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Al Qaeda Leader Ayman al-Zawahiri support Jamaat Hefajoot in their movement and ask Jihad

This video was first published on Nov. But desperate Indo-Awami nexus using this video after almost 3 months as headline, exposes their propaganda motivation and further eroded their credibility. US and west are monitoring this type dime a dozen message, are fully aware ZERO value of such rhetoric. Indian and Awami controlled media like bdnews24, Daily Star, Prothom Alo now lost any shred of credibility.

Not to mention authenticity of the video is in question.
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Did kalu miah deliver his bow and arrow consignment yet, for the jihad?

His new dp, looks like jihad is on the way :lol:

Where did you see in my post that I want my country to head this way? I simply posted the full video and full text of the video as none of the previous posters managed to do it so far.

You and another poster are thanking each other for a wrong assumption both of you made.

Like @khair_ctg said, this could be part of RAW (Indian Intelligence) false flag propaganda to kill more innocent Bangladeshi's using their local agents in Bangladesh. Or it could really be Zwahiri, we would not be able to tell without a proper voice authentication and identification analysis by a proper facility with this expertise. What makes this report suspect is that this news was not flashed by any major news reporting orgs like Reuters or AFP and as a result it did not make world news. And every Zwahiri AQ release actually attract that kind of attention. It was carried by some obscure Jihad watch site and then carried mainly by Bangladeshi media most of whom are associated with RAW.

The statement itself will ring true to most Bangladeshi's as it matches with their real life experience. But like many people already pointed out, Zwahiri or his types will not be able to help Bangladesh from the clutches of India, in fact some people claim that it was because of AQ inspired 9/11 attack and the resulting GWOT, which India and their agents used within Bangladesh to weaken the BNP Jamat alliance and eventually bring to power the current Indian puppet dictators. So AQ is in fact partly to blame and are responsible for the situation we have in Bangladesh today.

The other thing to note is that Bangladesh is not Afghanistan from many different levels. The geography, people and powers that are backing the population in Bangladesh are all very different. We lost our sovereignty to Indian hegemony at this point and AQ is in no position to help us. Only people of Bangladesh themselves can do it if and when they get backing from other powerful countries, which may or may not happen for the next 15-20 years, till we have a evolving new international order in the world as well as in our immediate neighborhood.
Check my post again.
First i asked if you wanted to head the AQ way(a question).
Then i stated my view.
Where did i say that you want your country to go that way?
I thanked post 41 because in my view,he is right.
Btw,we know each other enough to know what the others views are dear @kalu_miah .
You made it clear many times that you want your country to head the KSA way,dont forget the KSA and not AQ.
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Now that the video's been disclosed as fake no point in discussing it anymore. Btw, as some analysts stated playing the 'Al-Qayeda' card may prove counterproductive for BAL right now, this time this would only substantiate the concern expressed by the International Community that subduing the people by the BAL govt may trigger the rise of extremism in Bangladesh.
Check my post again.
First i asked if you wanted to head the AQ way(a question).
Then i stated my view.
Where did i say that you want your country to go that way?
I thanked post 41 because in my view,he is right.
Btw,we know each other enough to know what the others views are dear @kalu_miah .
You made it clear many times that you want your country to head the KSA way,dont forget the KSA and not AQ.

"FYI, KSA has a zero-tolerance policy on these animals - why don't you learn from them?" quoted from post 41.

What do you think this means, is it not saying directly that I agree with the AQ message and learn from the KSA how and why to hate the AQ? So do you agree with this statement?
"FYI, KSA has a zero-tolerance policy on these animals - why don't you learn from them?" quoted from post 41.

What do you think this means, is it not saying directly that I agree with the AQ message and learn from the KSA how and why to hate the AQ? So do you agree with this statement?
Post 41 is not my post,check again.

This really is the limit of the pot calling the kettle black! AQ and JI have been sowing daisies all over the world haven't they? They have been sowing death and now they are reaping it.
This lesson applies to AQ and JI more than anyone. Everywhere they have made a gain, they have soon been overturned.
FYI, KSA has a zero-tolerance policy on these animals - why don't you learn from them?
I agree with the whole post,not a part of it.
Post 41 is not my post,check again.
I know but this is what you said about post 41:
I thanked post 41 because in my view,he is right.
in your post 48.

It may sound like I am nitpicking, but why this is important is that it is the technique of Indians and their agents to paint all Bangladeshi's who do not support them as AQ supporters, so their perceived enemies can become target of the West and perhaps even China.
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Post 41 is not my post,check again.

I agree with the whole post,not a part of it.

You will get no sense out of people who would cut off their nose to spite their face. They would invite the jackals into their homes to kill their brothers!

They hide their heads in the sand - and anything they can't digest with they label as conspiracy.
I agree with the whole post,not a part of it.

If you agree with this whole post, then you also agree with his baseless assumption based on my post that I agree with AQ message. Using the same logic, all Indians who posted the AQ video and published transcript in other websites could be accused of agreeing with and supporting AQ message in this and other threads, what do you think?
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You will get no sense out of people who would cut off their nose to spite their face. They would invite the jackals into their homes to kill their brothers!

They hide their heads in the sand - and anything they can't digest with they label as conspiracy.
kalu_miah is not such a person.
Different views but i'm sure he would never do such things.
The last line should not be taken personal,see it as meant for the country.
You know my thoughts and i know yours.

Just look at the post below bro and see if it clarifies what the meaning was. Yes bro, we do know each other, I agree, but it is our job to inform our well wishers about what is going in our country. That is why I take the trouble.
If you agree with this whole post, then you also agree with his baseless assumption based on my post that I agree with AQ message. Using the same logic, all Indians who posted the AQ video and published transcript in other websites could be accused of being agreeing with and supporting AQ message in this and other threads, what do you think?
Ok,you wanted this.
Why did you open this thread,honest answer?
Ok,you wanted this.
Why did you open this thread,honest answer?

If you mean I started this thread, I didn't, please look at OP in first page. I already stated why I posted my first post in this thread, no one provided the full video and the full text, so I thought I should post them with their URL links. I am interested to find out more about this audio clip that was made into a video with Zwahiri's photo. There is question about its authenticity, this should not be difficult to verify, using voice signatures and voice authentication comparing this clip with Zwahiri's earlier authenticated voice clips and live videos. I was also intrigued to find out that this audio clip first surfaced in Nov. as @idune pointed out, but no major news reporting orgs like Reuters, AFP picked it up, I guess it failed the smell test with them, but out of desperation eventually Bangladesh media (all remaining ones that are open are controlled by Indian intelligence RAW) finally flashes it. And then predictably RAB (Indian controlled security force in Bangladesh) picks up a 21 year old youth accusing him of spreading AQ message, you can see this in another thread. And in all these threads you will find Indian cheerleaders and Bangladeshi's who support Indian virtual occupation of Bangladesh, joining in. Hope you get the picture from this. This is why I called all of your attention, who are knowledgeable about international affairs, so you guys get the real scoop and inside story. There is a lot of questions, but not a whole lot of answers. But from the looks of it, only India and Indian agents in Bangladesh comes out as the sole beneficiary of this to make hay and get mileage out of this.
If you mean I started this thread, I didn't, please look at OP in first page. I already stated why I posted my first post in this thread, no one provided the full video and the full text, so I thought I should post them with their URL links. I am interested to find out more about this audio clip that was made into a video with Zwahiri's photo. There is question about its authenticity, this should not be difficult to verify, using voice signatures and voice authentication comparing this clip with Zwahiri's earlier authenticated voice clips and live videos. I was also intrigued to find out that this audio clip first surfaced in Nov. as @idune pointed out, but no major news reporting orgs like Reuters, AFP picked it up, I guess it failed the smell test with them, but out of desperation eventually Bangladesh media (all remaining ones that are open are controlled by Indian intelligence RAW) finally flashes it. And then predictably RAB (Indian controlled security force in Bangladesh) picks up a 21 year old youth accusing him of spreading AQ message, you can see this in another thread. And in all these threads you will find Indian cheerleaders and Bangladeshi's who support Indian virtual occupation of Bangladesh, joining in. Hope you get the picture from this. This is why I called all of your attention, who are knowledgeable about international affairs, so you guys get the real scoop and inside story. There is a lot of questions, but not a whole lot of answers. But from the looks of it, only India and Indian agents in Bangladesh comes out as the sole beneficiary of this to make hay and get mileage out of this.
Did some source verify the authenticity of this video?
You know there will allways be some elements causing devide in your country.
I have never seen a country with so much internal trouble,to many different groups,opinions,loyalties.
I wish i could tell you how to get out of this mess,to complecated even for those able to do something.
But honestly,where are those(Turkey,KSA,Iran,GCC) of the Muslim world who could help you?
They dont care.

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