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'Akash' missile successfully test-fired again Today.

In yesterday test, Our cruise missile fly at a height of 50 Meter with speed of 900 KM ,hit target with the accuracy of 6 feet (2 meters). Now Is there any Anti missile system n your inventory or ground based radar which can detect a missile flying at 50 meter and act against it quickly? Reaction time against such kind of Cruise missiles is what?

Radars :

1. Central Acquisition Radar (3D-CAR) Rohini : Medium range 3D surveillance
S band operation
Surveillance Range up to 180 km
Covers elevation of up to 18 km in height
High altitude deployability
Deployment in less than 20 minutes
150 Targets in TWS
Array of ECCM features
Integrated IFF
Capable of detecting low altitude targets, and supersonic aircraft flying at up to Mach 3
Frequency agility and jammer analysis

1. Arudra : The Arudhra radar is India's first self developed AESA 3D surveillance radar with multifunction capacity in the medium power capability range. The Arudra radar has a range of 300 kilometers.

2. EL/M-2083 Israeli Aerostats: phased-array, search, acquisition and fire-control radar and is described as being a 3-D sensor that can acquire and track targets at both "high" and "low" altitudes, with the latter height band including targets such as cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles and microlights being used by special forces or terrorists. The sensor scans electronically in azimuth and elevation and, according to sources, has a detection range of up to 500 km..

3. EL/M-2080 Green Pine : operates in search, detection, tracking, and missile guidance modes simultaneously,[6][10] capable of detecting targets at ranges of up to about 500 km (310 mi), and is able to track up to 30 targets at speeds over 3,000 m/s (10,000 ft/s).[6][23] It discriminates targets from natural clutter and countermeasures,[23] illuminates the true target and guides the missile to within 4 m (13 ft) of the target.

4. IAI EL/M-2075 Phalcon : Up to 100 targets can be tracked simultaneously to a range of 200 nm (370 km), while at the same time, over a dozen air-to-air interception or air-to-ground attack can be guided.

Missiles :

1. SPYDER : The SPYDER-SR system has 360° engagement ability and missiles can be launched from the full-readiness state in less than five seconds after target confirmation. The kill range is up to 20 miles and at altitudes from a minimum of 50 ft to a maximum of 120,000 ft. The system can perform multi-target simultaneous engagement and single, multiple and ripple firing, by day and night, in all weather.
The command and control unit is developed by Israel Aerospace Industries. It is housed in a truck-mounted shelter with a mounted Elta EL/M-2106 ATAR radar, identification friend or foe (IFF) interrogator and communication equipment. The VHF/UHF communication system is for internal squadron communication and to upper tier command. The Elta EL/M-2106 ATAR 3D surveillance radar can track up to 500 targets simultaneously. The radar has 360° operation and all-weather day and night ability. The radar includes advanced electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM) to operate in dense hostile electronic warfare environments.

2. Akash: An Akash battery comprises four 3D phased array radars and four launchers with three missiles each, all of which are interlinked. Each battery can track up to 64 targets and attack up to 12 of them. The missile has a 60 kg (130 lb) high-explosive, pre-fragmented warhead with a proximity fuse.

3. 9K22 Tunguska: Russian tracked self-propelled anti-aircraft weapon armed with a surface-to-air gun and missile system. It is designed to provide day and night protection for infantry and tank regiments against low-flying aircraft, helicopters, and cruise missiles in all weather conditions. Its NATO reporting name is SA-19 "Grison".

4. (Advanced Air Defence (AAD)/Ashwin Ballistic Missile Interceptor: Advanced Air Defence (AAD) is an anti-ballistic missile designed to intercept incoming ballistic missiles in the endo-atmosphere at an altitude of 30 km (19 mi).

5. Barak ng: Developed by IAI MBT Systems and Space Technology in association with Elta and Rafael, Israel's Armament Development Authority, the extended-range Barak-8 active radar homing missile will offer a maximum range of 70 km to 80 km. According to the Israel Navy, Barak-8 will be compatible with the Lockheed Martin Mk 41 tactical-length vertical launcher system. After launch, the missile will initially receive mid-course guidance updates from the MF-STAR radar. During the terminal phase, the missile will fire a second motor and activate its active radar seeker to home on to the target.


+ I heard that once Barak NG integration and firing trails are complete for IN, IAF and IA are highly interested in a land based version to augment Akash and SPYDER systems already in service. So whatever you think about the Indian systems they are likely to be able to take on anything the enemy can through st them- one way or another.
In yesterday test, Our cruise missile fly at a height of 50 Meter with speed of 900 KM ,hit target with the accuracy of 6 feet (2 meters). Now Is there any Anti missile system n your inventory or ground based radar which can detect a missile flying at 50 meter and act against it quickly? Reaction time against such kind of Cruise missiles is what?

What is needed to intercept such cruise missiles?

3) Low level radars
4) Low level SAMs

All of them deployed by India. Akash can intercept missiles at an altitude of 30 meters. It is one of its special capability. The Lakshya target drone resembles such cruise missiles.
What is needed to intercept such cruise missiles?

3) Low level radars
4) Low level SAMs

All of them deployed by India. Akash can intercept missiles at an altitude of 30 meters. It is one of its special capability. The Lakshya target drone resembles such cruise missiles.
Hey Bro
Can our LRTR be optimized to be used on KCD ???
I'm having difficulty to understand, How Akash SAM radars can detect a target below 100 M? Isn't it a radar fundamental flaw, it can't detect 500 M below objects and 50,000 M above objects? Does SAM radars act like static radar ( as static radar is known to detect LO and stealth objects?). I' talking about ground based radars here, not about aerostat.

Drowning cruise missiles, only America had recent success in such field due to their JLENS sensor.

JLENS: Co-ordinating Cruise Missile Defense - And More
I'm having difficulty to understand, How Akash SAM radars can detect a target below 100 M? Isn't it a radar fundamental flaw, it can't detect 500 M below objects and 50,000 M above objects? Does SAM radars act like static radar ( as static radar is known to detect LO and stealth objects?). I' talking about ground based radars here, not about aerostat.

Drowning cruise missiles, only America had recent success in such field due to their JLENS sensor.

JLENS: Co-ordinating Cruise Missile Defense - And More

Old news........

2 Akash SAM’s hit single target simultaneously

Today a battery of two Akash Surface to Air missiles were test fired on a single target. Both the missiles hit the target simultaneously. The target was a towed body and Lakshya PTA was towing it. The target was at 400 mts altitude, 17 kms range and 700 kms/ph speed.

The current phase of Air Force user trials saw test firings of Akash SAM on 14th and 15th December in a crossover (targets comes from left to right or vice versa) and low altitude. Todays test firing saw Akash firing is receding mode (target moving away). next test firing is on 22 Dec.

Another highlight of these tests were that the Rajendra -2 and Rajendra – 3 radars were used.


The system is designed to enable integration with other air defence command and control networks through secure communication links. viz.

The system can be operated either in the autonomous mode or in the Group Mode. The Akash Group consists of surveillance radars, Control Centres, phased array tracking and missile guidance radars, launchers and ground support equipment.

Surveillance Sensor (3 D CAR) is capable of detecting and tracking aerial targets upto a range of 150kms and altitude of 18 kms. It provides coordinates in three dimensions of upto 200 targets to the Group Control Centre (GCC) through secure communication links. The data is used to cue the weapon control radar.

Control Centers at the group (GCC) and the battery (BCC) have ruggedised computers where real time air picture from various sensors is integrated and data is processed. Decision support software carries out threat analysis and generates options for commanders. Automated target assignment and launch commands are generated for optional engagement in kill Zone.

C 4 I software specially designed to meet Indian defence requirements, provides fusion of air pictures from various sensors, automatic tracking of air targets, designation of track numbers to different targets, identification of friend or foe, automatic assignment of target to GW batteries, automatic selection of launcher and decision support system for commander for launch and control of missiles. This feature also drastically reduces the requirement of manpower for operation of the system as the complete operations from target detection to engagement are hands free. The advanced battle management software has been extensively field tested under realistic combat development conditions using multiple live targets. The system can also be integrated with legacy or futuristic radars and networks.

^ All the theoretical bull crap. If india so confident about her CM killing capablities flying at 100 or below 100 M. Than why don't they just announce it. Show me one country beside America who claimed they have intercepted a cruise missile successfully with ground based radars? or show me one test of your DRDO where a missile flying at 50-100 M (not 400 not 300) from GROUND LEVEL was killed successfully? Then we can say all the jibberish you have posted above hold a worth against threats flying very close to earth.

Very first line. 17 KM for a towed target. Now Babur is programmed to evade Akash type threats while still keeping it's target insight using TERCOM or DISMAC IF AKASH detects a babur at 50 Meters above ground.

And Barak 8 NG is for naval purposes. We are talking about intercepting LACM here. So until Barak NG land version comes, don't confuse yourself with a NAVAL SAM where ground clutter is not a problem and in LAND where ground clutter is a very big problem for GROUND RADARS>
^ All the theoretical bull crap. If india so confident about her CM killing capablities flying at 100 or below 100 M. Than why don't they just announce it. Show me one country beside America who claimed they have intercepted a cruise missile successfully with ground based radars? or show me one test of your DRDO where a missile flying at 50-100 M (not 400 not 300) from GROUND LEVEL was killed successfully? Then we can say all the jibberish you have posted above hold a worth against threats flying very close to earth.

And Barak 8 NG is for naval purposes. We are talking about intercepting LACM here. So until Barak NG comes, don't confuse yourself with a NAVAL SAM where ground clutter is not a problem and in LAND where ground clutter is a very big problem for GROUND RADARS>
babur flies sooo slow and sooo low it can brought down by shotgun. We just have to ask abhinav bindra to spend some time training indian army when he is free..
Rajendra PPAR can track arty shells, hence intercept of cruise missile is least of it's concerns, The target was towed by the PTA lakshya hence rcs of target unkown, but also remember these are user trials, Army will test it against current and future threats for its operational planning.

Well I wasn't there for the test, hence can't inform you for sure, but as these are user trails, they are meant for clear and present threat, baburs can be assumed one of them.
Babur missile claims to have a CEP of ~2m, Babur also uses a combination of inertial navigation systems, terrain contour matching (TERCOM) and GPS satellite guidance. GPS induces estimated error growth of 0.67 m per 100 km, with baburs range of 700Km there will be an induced probabilty of 5.36m to begin with unless pakistan got it's own gps system which we dont know of.

You are seriously wrong in your assumptions. GPS guidance is not used in this test. Two types of guidance is used along with inertial navigation system,. TERCOM, DISMAC ( Digital scene-matching area correlation). This combined guidance give the CEP of 2m. . So No GPS, No deterioration of CEP as you calculated.

babur flies sooo slow and sooo low it can brought down by shotgun. We just have to ask abhinav bindra to spend some time training indian army when he is free..

shows the level of your IQ and your mental capacity. Nill.
^ All the theoretical bull crap. If india so confident about her CM killing capablities flying at 100 or below 100 M. Than why don't they just announce it. Show me one country beside America who claimed they have intercepted a cruise missile successfully with ground based radars? or show me one test of your DRDO where a missile flying at 50-100 M (not 400 not 300) from GROUND LEVEL was killed successfully? Then we can say all the jibberish you have posted above hold a worth against threats flying very close to earth.

Very first line. 17 KM for a towed target. Now Babur is programmed to evade Akash type threats while still keeping it's target insight using TERCOM or DISMAC

And Barak 8 NG is for naval purposes. We are talking about intercepting LACM here. So until Barak NG comes, don't confuse yourself with a NAVAL SAM where ground clutter is not a problem and in LAND where ground clutter is a very big problem for GROUND RADARS>
Bhai why to announce?? Let the time come. If your country is so confident that nothing can stop there missile, why they dont announce it. You have to understand no country announces its exact capability. Wo kehte hai na, samjhdar ko issara kafi hota hai, and unlike we the keybord wariors, our leaders are very samjhdar.
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