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Al-Khalid tank (Type 90-IIM / MBT-2000) Information Pool

their is no concept of elite/inferior/secondary units in PA or Pak armed forces. All are equal.
All units are rotated in and out of different Corps/Div/Brigades and when they are rotated/posted out they leave their equipment behind. as the equipment does not belong to any unit/battalion but it is the property of the Corps.

so eg in armors case a unit which might be on al-Khalid on day might be on al-zarrars in 3-5 years time. all equipment is according to area of responsiblity of the corps in question.
no one and nothing is constant in Pak armed forces. this is true for all of PA. PAF and PN

I don't believe you are right in every case here. All units are not rotated like normal infantry units do after every 3 years during peace time. A cousin of mine whose unit is an armored unit equipped with T-80UDs is still at Multan for nearly 10 years now, he served at Multan as Company commander, then 2IC and then CO, he is now gone but the unit is still at Multan. In armor formations units only move when equipment of same type is being used by both of them. I am in Peshawar & i am seeing the same armor unit guys since 2001. And how easy would it be that you hand AZ tanks to a unit which has been trained to handle AKs, that also just after 3-5 years ? Same is the case for HAT battalions, they hardly move and when they move, the swap their places with another HAT battalion. Similarly for MIB battalions, these are specialized battalions who can not be taken over by just a normal infantry unit, rather a MIB unit will be replaced by a MIB unit and these units spend more time compared to what normal infantry units spend. An assault engineer battalion will not go anywhere, it will go with the armor formation it is linked with, it will be there for the special task it has been raised for. A SP unit will not be posted to Peshawar or Quetta, rather the SP artillery will be there at its place and nor will another unit take over its guns, unit remains the same, equipment remains the same, location would remain the same, its the men which will rotate.

So, PA does have specialized units, and some of them have better equipment and these units are charged with specialized tasks in case of war. And similarly for PN, PAF also. F-16s are stationed at Sargodha since 80s, Sqds which got equipped with them are still there, they only moved to Kamra when it was required, Sqds don't move until its completely necessary. Taking example of 5 Sqd, which left its Mirages, got the new Blk 52s and due to necessity had to move to Jacobabad. 9th & 11th Sqds with F-16s since the 1980s. 14th Sqd got them and then returned due to some specific reasons. The Sqds at Peshawar had A-5s since 80s and now Brand new JF-17s. So, even in PAF Sqds don't move, equipment does only when new arrives or in exceptional cases like 14 Sqd had to loose its. Its not done on routine by passing of 3-5 years.
I don't believe you are right in every case here. All units are not rotated like normal infantry units do after every 3 years during peace time. A cousin of mine whose unit is an armored unit equipped with T-80UDs is still at Multan for nearly 10 years now, he served at Multan as Company commander, then 2IC and then CO, he is now gone but the unit is still at Multan. In armor formations units only move when equipment of same type is being used by both of them. I am in Peshawar & i am seeing the same armor unit guys since 2001. And how easy would it be that you hand AZ tanks to a unit which has been trained to handle AKs, that also just after 3-5 years ? Same is the case for HAT battalions, they hardly move and when they move, the swap their places with another HAT battalion. Similarly for MIB battalions, these are specialized battalions who can not be taken over by just a normal infantry unit, rather a MIB unit will be replaced by a MIB unit and these units spend more time compared to what normal infantry units spend. An assault engineer battalion will not go anywhere, it will go with the armor formation it is linked with, it will be there for the special task it has been raised for. A SP unit will not be posted to Peshawar or Quetta, rather the SP artillery will be there at its place and nor will another unit take over its guns, unit remains the same, equipment remains the same, location would remain the same, its the men which will rotate.

So, PA does have specialized units, and some of them have better equipment and these units are charged with specialized tasks in case of war. And similarly for PN, PAF also. F-16s are stationed at Sargodha since 80s, Sqds which got equipped with them are still there, they only moved to Kamra when it was required, Sqds don't move until its completely necessary. Taking example of 5 Sqd, which left its Mirages, got the new Blk 52s and due to necessity had to move to Jacobabad. 9th & 11th Sqds with F-16s since the 1980s. 14th Sqd got them and then returned due to some specific reasons. The Sqds at Peshawar had A-5s since 80s and now Brand new JF-17s. So, even in PAF Sqds don't move, equipment does only when new arrives or in exceptional cases like 14 Sqd had to loose its. Its not done on routine by passing of 3-5 years.

T80s are outstanding tanks. I remember visiting one of the units in Multan a few years back. I was impressed by the cabin layout and the amount of technology it had in it. I do Hope we can procure AKs more swiftly. For some reason, Al Zarrars seems to not be able to make the cut. When India gets the T-90s in full numbers, Al Zarrars won't make it. Not to mention the Western Anti-Tank weapons their corps are fielding.
I don't believe you are right in every case here. All units are not rotated like normal infantry units do after every 3 years during peace time. A cousin of mine whose unit is an armored unit equipped with T-80UDs is still at Multan for nearly 10 years now, he served at Multan as Company commander, then 2IC and then CO, he is now gone but the unit is still at Multan. In armor formations units only move when equipment of same type is being used by both of them. I am in Peshawar & i am seeing the same armor unit guys since 2001. And how easy would it be that you hand AZ tanks to a unit which has been trained to handle AKs, that also just after 3-5 years ? Same is the case for HAT battalions, they hardly move and when they move, the swap their places with another HAT battalion. Similarly for MIB battalions, these are specialized battalions who can not be taken over by just a normal infantry unit, rather a MIB unit will be replaced by a MIB unit and these units spend more time compared to what normal infantry units spend. An assault engineer battalion will not go anywhere, it will go with the armor formation it is linked with, it will be there for the special task it has been raised for. A SP unit will not be posted to Peshawar or Quetta, rather the SP artillery will be there at its place and nor will another unit take over its guns, unit remains the same, equipment remains the same, location would remain the same, its the men which will rotate.

So, PA does have specialized units, and some of them have better equipment and these units are charged with specialized tasks in case of war. And similarly for PN, PAF also. F-16s are stationed at Sargodha since 80s, Sqds which got equipped with them are still there, they only moved to Kamra when it was required, Sqds don't move until its completely necessary. Taking example of 5 Sqd, which left its Mirages, got the new Blk 52s and due to necessity had to move to Jacobabad. 9th & 11th Sqds with F-16s since the 1980s. 14th Sqd got them and then returned due to some specific reasons. The Sqds at Peshawar had A-5s since 80s and now Brand new JF-17s. So, even in PAF Sqds don't move, equipment does only when new arrives or in exceptional cases like 14 Sqd had to loose its. Its not done on routine by passing of 3-5 years.

Taimi Khan while i was away just to make sure (as it u who is disagreeing with me) i called up some one in the armoured corps and had all the things that we are discussing double checked. and this is what i found out:

- all battalions in PA (except armoured Corps. battalions) are rotated/transferred from a formation after a period of 10-12 years. without any exception.
- all armoured Corps battalions are rotated/transferred from a formation after 7-9 years of time. without exception.

-when a unit across PA is rotated out of a formation. it does not take the equipment/armament with it. the equipment stays at its place and would be taken over by the battalion replacing it. similarly the unit rotated out will take charge of the equipment/armaments of the unit its replacing.

-the armament/equipment belongs to the formation and will stay at its place for the duration of the life of the equipment/armament.

-formations never leave their area of responsibility in peace time but only for exercises some times ( as most exercises are carried out in their area of operation).

-battalions might be operating Al-khalid in one formation and al zarrar in the other or vise versa. (like i had said in my earlier post). their are no elite units but only crack/spearhead Corps. /Div./Brigades. All battalions in PA are equal and to keep this equality this rotation policy is followed.

-armour battalions that that are operating eg al khalid will have no problem if rotated to a formation lets say operating t-80 or al zarrar, as they had operated them earlier.

- but if a battalion which eg was on al zarrar and has been transferred to a formation where it is required to operate t-80ud. will be trained for the purpose and the procedure for this is that the OC will right to GHQ with request for the provision of the requisite training. This training will initially be provided at the armour school (around 4 months) and later at the battalion, after the crews have basic-intermidate level skills/knowledge.

-this is the same across PA without any exception.

- My father is from the Corps of Eng. his unit is 2 Engineer Battalion. he did several stints in it.in the 65 when he was a LT/a very young Capt. it served in the role of Combat Eng. in chumb. in the 70s when he was a Maj. in 2EB he was building the KKH. later on in the 80s when he was promoted to a LT.Col. he took command of 2EB in ormara where they were building a jetty for the navy. after that was finished he under his command moved the unit to kharia in 6 armour div. where again it would be playing the role of combat engineers in a armoured brigade and for the first time had bridges mounted on the chassis of tanks.
the point of all of the above is to explain that their is no constant in the army and all equipment is assigned according to ur deployment.

- to explain it further 1 armour Div. is considered to the spear head of PA and is suppose to play a major role in any conflict, so naturally it would get the best equipment. no just the armour battalion but all battalions in the Div. only consider a battalion that is in the formation that is part of PA armour reserve. it will not get the best equipment available (as that is not enough to go around).

i hope thats makes it very clear (if u read it with a clear objective mind : ) ), clear as day light.

ps ; sorry for any mistakes as i am too tired to edit it as its very late at night.

happy reading
@Fieldmarshal Taimi Khan while i was away just to make sure (as it u who is disagreeing with me) i called up some one in the armoured corps and had all the things that we are discussing double checked. and this is what i found out:

- all battalions in PA (except armoured Corps. battalions) are rotated/transferred from a formation after a period of 10-12 years. without any exception.

Infantry & some artillery/engineers/armor battalions get posted after every three years, in operational areas like KPK/FATA after 2 years, siachen 1 or 1 1/2 years, while the specialized battalions either stay for a very long time or hardly move. This is what i said and your post kind of says that too.

- all armoured Corps battalions are rotated/transferred from a formation after 7-9 years of time. without exception.

Don't think the 7-9 year policy holds true in every case, as said i am seeing same armor unit guys since 2001 in Peshawar and its 2013 now, similarly the example of my cousin i quoted, his unit is at Multan since the day they got T-80UDs and today is 2013. I believe his was the first unit or 2nd one which got the T-80UDs.

-when a unit across PA is rotated out of a formation. it does not take the equipment/armament with it. the equipment stays at its place and would be taken over by the battalion replacing it. similarly the unit rotated out will take charge of the equipment/armaments of the unit its replacing.

It holds true all around the world, equipment remains there, i never contested that. Only in exceptional cases equipment moves with the formation.

-the armament/equipment belongs to the formation and will stay at its place for the duration of the life of the equipment/armament.

True, provided the doctrine doesn't changes.

-formations never leave their area of responsibility in peace time but only for exercises some times ( as most exercises are carried out in their area of operation).

By formations if you mean Divisions / Brigades / Corps, that is true, in exceptional cases formations move, like whole division / Brigade moving into tribal areas for operations & in case of war.

-battalions might be operating Al-khalid in one formation and al zarrar in the other or vise versa. (like i had said in my earlier post). their are no elite units but only crack/spearhead Corps. /Div./Brigades. All battalions in PA are equal and to keep this equality this rotation policy is followed.

I think, in our discussion, crack/spearhead formation be it a unit / brigade / division does means elite, since they have the best equipment available for the special task they are made for. Elite in our discussion doesn’t means they are given better food or better residential facilities, rather elite in our case means a unit which is holding better equipment for specific role. All battalions in PA are not equal, many battalions are equal as their role is same, some battalions are different due to the equipment they use for the specific role they are assigned in the warfare doctrine. Is a normal infantry unit & MIB unit same, don’t think so. Is a LAT & HAT battalion equal, don’t think so. Is an armor unit using Type-55s / Type-85s & the ones using AK / T-80UDs same, don’t think so. Rotation policy is not equal, its equal for some and for some due to the specific reasons of warfare its not.

-armour battalions that that are operating eg al khalid will have no problem if rotated to a formation lets say operating t-80 or al zarrar, as they had operated them earlier.

I don’t see why you are making it so easy, since all are different machines; engines may be similar or from same origin, but still other equipment and a tank’s performance to each other is different. It’s not that easy to keep changing tanks between units after such a short time period, especially since we don’t train our tank formations that much due to some factors. And we are using other origin tanks also, my cousins unit used to operate Chinese tanks and then shifted to T-80UDs, which was a major change.

- but if a battalion which eg was on al zarrar and has been transferred to a formation where it is required to operate t-80ud. will be trained for the purpose and the procedure for this is that the OC will right to GHQ with request for the provision of the requisite training. This training will initially be provided at the armour school (around 4 months) and later at the battalion, after the crews have basic-intermidate level skills/knowledge.

-this is the same across PA without any exception.

Definitely training has to happen. No question about it. When the AMR rifles were introduced, even for that training had to be imparted to the troops, here we are talking about big tanks.

- My father is from the Corps of Eng. his unit is 2 Engineer Battalion. he did several stints in it.in the 65 when he was a LT/a very young Capt. it served in the role of Combat Eng. in chumb. in the 70s when he was a Maj. in 2EB he was building the KKH. later on in the 80s when he was promoted to a LT.Col. he took command of 2EB in ormara where they were building a jetty for the navy. after that was finished he under his command moved the unit to kharia in 6 armour div. where again it would be playing the role of combat engineers in a armoured brigade and for the first time had bridges mounted on the chassis of tanks.
the point of all of the above is to explain that their is no constant in the army and all equipment is assigned according to ur deployment.

Agreed, engineering units move, but assault engineering battalions stay mostly for a longer period of time as their role is specific to stay with armored formations.

- to explain it further 1 armour Div. is considered to the spear head of PA and is suppose to play a major role in any conflict, so naturally it would get the best equipment. no just the armour battalion but all battalions in the Div. only consider a battalion that is in the formation that is part of PA armour reserve. it will not get the best equipment available (as that is not enough to go around).

I said the same thing, we have some special / elite / crack / spearhead formations which are better equipped for specific role. Of the 9 Corps, two are elite / crack / special Corps which have been better equipped for offensive role.

i hope thats makes it very clear (if u read it with a clear objective mind : ) ), clear as day light.

I am already clear in my mind as I said the same thing which you have mentioned, there is some hard and fast rule for normal infantry units, some artillery units and for some armor formations which use the same equipment, but then there are special rules for the HAT, MIB & armor formations which are raised for some specific role and that their transferring is not done after just 3 years.

ps ; sorry for any mistakes as i am too tired to edit it as its very late at night.

happy reading

Thanks for the read, much obliged.
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I said the same thing, we have some special / elite / crack / spearhead formations which are better equipped for specific role. Of the 9 Corps, two are elite / crack / special Corps which have been better equipped for offensive role.

I and II corps?
New projects taken up by NUST related to AL khalid or the PA armour

*Study of suspension system of trac
ked A
vehicles and design analysis of torsion bar of
main battle tank Alkhalid

*Fire Power and Stability Control
of a Tank
*Semi Active Suspension System
*To analyze the
performance and stability
of armoured vehicle
launched bridge
*Autofrettage Analysis of
gun barrel of tan

*High Mobility Vehicle
*Design & Fabrication of a Steered 4
wheel amphibious vehicle
*Study of Armoured Vehicle Launching Bridge
(AVLB) and
Analysis of 5
m Launching Arm (JIB)

*ndigenous development of Aluminium alloy

for more go through this link

nust.edu.pk/INSTITUTIONS/Colleges/CEME/Departments/Mechanical Engineering/Documents/ListofUGProjects-DME.pdf
I love everything about Al-Khalid from A-Z. I wish KSA buys them it will boot our RSLF and helps Pakistan too.:pakistan:

KSA has been testing AK for sometime but no deal has materialized. Its been built for,desert warfare. I believe RSLF or SNAG were looking for T-90S. However, RSLF has a much better option in Altay, for a JV.
Bangladesh bought the inferior mbt-2000 for 3.7 million each... in a deal work 162 million dollars for 44 tanks.... AK uses european and Pakistani systems so its cost would much be higher...

So if it costs around $4 million a unit (considering that we're the manufactures) that would place 1000 MBTs at $4billion - Where the heck are we going to get such money from ? :blink:

And wouldn't it be more prudent to let the Army lag behind for a few years & concentrate our resources on the PAF & the PN more !
So if it costs around $4 million a unit (considering that we're the manufactures) that would place 1000 MBTs at $4billion - Where the heck are we going to get such money from ? :blink:

And wouldn't it be more prudent to let the Army lag behind for a few years & concentrate our resources on the PAF & the PN more !

The 4 million (for the chinese version) also includes profits doesnt it ? we manufacture the whole tank and are not buyers... tht cuts the cost down significantly...also we dont have 1000 AKs.. more like 500-700..and its in active service since quite a few years.... heck we are getting the new AK-Is now..
The 4 million (for the chinese version) also includes profits doesnt it ? we manufacture the whole tank and are not buyers... tht cuts the cost down significantly...also we dont have 1000 AKs.. more like 500-700..and its in active service since quite a few years.... heck we are getting the new AK-Is now..

I know yaar but thats what I'm saying - Maybe the Force's Expenditure Mix should be realigned a bit to give more resources to the PN & the PAF !

Achaaa how good do you think the Al-Zarrar is compared to the AKs, the T-80s, the T-72 Ajeya's & the Indian T-90 - Where does it stand with respect to these tanks ?
I know yaar but thats what I'm saying - Maybe the Force's Expenditure Mix should be realigned a bit to give more resources to the PN & the PAF !

Achaaa how good do you think the Al-Zarrar is compared to the AKs, the T-80s, the T-72 Ajeya's & the Indian T-90 - Where does it stand with respect to these tanks ?

Dude im not an armour expert... talk to me about arty... although from what ive heard its better than the t-72 ajeya... and inferior to AK ... while at the same time it uses several t-80ud systems... western fcs,indigenous gun,western thermal sights etc..
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