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Al Qaeda Leader Ayman al-Zawahiri support Jamaat Hefajoot in their movement and ask Jihad

sheikhnews.com, very reliable. Looks like the site is created by someone like idune. :lol:
You can't speak for everyone, you don't know how many here are Jamaati's.

You have been unable to provide a single example of limitations or prejudices against Islam in BD. You may not be Jamaati but you are spouting exactly their rhetoric.. 'Islam dongsho oizar'.?

These are the kind of scare tactics mullah politicians use all over the world to manipulate innocent Muslims. Just look at Syria and Pakistan for examples, it proves that just because people are religious doesn't mean they are right or that they know what they're doing.

So don't go throwing words like anti-Islam and lapdog around so easily. Last i heard AQ and the Taliban are the biggest lapdogs and anti-Islam shirk of all - and they have openly been praised by Jamaat and Jamaatis all over the world.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, it's not going anywhere. BD on the other hand is a small, young country and it can be easily ruined - so how do you think a reasonable citizen should conduct themselves?

How can an entire country's government be anti-Islam where 90% people are Muslim - do you understand that? It's not practical, but these mullahs blame everyone else for all the worlds evils.

Some minister said something and that justifies overthrowing the government?

Where have i mentioned Muslim education? Don't read things that you wish to read.

I say pro-Mullah because that is what these people (maybe you) are. They are not pro-Islam because Islam is broad and covers every part of life. Islam is tolerant and practical - Mullah parties are not. Pro-mullah people are blind followers of their politician leaders who want power like everyone else. So don't act like Mullah is someone unquestionable.

Listen bro, I've been on here for a few good months now, since July 2013, I was a spectator before I signed up. From what I know most of the BD members are not Jamaati, but STILL people like to bark the name Jamaati for no reason when it was already said we are not. The situation in Pakistan is to be blamed on foreign elements being allowed in the country and stupid groups like TTP who do not follow the haqq or sunnah.

You don't understand the underlying problem here, it's not about if Islam is going to flee Bangladesh, or Islam is dying, we're speaking about the statements and actions committed against Islam and Muslims.

"How can an entire government be anti Muslim if 90% of the population is Muslim", bro I shouldn't be replying back to you because you said that, it shows the lack of research done, you choose to put aside everything that is in front of your eyes.

Listen to what M.Shawkat Ali (Deputy speaker of parliament) said recently regarding the Hijab, if your mum wears the burqa and hijab then you should be extremely offended by his words.

What you don't understand is we too believe in a sovereign Bangladesh.
Listen bro, I've been on here for a few good months now, since July 2013, I was a spectator before I signed up. From what I know most of the BD members are not Jamaati, but STILL people like to bark the name Jamaati for no reason when it was already said we are not. The situation in Pakistan is to be blamed on foreign elements being allowed in the country and stupid groups like TTP who do not follow the haqq or sunnah.

You don't understand the underlying problem here, it's not about if Islam is going to flee Bangladesh, or Islam is dying, we're speaking about the statements and actions committed against Islam and Muslims.

"How can an entire government be anti Muslim if 90% of the population is Muslim", bro I shouldn't be replying back to you because you said that, it shows the lack of research done, you choose to put aside everything that is in front of your eyes.

Listen to what M.Shawkat Ali (Deputy speaker of parliament) said recently regarding the Hijab, if your mum wears the burqa and hijab then you should be extremely offended by his words.

What you don't understand is we too believe in a sovereign Bangladesh.

You keep saying 'we', do you think people come on PDF with a sign around there neck saying i'm Jamaati? Can you guarantee everyone else isn't? No. So speak for yourself.

You may not realise it but you are spouting the same lines as every 2-bit Jamaati. I'm not sure you understand whether you are defending Islam or just Jamaati politics? There are hundreds of Islamic groups in BD who support Hasina and oppose JI. So will you tell me they're kafir too? You're equating being anti-Jamaat to mean anti-Islam - do you realise how disgusting that is? It's actually shirk.

I asked you twice to show how a Bangladeshi is restricted from Islam but you couldn't name even one. You're still going on about what one guy said. And you went personal, does your mum have to wear a burka for you to be offended? Its offensive anyway (my mum actually does wear one) but it is one idiot's comment. Not something that justifies civil war.

Some people are trying to confuse everyone and make BD into a religious issue but it isn't, it is an issue of power and politics - the mullahs have been playing politics for decades just like Hasina - is criticising them a criticism of Islam? You need to start thinking a bit more maturely.

One more thing, the TTP in Pak say the government is not Muslim, that their constitution is kufr - so they want revolution. After all of Pakistan's efforts at Islamisation, this is what they get.

You are saying, the BD government is anti-Islam, the constitution is not Islamic enough - so we want revolution. Whats the difference between TTP and you? And do you think these mullah parties will ever be happy. The evidence says no.
You keep saying 'we', do you think people come on PDF with a sign around there neck saying i'm Jamaati? Can you guarantee everyone else isn't? No. So speak for yourself.

You may not realise it but you are spouting the same lines as every 2-bit Jamaati. I'm not sure you understand whether you are defending Islam or just Jamaati politics? There are hundreds of Islamic groups in BD who support Hasina and oppose JI. So will you tell me they're kafir too? You're equating being anti-Jamaat to mean anti-Islam - do you realise how disgusting that is? It's actually shirk.

I asked you twice to show how a Bangladeshi is restricted from Islam but you couldn't name even one. You're still going on about what one guy said. And you went personal, does your mum have to wear a burka for you to be offended? Its offensive anyway (my mum actually does wear one) but it is one idiot's comment. Not something that justifies civil war.

Some people are trying to confuse everyone and make BD into a religious issue but it isn't, it is an issue of power and politics - the mullahs have been playing politics for decades just like Hasina - is criticising them a criticism of Islam? You need to start thinking a bit more maturely.

One more thing, the TTP in Pak say the government is not Muslim, that their constitution is kufr - so they want revolution. After all of Pakistan's efforts at Islamisation, this is what they get.

You are saying, the BD government is anti-Islam, the constitution is not Islamic enough - so we want revolution. Whats the difference between TTP and you? And do you think these mullah parties will ever be happy. The evidence says no.

You're good at putting words into my mouth, I never ever said "restricted", I never used the word? The issue I stated wasn't about whether I could practice Islam in Bangladesh freely or not, it was about higher authority insulting the hijab, I'm not the one to make this a religious issue, religion got involved when people like the Chief minister started releasing statements like that. Jamaati politics? There is a difference between restriction and a political party taking an Anti Islam stance whether that be physically or simply spewing sh-t. Jamaat believes in the democratic process, I believe in the system of Khilafa. Those two things are completely different and clash with each other.

I have said before that no one cares about Al Qaeda or any of the related groups, they're takfiris and hold no place in BD. Why are you making me repeat things? "Constitution is not Islamic enough", when did I say that? I talked about the removal of Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, what was the purpose of it being removed, why the sudden urge to change a constitution, what made them do this, what was the reasoning behind this? Not once did I say the "constitution is not Islamic enough" - again putting words into my mouth.
Looks like another offspring of iambengali and hammerfist popped up.

It looks like the latter, but then it is possible to have multiple people with similar personalities who are similarly out of touch with the situation prevailing in Bangladesh.
I asked you twice to show how a Bangladeshi is restricted from Islam but you couldn't name even one.

Do you know jack about Bangladesh? Looks like you are repeating indo Awami script handed over to you. Did you have memory loss about how your type of thugs insulted aspiration of Muslims from Shahbagh? And how indo and Awami regime sponsored and gave protection to these fascist?

Have you not seen how awami league shooting at national mosque and shut down mosque everywhere in Bangladesh.

Are you asking us to forget how Awami League committed genocide against Muslims who were protesting insult against Islam.

It is time for your reincarnation and assume new identity. Hammerfist, iambengali and now PersonasNonGrata are busted. Hope Mod can check on your IP.



Do you know jack about Bangladesh? Looks like you are repeating indo Awami script handed over to you. Did you have memory loss about how your type of thugs insulted aspiration of Muslims from Shahbagh? And how indo and Awami regime sponsored and gave protection to these fascist?

Have you not seen how awami league shooting at national mosque and shut down mosque everywhere in Bangladesh.

Are you asking us to forget how Awami League committed genocide against Muslims who were protesting insult against Islam.

It is time for your reincarnation and assume new identity. Hammerfist, iambengali and now PersonasNonGrata are busted. Hope Mod can check on your IP.



I think you need to look up the word 'overstatement' in the dictionary. I would remind you that many times throughout history - recent and not so recent - criminals, scoundrels and takfiris have taken refuge in mosques. Wherever they hide a criminal needs to be tackled or not?

I can assure you that I am neither of those people, the mods probably know that. I can just imagine that you've been severely undermined by those 2 too and i can also see why they probably don't bother anymore. You guys just repeat the same old lines regardless of how things are turning out.
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