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Al Qaeda Leader Ayman al-Zawahiri support Jamaat Hefajoot in their movement and ask Jihad

Even if this entire tape is a fake by RAW, BAL.etc.

The fact is that people have been caught disseminating this to garner support for an anti-govt uprising. The 21 year old mentioned had admitted that he was circulating it.

On this very thread a member has said they are impressed by Zawahiri but now they have changed their argument. like I said before you can't have it both ways.
Even if this entire tape is a fake by RAW, BAL.etc.

The fact is that people have been caught disseminating this to garner support for an anti-govt uprising. The 21 year old mentioned had admitted that he was circulating it.

On this very thread a member has said they are impressed by Zawahiri but now they have changed their argument. like I said before you can't have it both ways.
Is there a solution?
Did some source verify the authenticity of this video?
You know there will allways be some elements cause devide in your country.
I have never seen a country with so much internal trouble,to many different groups,opinions,loyalties.
I wish i could tell you how to get out of this mess,to complecated even for those able to do something.
But honestly,where are those(Turkey,KSA,Iran,GCC) of the Muslim world who could help you?
They dont care.

No one verified the authentication of this video as far as I know, usually CIA and NSA does this for new material from AQ.

From break up of Pakistan to Bangladesh becoming virtual or rather real vassal state of India, under virtual Indian occupation today, there is one simple explanation, in one word, India (and their agents operating within our landmass). You can see this from the Indian posters interest in Bangladesh section of this forum. Many Indians are upset that some of us sitting in the west can bust their propaganda bubble, which they try to create with painstaking effort.

Indians failed to do this with Pakistan, but they succeeded in our landmass for various reasons, geography plays a big role, if you look at Bangladesh map and then there is incompetence of our so called leaders.

We know no one truly cares, or at least are not in a position to care. The countries you mentioned are all dealing with their own problems and some are too close to India to interfere. The West try to show that they care, but it is superficial. They need India for their pivot to Asia. And India on its part is playing a two faced game. They seem to take part in Pivot to Asia, the Western led anti-China alliance and then with China, they try to show Asian solidarity, so China does not treat India as enemy. The other problem with China is that its top leadership is corrupt to the core and not doing a good job to secure Chinese interest, specially in its immediate neighborhood, or may be they are waiting for a more appropriate time. When I look at the occasional disturbance in Xinjiang, it brings to mind that there are some forces who want to poison the mind of Chinese against Muslims to prevent a future possible Sino-Muslim alliance. Only China together with a more united Muslim world can balance the threat from India in Bangladesh in the future, when the West looses influence in this part of the world and India is left on its own without Western help and support for their ill deeds. What is happening in Afghanistan today, the US loosing and leaving and destroying the room for Indian ill deeds there, is a good model. We are hoping that something similar will happen to Indian interest in this region, without the spread of extremism and mayhem, after the West is weakened sufficiently and China becomes much more powerful. Currently we have no choice but to wait for that future and suffer abuses from India and their agents in our country.
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No one verified the authentication of this video as far as I know, usually CIA and NSA does this for new material from AQ.

From break up of Pakistan to Bangladesh becoming virtual or rather real vassal state of India, under virtual Indian occupation today, there is one simple explanation, in one word, India (and their agents operating within our landmass). You can see this from the Indian posters interest in Bangladesh section of this forum. Many Indians are upset that some of us sitting in the west can bust their propaganda bubble, which they try to create with painstaking effort.

Indians failed to do this with Pakistan, but they succeeded in our landmass for various reasons, geography plays a big role, if you look at Bangladesh map and then there is incompetence of our so called leaders.

We know no one truly cares, or at least are not in a position to care. The countries you mentioned are all dealing with their own problems and some are too close to India to interfere. The West try to show that they care, but it is superficial. They need India for their pivot to Asia. And India on its part is playing a two faced game. They seem to take part in Pivot to Asia, the Western led anti-China alliance and then with China, they try to show Asian solidarity, so China does not treat India as enemy. The other problem with China is that its top leadership is corrupt to the core and not doing a good job to secure Chinese interest, specially in its immediate neighborhood, or may be they are waiting for a more appropriate time. When I look at the occasional disturbance in Xinjiang, it brings to mind that there are some forces who want to poison the mind of Chinese against Muslims to prevent a future possible Sino-Muslim alliance. Only China together with a more united Muslim world can balance the threat from India in Bangladesh in the future, when the West looses influence in this part of the world and India is left on its own without Western help and support for their ill deeds. What if happening in Afghanistan today, the US loosing and leaving and destroying Indian ill deeds there is a good model, we are hoping that something similar will happen to Indian interest in this region after the West is weakened sufficiently and China becomes much more powerful. Currently we have no choice but to wait for that future and suffer abuses from India and their agents in our country.
Things will change,patience.
Remember,a Bangladeshi member some time ago said;nobody cares about Bangladesh?
You should open a chill thread,so that more people show interest in Bangladesh.
You guys should open up more,its also a way for Bangladeshi's to get to know each other better.
And you should also visit other chill threads,from other countries.;)
Things will change,patience.
Remember,a Bangladeshi member some time ago said;nobody cares about Bangladesh?
You should open a chill thread,so that more people show interest in Bangladesh.
You guys should open up more,its also a way for Bangladeshi's to get to know each other better.
And you should also visit other chill threads,from other countries.;)

Thanks for your suggestions and your taking the time in Bangladesh sub-forum. You will notice that to the delight of Indians, many Bangladeshi posters have reduced their participation to a bare minimum, because the situation within the country have taken turn for the worse in recent months and no one knows when this will get better. Everyone now is afraid to express their opinion here freely, as there is risk, specially for those living in Bangladesh. People for slightest reasons are being picked up by security agents and tortured and killed and not heard from again. Bangladesh has become an Indian occupied prison, like Indian Occupied Kashmir and Indian Occupied North East states. The same tactics are used by trained operatives in all these places. So you will not see a good participation from Bangladeshi posters like before. We will have to wait till the situation changes within Bangladesh unfortunately. The ones that are participating more nowadays are either Indian agents or have ties with Indian agents.
Is there a solution?

The people who are crying are just doing so because they can't have their own way. BD is doing better than it has ever done economically, educationally and development -wise. Nobody will deny that, not even the haters. We have the record highest cash reserves, we have a nuclear power plant on the way several massive infrastructural work programmes (new bridges, roads and direct routes to China).

Some people are unhappy because they feel that Islam is being sidelined - but that is not true. BD is a 90%Muslim country - there is absolutely no limits whatsoever on a person practising Islam fully and freely - i challenge anyone to bring an example of a limit on Islamic practice. The complainers seem to want something more - sharia law perhaps or maybe they are influenced by the Mullah parties who are agitating for power.

I would advise you not to use PDF as a source for information on BD as it is primarily full of people with a particular agenda (pro-mullah). During our secession from Pakistan, thousands of our local mullah's collaborated with the Pak army. Today, the legacy remains that most pro-Pak Bangladeshis are still from the mullah fold - which is why they gravitate to a Pak forum.

Looks like another offspring of iambengali and hammerfist popped up.
As you have nothing intelligent to say anymore, I'm not interested in responding. BYE.
The people who are crying are just doing so because they can't have their own way. BD is doing better than it has ever done economically, educationally and development -wise. Nobody will deny that, not even the haters. We have the record highest cash reserves, we have a nuclear power plant on the way several massive infrastructural work programmes (new bridges, roads and direct routes to China).

Some people are unhappy because they feel that Islam is being sidelined - but that is not true. BD is a 90%Muslim country - there is absolutely no limits whatsoever on a person practising Islam fully and freely - i challenge anyone to bring an example of a limit on Islamic practice. The complainers seem to want something more - sharia law perhaps or maybe they are influenced by the Mullah parties who are agitating for power.

I would advise you not to use PDF as a source for information on BD as it is primarily full of people with a particular agenda (pro-mullah). During our secession from Pakistan, thousands of our local mullah's collaborated with the Pak army. Today, the legacy remains that most pro-Pak Bangladeshis are still from the mullah fold - which is why they gravitate to a Pak forum.

No one here is Pro-Mullah (Although I see no problem being a student/teacher of Islam) but if Mullah is a bad thing to you then so be it. BD is doing very good right now because it is a lapdog of India right now, which means if BD becomes a f-ck up, it has arms to fall in to. You're using the wrong word, Islam is not being "limited" in Bangladesh, rather the government has and is taking an Anti Islamic stance, when one of the ministers of AL stated why do women wear Hijab? To cover their ugly faces. Or the removal of Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem from the constitution. The crackdown on Baitul Mukarram for no reason, the barbaric acts the government is committing on it's people. I think it's quite obvious. I'm here on the Pakistan Defence Forum because it's the best forum for subcontinental affairs and defence.

All these accusations that we are the "Mullah brigade" or "Jamaatis". No we are not Jamaati.
The people who are crying are just doing so because they can't have their own way. BD is doing better than it has ever done economically, educationally and development -wise. Nobody will deny that, not even the haters. We have the record highest cash reserves, we have a nuclear power plant on the way several massive infrastructural work programmes (new bridges, roads and direct routes to China).

Some people are unhappy because they feel that Islam is being sidelined - but that is not true. BD is a 90%Muslim country - there is absolutely no limits whatsoever on a person practising Islam fully and freely - i challenge anyone to bring an example of a limit on Islamic practice. The complainers seem to want something more - sharia law perhaps or maybe they are influenced by the Mullah parties who are agitating for power.

I would advise you not to use PDF as a source for information on BD as it is primarily full of people with a particular agenda (pro-mullah). During our secession from Pakistan, thousands of our local mullah's collaborated with the Pak army. Today, the legacy remains that most pro-Pak Bangladeshis are still from the mullah fold - which is why they gravitate to a Pak forum.
i think you are confusing BDis for something else. this is not even secularism, but islamphobic fundamentalism where the very teachers of islamic studies are lashed out at. i don't think this exists even in parts of the west except among the far right extremists. and i admire the boldness to mention the permissibility of "practicing Islam freely" and talk of subjugating Muslim education or educational institution in the same post
No one here is Pro-Mullah (Although I see no problem being a student/teacher of Islam) but if Mullah is a bad thing to you then so be it. BD is doing very good right now because it is a lapdog of India right now, which means if BD becomes a f-ck up, it has arms to fall in to. You're using the wrong word, Islam is not being "limited" in Bangladesh, rather the government has and is taking an Anti Islamic stance, when one of the ministers of AL stated why do women wear Hijab? To cover their ugly faces. Or the removal of Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem from the constitution. The crackdown on Baitul Mukarram for no reason, the barbaric acts the government is committing on it's people. I think it's quite obvious. I'm here on the Pakistan Defence Forum because it's the best forum for subcontinental affairs and defence.

All these accusations that we are the "Mullah brigade" or "Jamaatis". No we are not Jamaati.

You can't speak for everyone, you don't know how many here are Jamaati's.

You have been unable to provide a single example of limitations or prejudices against Islam in BD. You may not be Jamaati but you are spouting exactly their rhetoric.. 'Islam dongsho oizar'.?

These are the kind of scare tactics mullah politicians use all over the world to manipulate innocent Muslims. Just look at Syria and Pakistan for examples, it proves that just because people are religious doesn't mean they are right or that they know what they're doing.

So don't go throwing words like anti-Islam and lapdog around so easily. Last i heard AQ and the Taliban are the biggest lapdogs and anti-Islam shirk of all - and they have openly been praised by Jamaat and Jamaatis all over the world.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, it's not going anywhere. BD on the other hand is a small, young country and it can be easily ruined - so how do you think a reasonable citizen should conduct themselves?

How can an entire country's government be anti-Islam where 90% people are Muslim - do you understand that? It's not practical, but these mullahs blame everyone else for all the worlds evils.

Some minister said something and that justifies overthrowing the government?

i think you are confusing BDis for something else. this is not even secularism, but islamphobic fundamentalism where the very teachers of islamic studies are lashed out at. i don't think this exists even in parts of the west except among the far right extremists. and i admire the boldness to mention the permissibility of "practicing Islam freely" and talk of subjugating Muslim education or educational institution in the same post

Where have i mentioned Muslim education? Don't read things that you wish to read.

I say pro-Mullah because that is what these people (maybe you) are. They are not pro-Islam because Islam is broad and covers every part of life. Islam is tolerant and practical - Mullah parties are not. Pro-mullah people are blind followers of their politician leaders who want power like everyone else. So don't act like Mullah is someone unquestionable.
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আল কায়দা ভীতি-শোকের ফেব্রুয়ারী- পরাশক্তির নীতি-রাজনৈতিক দুর্নীতি ও রাষ্ট্রীয় সন্ত্রাস |

Major (retired) Siddique is claiming that India used this AQ scare via India controlled media in Bangladesh to divert Bangladeshi people's attention to reduce the negative impact of Indian company ONGC getting a gas well lease in Bay of Bengal:

ONGC Videsh, OIL to explore oil & gas in Bangladesh - The Economic Times

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