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Al-Jazeera to broadcast in India

Bad move, as we know Indian incompetence will clearly show. It doesn;t have the capability or resources to monitor all these TV channels to make sure no disinformation or propaganda is used against it.
^^ Media monitoring not reqd in India. People and the media are fully aware of it.
Whether this is a good move or not will become clear the next second they present their views on Kashmir.

And as far as I have seen in Kuwait, its not good. :rolleyes:
Whether this is a good move or not will become clear the next second they present their views on Kashmir.

And as far as I have seen in Kuwait, its not good. :rolleyes:

Lets see what they have to offer and what type of views they gona broadcast...

I don't have positive feeling towards this move,lets see what happen..!
I prefer to hear both sides of the news as is always in today's media world. Truly independent media is a myth in any country, so it is always recommended to hear both sides of the story and then make a decision who is right. That should be the basis of independent and free thinking.
Media should not be the one who makes the interpretations rather it should be 'us' as viewers.

As Karthik mentioned, it would be crucial to see how they report on the India sensitive issues. I am sure we all will be here on this forum discussing them as well.
Whether this is a good move or not will become clear the next second they present their views on Kashmir.

And as far as I have seen in Kuwait, its not good. :rolleyes:

or may be they ll change their mind once they come here:devil:
Al Jazeera and France 24 alongwith some other channels got permission this month. It wasn't just AJE specific.

And about Kashmir they don't show anything much different from what you see on BBC or CNN. If there are protests going on there, they will show that.

It would be really insecure of the government to not give permissions to AJE just because they don't "like" its coverage.

This is different from pure propaganda channels like say PRESS TV of Iran for example
^^ Media monitoring not reqd in India. People and the media are fully aware of it.

yeah sure buddy tell that to that either 500 million ppl who have access to education or computers like yourself.
Let anyone show what they want...if people want to see they will.

Isn't the market in India overcrowded? I wonder if they will have any chance pushing out the established players.
yeah sure buddy tell that to that either 500 million ppl who have access to education or computers like yourself.

The chances are the poor people without access to education or computers will not know English either...so where is the chance for propaganda?
The chances are the poor people without access to education or computers will not know English either...so where is the chance for propaganda?

Good point....my only thought was that if such propaganda was aired, others sympathetic to such ideas would spread the word with illiterate masses who could be easily manipulated. They would use such shows as proof and tell folks "look its on TV if you don;t believe me get your friend or cousin to interpret." Come on, don't forget this is the same India where politicos buy votes from the masses irrespective of their views on politics.
I prefer to hear both sides of the news as is always in today's media world. Truly independent media is a myth in any country, so it is always recommended to hear both sides of the story and then make a decision who is right. That should be the basis of independent and free thinking.
Media should not be the one who makes the interpretations rather it should be 'us' as viewers.

As Karthik mentioned, it would be crucial to see how they report on the India sensitive issues. I am sure we all will be here on this forum discussing them as well.

I feel the same way but ideally this type of "independent" media should really be for a society that is educated enough to see the difference between the truth and the BS. Unfortunately, India I feel has a huge population that is not prepared yet for such responsibility. Take the US for example, we have folks who are so manipulated by the news that they will blindly vote for nonsense and complexly disregard the real issues at hand. China on the other hand insulate it ppl, maybe a little too much but it also pushes nationalism which brings the country together.
I feel the same way but ideally this type of "independent" media should really be for a society that is educated enough to see the difference between the truth and the BS. Unfortunately, India I feel has a huge population that is not prepared yet for such responsibility.

You may be partially right regards the maturity of the audience... thats the reason I had asked earlier whether the reporting will be in English or Hindi. If it is english only, then the target audience is very limited (consider that they also have to compete with likes of BBC, CNN amongst other international english channels). This limited target audience may well appreciate another side of opinion.
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