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Al-MASMAK Mk.2 Revealed in AAD 2012








I never said otherwise O.O

My bad ! :rofl:

Hey, Mosa ! Can these babies traverse the steeper hilly areas of Pakistan where we're fighting an insurgency in ? And when I say I mean the Pak-Afghan border & the adjoining areas with their thousands of ravines, gullies & caves along side a not so well developed road system !
Actually the new turret was built on heavy emphasis on protecting the Thermal scope. Because the vehicle use mostly the thermal sight for its combat and can't afford to lose it.
If you lose the thermal you lose a .50 cal... not a big deal man

doesn't make much sense when the ballistic glass is more expensive than the thermal scope... I say just stick to protecting soldiers.

About that:

You can put the seats a little lower so a bullet penetrates that glass doesn't make a headshot :) They are still protected from mine blasts' shockwave if you hang the seats from the ceiling. And they can fire standing up.
My bad ! :rofl:

Hey, Mosa ! Can these babies traverse the steeper hilly areas of Pakistan where we're fighting an insurgency in ? And when I say I mean the Pak-Afghan border & the adjoining areas with their thousands of ravines, gullies & caves along side a not so well developed road system !

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If you lose the thermal you lose a .50 cal... not a big deal man

doesn't make much sense when the ballistic glass is more expensive than the thermal scope... I say just stick to protecting soldiers.

The RSLF and SANG requested that the vehicle has a Yellow class fighting capability. Translating to medium class fighting capability. They don't want a vehicle that can not fight and take on targets while transporting troops because insurgents in mountainous region use ambushes and the vehicle should be able to rebel said ambush. Our troops were extremely dissatisfied with the HUMVEE's performance during the Sa'dah insurgency and this vehicle along with the Al-Shibl 2 variant was built from lessons learned during that conflict.

Hence why it can even be fitted with a 25mm autocanon. An option I doubt it will be exercised though since it is not an IFV, but it is nice to have as an option.

Al-Shibl 2:

Youtube is banned in Pakistan ! :angry:

The Youtube videos show the vehicle easily going over extremely rugged terrain.
If you lose the thermal you lose a .50 cal... not a big deal man

doesn't make much sense when the ballistic glass is more expensive than the thermal scope... I say just stick to protecting soldiers.

About that:

You can put the seats a little lower so a bullet penetrates that glass doesn't make a headshot :) They are still protected from mine blasts' shockwave if you hang the seats from the ceiling. And they can fire standing up.

During combat I believe the soldiers will be pointing their guns from the soldier gun holes on the sides instead of trying to enjoy the scenery from the window. This design is the reason it got the best protection in the world of up to level 4. A level not reached before by any MRAP.

And besides, unless it is an Anti-Material rifle it is not going to penetrate the reinforced glass since it has protection up to 12.7mms.
During combat I believe the soldiers will be pointing their guns from the soldier gun holes on the sides instead of trying to enjoy the scenery from the window. This design is the reason it got the best protection in the world of up to level 4. A level not reached before by any MRAP.

And besides, unless it is an Anti-Material rifle it is not going to penetrate the reinforced glass since it has protection up to 12.7mms.

there goes the magic word :D "up to"

It means armor can protect the soldiers from 12.7mm rounds, shot from certain distances and angles, in other words STANAG L4 doesn't necessarily mean "unpenetrable".

A lucky shot can take out the unfortunate soldier from that glass, it may be just one soldier but... Comfort of sitting down during a firefight isn't that important, just saying :)
there goes the magic word :D "up to"

It means armor can protect the soldiers from 12.7mm rounds, shot from certain distances and angles, in other words STANAG L4 doesn't necessarily mean "unpenetrable".

A lucky shot can take out the unfortunate soldier from that glass, it may be just one soldier but... Comfort of sitting down during a firefight isn't that important, just saying :)

One thing any Designer Engineer has to face in the process of designing is "Trade off".
You must give away one thing for the other. IED are a more imminent threat than a "Lucky shot".

To be honest these types of vehicles are not built to fight well equipped armies in conventional warfare, but rather COIN operations. So there is an entire different design mentality than that of when building one for a conventional war with specific threats to counter and neutralize.

At least due to its Fire Power our MRAP can be considered to be sent during a stage 2 offensive, unlike 95% of other MRAPs out there who sending them in stage 2 rather than a stage 3 would be a grave mistake.
there goes the magic word :D "up to"

It means armor can protect the soldiers from 12.7mm rounds, shot from certain distances and angles, in other words STANAG L4 doesn't necessarily mean "unpenetrable".

A lucky shot can take out the unfortunate soldier from that glass, it may be just one soldier but... Comfort of sitting down during a firefight isn't that important, just saying :)

it is just Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle, designed to stand light weapons and IED's, normally it will not stand against heavy weapons as that would be the job of tanks and IFV's.
@Penguin, big glass is always bad, it's not just for protection damn ballistic glasses become much heavier than any other part of the armor.

I don't know what's the point, no matter how easy you see outside still not easy to aim from behind the armor, I don't think it's worth reducing protection of an armored vehicle. it also violates the most basic sense of security ...secrecy

First model of BMC Kirpi:

The model that went through serial production:

The First Model of Kirpi is from Israel ......

The First Model of Kirpi is from Israel ......

I know, it was a hatehof design, but it didn't fit Turkish Army requirements and the design was changed as i was saying.

Off topic: We blew up a RN-94 during Cirit's firing tests... lovely :)
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