi circles and on the web, but is considered bizarre by others.

Sources say the security establishment has been on the trail of launch-pads being set up within the country, and is also in touch with its counterparts in West Asia in order to crack the growing network.

An intelligence report on India being used a hunting ground for global jihad reveals al-Qaeda's diabolic roadmap.

To begin with, the terror group that was created and led by Arab fighters now has recruits from Kashmir-centric groups.


"Not only Kashmiri groups but Taliban and al-Qaeda affiliates have stakes in the larger scheme of Ghazwa-e-Hind where India is regarded as next battleground in the 'End of Times' battle. This ideology is likely to be used to drive Taliban and al-Qaeda affiliates into Kashmir," says an intelligence report.

The al-Qaeda nexus with Kashmir-centric groups indicates it has a readymade jihadi framework in India.

There is other proof too of al-Qaeda using its nexus with Indian groups to spread its ideology.

An online English publication of al-Qaeda called Azan which is not available to the general public but is circulated through changing e-mails and encryption tools is being downloaded by Kashmiri groups.

Sources say this only underlines the trend of terror groups within India getting attracted to the al-Qaeda and global jihad ideology.

Agencies fear that the Azan tactic of spreading the terror group's ideology could spawn anonymous and isolated modules that will be difficult to detect but potent enough to carry out big attacks.

Intelligence reports also state that groups like Tehreek-e-Taliban have declared they will open 'offices' in Kashmir.

It has been revealed that a Taliban flag was hoisted at a point overlooking Srinagar last year, and the walls of Hari Parbat fort were painted with slogans like 'Welcome Taliban.'

Sources say there is an urgent need for the home ministry and intelligence agencies to understand the threat.

"Indicators need to be monitored to prevent the situation from worsening," said one official.

Al-Qaeda's propaganda arm, Al Sahab, released a video recently, titled 'Why is there no storm in your ocean?' The report states that the video and transcripts were posted on several jihadi forums.

The videos have speeches asking youths from Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat and South India to join the global jihad. Incidentally, these are the areas where young men were recruited by the Indian Mujahideen (IM), India's homegrown terror group that has become synonymous with bomb blasts in public places.

With the IM facing a major setback because of a series of arrests, including that of its top leader Yasin Bhatkal, sources say Indians fighting in Iraq for terror group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) are part of larger scheme.

Many more recruits are getting attracted to the global jihad that can later be used to wage war against India.

There are also distinct inputs on al-Qaeda running a separate terror module in India as the homegrown terror outfit IM is making efforts to go global and establish strong links with groups like al-Qaeda, Taliban and Hizbut Tahrir.

There is also evidence of al-Qaeda keeping a close watch on activities in India. The charge-sheet filed by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) against Bhatkal says that organisations al-Qaeda and the Taliban are helping IM.

It also mentioned that the investigation revealed that some IM members are fighting on the Afghanistan-Pakistan Border.

NIA has said in the charge-sheet that Riyaz Bhatkal, a top IM commander based in Pakistan, travelled to tribal belts on the Af-Pak border to establish contact with al-Qaeda.

"After the meeting, which was very fruitful, Al Qaeda gave specific tasks to the IM for execution and agreed to train their cadres in terrorist activities," the charge-sheet says.

Al-Qaeda plans final jihad for India: Intel report points to terror recruitment drive targeting nation's Muslims | Daily Mail Online
After every 6 month your intelligence comes up with this report at least bring some new organisation
How? Through ancient alien supernatural knowledge of course. I tell you what, you cant beat that. They employed the same vedic intel to stage the Pakistani boat drama not long ago.

Like Pakistan got knowledge of prehistoric invasions of India, even before the big bang?
Al quida know that there are little chances of success in India. They shall not deploy their scare resources in India to weaken its fight in the country where they are strong and doing well. If al quida make THIS MISTAKE, IT SHALL BE ITS FINAL ONE.
Naa... they can still find recruits from SIMI, IM , Hizb-ul-Mujahideen and others. There is no need for them to deploy any additional resource apart from huge chunks of money & ways to bypass our intel agencies with proper and synchronous planning and subsequent execution. Hence i made my comment of us being very wary of them & remaining alert as always. Also Al-Qaeda ain't an organisation like Islamic State neither is their aim in India similar to that of ME .Their aim in India different & it's a slow radicalization of disgruntled Muslims ( especially youths) & following it up with subsequent attacks on a smaller scale, with an ultimate aim to strike fear into our hearts , thus announcing to the world that they are still very relevant. And yes they have their limitation but we need to be very careful of them.
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Sunni ? Do you consider ISIS rules to be Sunni rule.There is no such thing as Sunni or Shia rules , WTH.You would be the last person i'd expect to post something like this.
I am stating the aims of IM. Like AQ they are sectarian. You can choose the words like Takfiri, Salafi, Wahabi etc. I used the word Sunni because most Indians would be unaware of the other terms.

@SarthakGanguly No we wont ,that is not in our blood we are the fans of Do or Die:D .The difficulties you suffered is in there .So we wont run .Besides we are still the majority of this state.
Me and my family are still in the valley. Ok, I am not, for work, but we have not left. So I understand. :tup:

Ok. But hadith is part of Islam ???
It is, but the authenticity of this one is doubtful.
@SarthakGanguly What i have seen or learnt is majority of Muslims are peace loving and want to coexists....... The problematic ones come under NDF/SDPI, Jamat e Islami, SIMI cadres..... The first such organisation in Kerala was named ISS, and eventually got banned...... Then it was SIMI which was baned too.... NDF is also banned but they changed their name to SDPI and it is a political party...... But it is very difficult to judge the support they get (because of the nature of the outfits) and people may not speak openly about it..... But when it comes to electoral politics they are a big "0"
I am stating the aims of IM. Like AQ they are sectarian. You can choose the words like Takfiri, Salafi, Wahabi etc. I used the word Sunni because most Indians would be unaware of the other terms.

Me and my family are still in the valley. Ok, I am not for work, but we have not left. So I understand. :tup:

Anantanag .Right? .Once you had mentioned your place in here.
We are still watching them.So they cant play in here ,Fortunately we dont have any border like yours for help .So naughty guys wont get any direct help.

Have you heard about Tadiyantavide Nasir ?South Indian LeT commander ?Well
he was arrested a few years ago.Recently there was a news about his family .Men in that family was totally misdirected .
So Muslim Community in kerala expelled Nasir's family from community.But you knows that is not the case in your valley right?
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