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Al-Qaeda may be allying with IM, LeT to carry out multi-city attacks in India, says NSG

New Delhi: The National Security Guard has said that it is ready to respond if the ISIS or al-Qaeda carry out terror attacks in India. Director General of the NSG Jayant Chowdhary on Thursday said that terror groups such as al-Qaeda or ISIS might carry out multi-city attacks in India.

"Their desire to set up base in India is not new. They have been trying to ally with terror group Jaish-e-Mohammed and Lashkar-e-Taiba for quite some soon," said Jayant Chowdhary.

He also said that since a decade ago al-Qaeda had started showing interest in India when a recce had been carried out in Goa and Bangalore. Since then, various stories have been doing the rounds, stating that the terror group plans to set up base in India and recruit people for the same.


The NSG that since a decade ago al-Qaeda had started showing interest in India when a recce had been carried out in Goa and Bangalore.
Earlier this year, sources had told CNN-IBN that the terror outfit, which has already killed thousands in Iraq and Syria in a deadly pursuit to establish an Islamic Caliphate, was recruiting poor Muslims in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Jammu and Kashmir.

The security agencies had said that more than 100 Indian men could have already joined the ISIS in Iraq. The terror group was radicalising poor Muslims through online videos, they said.

Sources had also said that an Indian Mujahideen man wanted by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) could be recruiting for the ISIS and that these recruits could be used to strike terror in India once the war in Iraq and Syria ends.

With recent arrests of Indian Mujahideen terrorists, Indian agencies have been upbeat about their fight against terror but the worry now is that if Indians have indeed joined the ISIS, they might use new techniques and weapons to strike terror in India.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi had said in his speech a few months back said that the al-Qaeda threat was being hyped. "Indian Muslims have and always will be loyal to India," Modi had said.
Al-Qaeda may be allying with IM, LeT to carry out multi-city attacks in India, says NSG - IBNLive
Wow What a co incidence, I just yesterday replied to an Indian member here that soon India would face combined force of LET and JEM and Al Qaeda and they will get support from with in India, and may be more groups from Bangladesh too. And now your very own NSG confirms it, that is what I call Bulls Eye .

We dont need them, we have the Pakistan Army and thats enough, this groups can go to hell ! They do not even have the right to fight in the name for Pakistan !

Mods pls close this stupid topic it does not make any sense, why should we respect this groups,while our Army is in war with them !
Yes how capable are was clearly shown in Mumbai

@Koovie I was waiting for a answer like that. Killing women, children, people who have never seen gun in their life, old men, pedestrians...very capable persons with AK-47!!
Some serious problem for India if this news is valid
nothing will happen Indian roots are very Alien and diverse for them Unlike Middle East and Afghanistan they can't to nothing Except adding one more Terrorist organisation on the list of Indian Establishment.
It took less than 6 hours to finish them not 3 days like your NSG

Just take a scenario if they want to complete the operation in 24 hours not 10 or 12 hours.

TAj has around 500 rooms if they have to complete the operation in 24 hours that is 1440 minutes they should take something

like 500*3minutes = 1500 so they should clear all the rooms in 3 minutes which no commandos in the world can do

so Actually they took 60 hours to complete the operation 60 hours = 3600 minutes
so it means they took (500 * 7.5 = 3750 minutes ) approximately 7-8 minutes to clear each room which i feel is a good job done

Now compare this with the PNS Mehran 6 terrorist came inside and destroyed a p3 plane and killed 5 SSG and hold their ground for 12 hours not 6 hours before 2 terrorist escaping
It took less than 6 hours to finish them not 3 days like your NSG
Well it was a military base still you needed 6 hours. They entered in military base itself says a lot and not just once but many times.
Well it was a military base still you needed 6 hours. They entered in military base itself says a lot and not just once but many times.

It happened in Srinagar as well, where kashmiri guerrillas entered military base and injured your Lt.Gen and killed a brigadier . in 2002-2003. Remember that ?
Sir when ever Militants attack your bases in Kashmir they even manage to escape so guys don't talk
Well it was a military base still you needed 6 hours. They entered in military base itself says a lot and not just once but many times.
Sir when ever Militants attack your bases in Kashmir they even manage to escape so guys don't talk
Well sir they regularly destroy your bases, airports, GHQs, aircrafts, attack on most modern PN frigates etc so do you think you are in a position to talk about others?

It happened in Srinagar as well, where kashmiri guerrillas entered military base and injured your Lt.Gen and killed a brigadier . in 2002-2003. Remember that ?
Operation Janbaz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well sir they regularly destroy your bases, airports, GHQs, aircrafts, attack on most modern PN frigates etc so do you think you are in a position to talk about others?

Operation Janbaz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So you didn't get my point. In active assymetrical warfare such things bound to occur. Like it happened in sri lanka,American fighter jets get destroyed in airbase attack in afghanistan. that srinagar example. No need to get emotional.

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