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Al-Qaeda-linked Uyghur militant group seeks India's help against China over Xinjiang - report

They (wrongly) believe that a united India would have been dominated by Muslims, and would go on to conquer Asia and Africa.

They're morons that ignore the truth.

This is why I do not like those illiterate fools. The Indian census of 1951 showed that approximately 84% of the population were Hindus, while Muslims comprised around 10%. In 2011, it was 80% for the Hindu population and 14% for the Muslims. Last but not least, most of the recruitment happened in Hindu-populated areas, and their caste system already provided the needed hierarchy.

With Hindus having the guns' they would have butchered the Muslims.
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They (wrongly) believe that a united India would have been dominated by Muslims, and would go on to conquer Asia and Africa.

They're morons that ignore the truth.

On paper if we add up Muslims of the subcontinent we would be a majority.

The problem is that Indian and Bengali Muslims are back stabbers of Islam.
That's what I've been trying to figure out as to why? I mean, you rather support non-Muslims while being Muslim.
Afghanistan? middle east? countries own interests come before religions.
Afghanistan? middle east? countries own interests come before religions.

The question I have is Why are Uyghur Turks asking help from the Indian Hindus rather than fellow Muslim Turks?
The question I have is Why are Uyghur Turks asking help from the Indian Hindus rather than fellow Muslim Turks?
Because religion is never a big issue for them. and Afganistan always seeks India's help rather than from nearby Muslim country Pakistan.
Because religion is never a big issue for them. and Afganistan always seeks India's help rather than from nearby Muslim country Pakistan.

Pushtuns always support Pakistan. Northern Afghans are not natives and they are settlers from the Central Asia.
India already hosts a Tibetan government in exile and has demographically changed the reality of Kashmir. She has also crawled her nails in the eastern corridor creating a multi front policy in direct existential threat to One China policy.

Pakistan has regularly drawn attention to the brewing conflict driven by inflated Indian ambitions of economic blackmail.
India must help Xinjiang freedom fighters.

No, we should not.. we should not repeat the same mistake as Pakistan. We should not support such organisation at any cost.
I'm not surprised. Extremists have historically almost always been pro-India.

It's one of the reasons why they opposed the birth of Pakistan.

Thread is about Sino-Indian conflict. You can spread your wings in some other capacity.
India already hosts a Tibetan government in exile
there's posters of them all over Dharamsala, they run an election too

Turkistan party is a terrorist group supported by NATO. Chinese government has to eliminate them as soon as possible.
Thread is about Sino-Indian conflict. You can spread your wings in some other capacity.
It is about extremists asking support from India. I stuck to the topic.

Why do you constantly make such badly thought out comments? Seriously?
There are no "freedom fighters" in China, those terrorist groups all operate outside China. China hasn't had any terrorist attacks for almost a decade. Do you know how many insurgency groups fighting inside India?

you should read what you post - this picture actually disproves what I think you want to claim or allege.
1. It is 12+ years old by its own date. I'd say it is even older. We are in 2022.
MORE importantly
2. notice how most of these are 'Maoists' ? Mao was the Chinese clown that ran the revolution that killed some 50 million of your immediate previous generations and decimated chinese culture forever. How dumb these Indian Maoists have to be to be even nominally following that clown?
3. The CPI-Maoists in India are a political party - most are not militant and usually runaway to hide if they so much hear a motorbike backfire.

So clean up that map and remove the Maoists. That'd leave a handful most of which are Pakistan based jihadi nutjobs such at the LeT etc which are proscribed terrorist organizations - China included have them marked as terrorist via UN.

The Uighur genocide that is killing and displacing millions of muslims in the Chinese concentration camps called 'reeducation centers' is a travesty in the scale of the holocaust. Xi Jingping has now cemented his place in history as present day Hitler against muslims
It is about extremists asking support from India. I stuck to the topic.

Why do you constantly make such badly thought out comments? Seriously?

It's not them reaching out to India. India seeks them out themselves be it East Pakistan or Sri Lanka.
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