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i have no doubt from very 1st day, there are some inside jobs and games going on.......we all call them speculations and mostly redicule them but reality is that Al-qaida is enemy of muslims . it hasn,t done any thing constructive for muslims. it mostly weakened them and make them vulnerable to foreign attacks.....................
Al Queda militants have killed far more Muslims than any other religious group. Their aim has always been to alienate Muslims and kill them at the same time. If they cant respect the Quran or respect the people who follow the Quran then they are not Muslim, period.

This is something that irks a great deal.

it is not understood why the leaders in Muslim world and sane religious leaders do not initiate a crusade to destroy this virus that is playing hell into the system and giving an avoidable bad name to the community.
Do you think there much scope for expansion though?

I'm still not sure how strong the link is between the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, and Al-qaeda.

I would have to say Little Dragon shows some acumen here.

Let's face it, there are some "saffron" members (notice I didn't say Indian because that would be inaccurate) here who passively aggressively wish for a "war of civilization" to solve the "Muslim Question" for them.

I have seen ethnic Chinese from SE Asia spewing the same rhetoric (outside of this forum).

IMHO, both India and China need to dissociate with this emphasis on "Al-Qaeda this" and "Al-Qaeda" that.

I surely do not support the ETIMers but that doesn't mean Uyghurs have no legitimate aspirations. And sure as hell doesn't mean the ones have complaints are automatically "Al-Queda"-affliates.

One thing I hold against Jiang zeming was that he rather enthusiastically embraced the "fight against Al-Qaeda" as a means of ingratiating himself to you-know-who. But what do you expect from a guy who said Titanic was the best movie of all times?

I hope today's PRC leaders smarten up and not fall for this sugar-coated poison pill.

I wholly agree with little dragon here. I personally wouldn't worry about "Al-Qaeda" as much as those who use the excuse of "Al-Qaeda" to nefarious ends (willy-nilly "regime change" topping the list).

And it's not fair IMO to accuse the US of "running Al-Qaeda". However, it's an accepted fact that Al-Qaeda's predessesor, the Arab Afghan Mujahadeen Network, had CIA's DNA in it.

But China supported the "Mujahadeen Network", too. Let's not forget.

What I am trying to say is that it's not fair to pin all the blame on the US when China was complicit.

But most importantly I hope China does not take the wrong lesson from this man-made "Al-Qaeda" hysteria.
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You're the one who hasn't read the article.

Where does Al-qaeda name China as its "biggest enemy"?

What about the USA, Saudi Arabia and Israel?

do it realy matters if Al-qaeda named china or any other state as biggest enemy or smallest enemy...

the fect remain the same that in the event of an Al-qaeda terrorist attack in china , would you going to argue to people that because Al-qaeda has not labled china as a "biggest enemy" so our reaction should be different/soft....

it will be more appropriate and mature had you given your views on the contest of a globle terrorist threat ......

i know even US keep neglecting india's concern for over a dacade on terrorisum and vertually closed their eyes & ears on it , untill 9/11...

i used to see CNN reporting when we used to carry our national day celebration on 26 jan...saying " 70000 policemen gaurd indian parade." ....i always think in angre and surprise that why these people on CNN are so rude and insensitive to make a joke on us that we are celebatating under such security..

now , after 9/11 , ask them how much force they deploying on every occasion..

so is with china....today your comments on terrorisum are as rude and insensitive ...
oceanx, what should/will be the Chinese policy in case of a terror strike in China can be traced back to Taliban?
oceanx, what should/will be the Chinese policy in case of a terror strike in China can be traced back to Taliban?

Hard to say really. The Chinese government usually tends to take a very direct and no-nonsense approach to such issues, but it's hard to say what the specific response might be to this particular scenario.

Also which Taliban are you referring to?
oceanx, what should/will be the Chinese policy in case of a terror strike in China can be traced back to Taliban.

I don't know about the Taliban, which in my limited understanding is a "Pakhtun" phenomenon on both sides of the Durant line with or without some degree of Punjabi following.

That's my very crude understanding, rightly or wrongly.

But to answer your question, Taliban-supported ETIMers have carried out bombings and even brazen attacks on Xinjiang county government installations in addition to suicide attacks on security forces.

And there have been bus bombings in Beijing just like elsewhere.

What do I think of this?

There is no military solution to this. Terrorism is a tool of the weak. Always has been and always will be. The Koreans carried out bombing attacks against the Japanese in China proper for decades when Korea was under Imperial Japanese rule.

But Taiwanese did no such thing.

How you rule and how the rule is perceived matters.

There are people in China who say they will need to "cross the border" when xxxx happens.

My feeling is that it will only backfire if there is no genuine desire for intervention on the other side of the border. And there will not be for the forseeable future. It's much more productive to support the legitimate governments of Eurasian states, economically and politically, at least over the long run than to change them to "your liking".

Chinese may be Mongoloid (by and large). But they are not Mongols. They can't be Mongols even if they want to.

Which is a good thing.
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oceanx, what should/will be the Chinese policy in case of a terror strike in China can be traced back to Taliban?

First of all the article is talking about Al Qaeda not Taliban.

Secondly, when was the last you heard the Chinese flag being burned in any Islamic country? When was the last time any Islamic organization talked against China as they do against india, Israel, and U.S.?

Muslim countries dont have any problems with China.

The only countries that have problems with China's rise is india and USA. (Both countries are non-islamic and have non-muslim majority populations).

I know China wont make the same mistake as some other countries did of waging wars against Muslim countries.

However, I think Chinese intelligence should be aware of those trying to create tensions between China and the Muslim world.

Chinese intelligence agencies should also work very closely with Pakistani intelligence agencies. Since Pakistan has experience in fighting terrorists.
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Muslim countries dont have any problems with China.

It's true, that China often has good relations with Muslim countries. :tup:

The problem is that groups like Al-qaeda/Taliban/etc. tend to hate their own governments. Al-qaeda for example absolutely hates the Saudi government.

So because China is friendly to Muslim governments, they might actually see that as a bad thing.
I don't know about the Taliban, which in my limited understanding is a "Pakhtun" phenomenon on both sides of the Durant line with or without some degree of Punjabi following.

To answer your doubt, I was not referring to any particular ethnicity but the bunch of people who consider their faith to be more 'purer' than others and trying to impose theirs way of life on others by force. All I know, Quida's and Talibans philosophy is identical.
First of all the article is talking about Al Qaeda not Taliban.

Secondly, when was the last you heard the Chinese flag being burned in any Islamic country? When was the last time any Islamic organization talked against China as they do against india, Israel, and U.S.?

Muslim countries dont have any problems with China.

The only countries that have problems with China's rise is india and USA. (Both countries are non-islamic and have non-muslim majority populations).

I know China wont make the same mistake as some other countries did of waging wars against Muslim countries.

However, I think Chinese intelligence should be aware of those trying to create tensions between China and the Muslim world.

Chinese intelligence agencies should also work very closely with Pakistani intelligence agencies. Since Pakistan has experience in fighting terrorists.

Sorry, are trying to say Taliban or Qaida represents Muslim countries? I'm not sure why China would wage a war against Muslims countries if she has any problem with Talibans!

Please don't bring in the raw-mossad-cia trio in this!
but the muslims living in Xinjiang region of china might have...

There are no active armed insurgencies in China.

Any "unrest" will die down as economic development continues to grow in the western provinces.

Look at Urumqi in Xinjiang to see the pace of economic development.

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