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'Akash' missile successfully test-fired again Today.

In yesterday test, Our cruise missile fly at a height of 50 Meter with speed of 900 KM ,hit target with the accuracy of 6 feet (2 meters). Now Is there any Anti missile system n your inventory or ground based radar which can detect a missile flying at 50 meter and act against it quickly? Reaction time against such kind of Cruise missiles is what?

Yes, our Akash missile travels at the speed of 3000 KM :woot: :argh: :yahoo:
^ All the theoretical bull crap. If india so confident about her CM killing capablities flying at 100 or below 100 M. Than why don't they just announce it. Show me one country beside America who claimed they have intercepted a cruise missile successfully with ground based radars? or show me one test of your DRDO where a missile flying at 50-100 M (not 400 not 300) from GROUND LEVEL was killed successfully? Then we can say all the jibberish you have posted above hold a worth against threats flying very close to earth.

Akash has ability to engage targets at 30 m. There were some pre-order trial by IAF in Dec 2007. And the result was.... from official DRDO websites...

User trials to verify the consistency in performance of the total weapon system against low flying near range target, long range high altitude target, crossing and approaching target and ripple firing of two missiles from the same launcher against a low altitude receding target were conducted at ITR, Chandipur during Dec 2007. Akash missile successfully intercepted nine targets in successive launches. Fifth and last trial successfully took place at 2.15pm on 21st Dec at Chandipur on sea in which the Akash missile destroyed an Unmanned Air Vehicle (Lakshya) which was flying a path simulating an air attack.


Various ground systems, such as Akash launcher (Air Force & Army versions), the Integrated Power Supply System developed by Research & Development Establishment (Engineers) (R&D E (Engrs)), Pune, were tested during Akash user trials for Indian Air Force during 13-21 December 2007. Six missile launches were successfully carried out using the Air Force launcher. Flight trials were conducted to demonstrate various engagement capabilities of Akash namely high altitude and far boundary, low altitude and near boundary, receder target with maximum range and low altitude in ripple mode and crossing target. All the above capabilities were successfully demonstrated during the user trials.

Very first line. 17 KM for a towed target. Now Babur is programmed to evade Akash type threats while still keeping it's target insight using TERCOM or DISMAC IF AKASH detects a babur at 50 Meters above ground.

Babur programmed to avoid Akash??? How it will know that Akash is coming? TERCOM or DISMAC does not detect incoming missiles. These are mainly ground imaging/mapping systems. BTW any official source for that???

And Barak 8 NG is for naval purposes. We are talking about intercepting LACM here. So until Barak NG land version comes, don't confuse yourself with a NAVAL SAM where ground clutter is not a problem and in LAND where ground clutter is a very big problem for GROUND RADARS>
There are two systems LRSAM (Navy) and MRSAM (IAF). MRSAM was designed to intercept various kinds of missiles including subsonic and supersonic cruise missiles. This is what MoD website has to say....

Medium Range Surface to Air Missile (MRSAM): It is a land based Air Defence System
being developed to meet the requirements of Indian Air Force (IAF). It is a Joint development
programme between DRDO and IAI, Israel. MRSAM weapon system is capable of neutralising
variety of targets, like Fixed Wing Aircraft, Helicopters, Missiles (sub sonic, supersonic and tactical ballistic missiles) within a range of 70 km and up to an altitude of 20 km. The Firing Unit is equipped to neutralise threats from multiple targets simultaneously.
Babur missile claims to have a CEP of ~2m, Babur also uses a combination of inertial navigation systems, terrain contour matching (TERCOM) and GPS satellite guidance. GPS induces estimated error growth of 0.67 m per 100 km, with baburs range of 700Km there will be an induced probabilty of 5.36m to begin with unless pakistan got it's own gps system which we dont know of.

A little correction here...

TERCOM systems have the advantage of offering accuracy that is not based on the length of the flight; an inertial system slowly drifts after a "fix", and its accuracy is lower for longer distances. Same goes for the GPS as you said. But TERCOM systems receive constant fixes during the flight, and thus do not have any drift or error.

I doubt Babur to be THAT accurate, since it relies on DSMAC for terminal guidance.
at this time this cartoon is true

Babur CM can be detected by an AWACS or tethered Blimp-based radars in the cruise phase. Therefore it can be brought down by a RELIABLE SAM system in the cruise phase.
But in the terminal phase, detection and tracking becomes difficult because of Babur's terrain masking capabilities.
Babur CM can be detected by an AWACS or tethered Blimp-based radars in the cruise phase. Therefore it can be brought down by a RELIABLE SAM system in the cruise phase.
But in the terminal phase, detection and tracking becomes difficult because of Babur's terrain masking capabilities.

Terrain hugging capability does not mean it is actually hiding behind the terrain. See an AEROSTAT or AWACS fly at very high altitude. They can see from top. Also new generation low level radars are good in tracking lowlevel aircrafts and missiles. OK, forget AWACS or AEROSTAT, the time SAM gets are more than enough even if it is tracked at the terminal phase by a guidance radar like Rajendra. Subsonic cruise missiles are like drones Lakshya.

One of the main advantages of subsonic cruise missiles like Babur is they are comparatively cheaper.
Terrain hugging capability does not mean it is actually hiding behind the terrain. See an AEROSTAT or AWACS fly at very high altitude. They can see from top. Also new generation low level radars are good in tracking lowlevel aircrafts and missiles. OK, forget AWACS or AEROSTAT, the time SAM gets are more than enough even if it is tracked at the terminal phase by a guidance radar like Rajendra. Subsonic cruise missiles are like drones Lakshya.

One of the main advantages of subsonic cruise missiles like Babur is they are comparatively cheaper.

Not only that a couple of Tunguska's are more than capable enough to take down a subsonic cruise missiles.

And bring in a sophisticated cruise missile low altitude specific point defense system like SPYDER ............ its bread and butter.............

It is extremely difficult for a subsonic cruise missiles to penetrate a layered air defense system which incorporates area defense systems like LRSAM (AAD), MRSAM (Barak NG), Akash, SRSAM and a number of point defense systems like SPYDER, Tunguska...
Hey Mafiya we also have something called Spyder and S 300PMU apart from Akash.

Do you want me give some info on reaction time and speed...

The SPYDER-SR system has 360° engagement ability and missiles can be launched from the full-readiness state in less than five seconds after target confirmation. The kill range is up to 20 miles and at altitudes from a minimum of 50 ft to a maximum of 120,000 ft. The system can perform multi-target simultaneous engagement and single, multiple and ripple firing, by day and night, in all weather.

Both the Spyder and Akash are all weather missiles, 24 x 7 and 360 degrees with autonomous management and advanced Electronic Counter Counter Measures (ECCM) capability. It can be launched within five seconds, and once the commander has pressed the button, the process to seek and engage an aggressive aircraft or missile is automatic.
Weapon Locating Radar
The Army intends to use a Rajendra radar derivative in the artillery locating role. During tests at Chandipur for the Akash missile system, engineers noticed the Rajendra radar was able to detect and track artillery shells being test fired at a nearby range. This led to the development of the indigenous Weapon Locating Radar, called the BEL Weapon Locating Radar, an item in high demand by the Indian Army's artillery units, especially after the Kargil War. 28 LRDE Rajendra based WLR's have been ordered by the Indian Army. In June 2008, the WLR was accepted for induction by the Army, and 28 units are being produced by Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL).
WTF!!!!! Even the developers had not knowledge how much capable radar they had built.
It will be nightmare for enemies if applied intelligently.

Each Akash battery has a single Rajendra radar which is linked to up to 4 Akash launchers, each with 3 missiles. Each Rajendra radar can guide up to 2 of these missiles against a single target, with 8 missiles in the air at the same time. 4 Akash batteries make up a group in the Indian Army configuration, with a central 3D CAR radar acting as the early warning sensor for the entire group.

The major functions of the Rajendra are:
Surveillance of the assigned volume of space
Acquisition of aircraft targets either independently or handed over from group control centre via the 3-D CAR or from the battery surveillance radar
Tracking of targets (64)
Tracking of assigned targets (up to 4) and missiles (up to 8) during engagement
Command guidance of missiles (up to 8)
Integrated IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) functions

The phased array radar rotates 360 degrees on a rotating turnstile at a moderate speed. This allows it to perform 360 degree surveillance. The phased array itself has 45 degree scan limits to either side, giving a total scan coverage of 90 degrees, if the radar array is static.
well done DRDO...akash is one of the biggest achievements of DRDO.
Today's missile test is a independence gift to our western neighbour :enjoy:
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