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Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani

But one thing is very strange:-- I will say some thing is wrong
that When Bombay attack was carried out.Indian media shows only two guys and one of them was Ajmal Kasab and later it was he was presented Pakistani.Then again and again that picture was on the all media.
This picture was in everybody mind due to excessive coverage.After Bombay drama was finished,it was claimed that one person is capture alive and then he is nominated as Pakistani.
Here question is this why his picture was released during attack why other were not shown.
Why other attacker face were badly damaged and he was only who was captured alive.

Come i will tell you with my point of view-

I will tell you here another reality every days hundred of Pakistani applies for Indian visa for trade and specially to meet their relatives in India.There are about 200 million Muslims in India.Most Muslim immigrant living in Pakistan have their relatives in India.They go there to meet them and even marries within their relatives in India.

Every year many Pakistani are arrested due visa expiry and then put into jail,so whenever any bomb blast,one is picked out of jail and presented as ISI agent.Even some are released on conspiracy and let them to meet undercover so called "Ducken Mujahideen".Then actually they are used as puppets to work with undercover RAW agent who claimed as Muslims Mujaheddin.But this tactics is used only with those who are arrested in IOK.
This is truth that many Pakistani are in IOK to help their Kashmiri brothers to fight with Indian occupied forces.Forget about Pakistani government support to those who are fighting in IOK because Kashmir is disputed area.

Note: this tactics is used in Kashmir by MARCOS who disguise as mujahid and infiltrate into many mujahid groups.

Now it is very clear from above points that how this drama was carried out. Ajmal Kasab will be fighting in IOK as Lakshar Tayaba worker.He will be arrested in IOK or in India.He will be released or chance will given to him for escape for greater conspiracy.
Now going further he will be arranged to meet undercover RAW agents who were disguise as Muslim mujahideen.Then those agents carried out this Bombay drama and he was with them.During attack he was focused and his pictures were realized on media.Then they said oh we have captured a Pakistani.

All drama....

May be some Indian here claims this is my story but i will ask them suppose we do like this in Pakistan and claim that India is involved then what they will say that this is drama by Pakistan.

You people better know that agencies can do anything...........Even Police will make the Deer to say i am Elephant.

There are so many Pakistani go to India as i mention above so it is possibility of another drama after some year in which all attackers will arrested alive and shown as Pakistani.

So all you want to say is


Don't you see, this belated effort of yours is putting question mark on GoP's credibility and intelligence?:azn:
A very apt comment in the Dawn editorial of today

Kasab and Durrani

MAKING a mountain out of every molehill appears to be the federal government’s speciality. The confirmation that Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani should not have created a controversy; Kasab’s nationality was an open secret and as early as Dec 12 this paper published a detailed account of a meeting with an elderly man in Faridkot who claimed to be Kasab’s father. But the bungled announcement, subsequent denials and then confirmations, and the sacking of National Security Adviser Mehmud Durrani shone a spotlight on the disarray at the apex of decision-making. What can be gleaned from the news thus far is this: the intelligence agencies confirmed to the government that Kasab is a Pakistani; the decision about when and how to announce Kasab’s nationality was left to the government; and the government was preparing to make an announcement when Dawn News broke the story of official confirmation of Kasab’s nationality. What happened next is a classic tale of bumbling officialdom, culminating in Prime Minister Gilani summarily firing Gen (retd) Durrani.

The incident has raised fresh questions about the government’s ability to keep its top officials on the same page at the same time. Once Kasab’s nationality had been determined, why did the government not chalk out a clear plan for making an announcement and share it with every official likely to face questions from the media? And once Mehmud Durrani pre-empted the government and shared the information on Kasab with the media, what was to be gained by dismissing him on the spot? In principle, the prime minister has every right to dismiss anyone in his government who has lost his confidence. But it is odd to fire the national security adviser for causing ‘embarrassment’ to the PM by stating the truth. In doing so, Mr Gilani has sent an unfortunate signal that the messenger is more important than the message. Surely the focus should have been on demonstrating Pakistan’s seriousness to the outside world in investigating local links to the Mumbai attacks. Instead, the big story became petty score-settling at the expense of the national interest. The sensible thing to have done was to quickly arrange a press conference on the Kasab information and punish the national security adviser for his indiscretion at a later date. Unfortunately, the failure of good sense has led to the inevitable: frenzied speculation about rifts between the president and the PM and between the security establishment and the government.

DAWN - Editorial; January 10, 2009
well kasab's nationality is quite clear now.but what has to be seen here is the chaotic way in which the govt. of pakistan(still coming to terms with the country's constitution) has acted and projected a sorry image to the whole world! nobody knows who to believe...everybody's a spokesperson.

and yes i have heard these pakistani claims of racial supremacy before...
i am curious...tell me why didnt pakistani boxers win this..amateur competition they call Olympics?one of our wrestler and a boxer won...and a shooter too...now thank god they wernt muslims or you'd have had an answer ready!it seems we (hindu lalas and shopkeepers!) are doing well for us...
Did the Prime Minister of Pakistan give a comment on Kasab's nationality?
or the prez?
Racist. I wonder why you dint show your true colors b4. I wonder if you would say this on the face to your island mates in Atafu(if that is where you really are). and to top it, A hard core racist in THINKTANK great going! ! ! :yahoo:


There's nothing racist about it.

If I said Indians were lighter skinned then Pakistanis you'd be nodding and agreeing, and probably celebrating offering ghee and barfi around.

It's just because you can't handle the truth. Cheap, but expected.

I have another pronouncement. Eskimos are shorter than Brazilians. Terrible stuff.
A very apt comment in the Dawn editorial of today

Kasab and Durrani

MAKING a mountain out of every molehill appears to be the federal government’s speciality. The confirmation that Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani should not have created a controversy; Kasab’s nationality was an open secret and as early as Dec 12 this paper published a detailed account of a meeting with an elderly man in Faridkot who claimed to be Kasab’s father. But the bungled announcement, subsequent denials and then confirmations, and the sacking of National Security Adviser Mehmud Durrani shone a spotlight on the disarray at the apex of decision-making. What can be gleaned from the news thus far is this: the intelligence agencies confirmed to the government that Kasab is a Pakistani; the decision about when and how to announce Kasab’s nationality was left to the government; and the government was preparing to make an announcement when Dawn News broke the story of official confirmation of Kasab’s nationality. What happened next is a classic tale of bumbling officialdom, culminating in Prime Minister Gilani summarily firing Gen (retd) Durrani.

The incident has raised fresh questions about the government’s ability to keep its top officials on the same page at the same time. Once Kasab’s nationality had been determined, why did the government not chalk out a clear plan for making an announcement and share it with every official likely to face questions from the media? And once Mehmud Durrani pre-empted the government and shared the information on Kasab with the media, what was to be gained by dismissing him on the spot? In principle, the prime minister has every right to dismiss anyone in his government who has lost his confidence. But it is odd to fire the national security adviser for causing ‘embarrassment’ to the PM by stating the truth. In doing so, Mr Gilani has sent an unfortunate signal that the messenger is more important than the message. Surely the focus should have been on demonstrating Pakistan’s seriousness to the outside world in investigating local links to the Mumbai attacks. Instead, the big story became petty score-settling at the expense of the national interest. The sensible thing to have done was to quickly arrange a press conference on the Kasab information and punish the national security adviser for his indiscretion at a later date. Unfortunately, the failure of good sense has led to the inevitable: frenzied speculation about rifts between the president and the PM and between the security establishment and the government.

DAWN - Editorial; January 10, 2009

when they know he is Pakistani they has to agree instead of hiding.
Zardari says pakistan has cancer(Terror) but can it be cured if you hide it.
first step to curing is agreeing you have else it can not be cured and it will spread and infect other as well.
Supposedly Ajmal Kasab is a Pakistani is there any DNA evidence such as fingerprints, footprints relating Ajmal to the crime scene in Mumbai where he allegedly and 9 other unknown accomplices carried out the attack?
Still there is no information as to why has the evidence not been shared with INTERPOL and they have been turned away by the Hindustani authorities.
Why is the joint investigation being turned down everytime Pakistan offers to co-operate to the maximum so they can get to the bottom of this or is Hindustan deliberately doing this to gain maximum votes in next general elections.
Supposedly Ajmal Kasab is a Pakistani is there any DNA evidence such as fingerprints, footprints relating Ajmal to the crime scene in Mumbai where he allegedly and 9 other unknown accomplices carried out the attack?
Still there is no information as to why has the evidence not been shared with INTERPOL and they have been turned away by the Hindustani authorities.
Why is the joint investigation being turned down everytime Pakistan offers to co-operate to the maximum so they can get to the bottom of this or is Hindustan deliberately doing this to gain maximum votes in next general elections.

the INTERPOL team helped india in cross-checking the DNA profiles,pics and names of the terrorists with the INTERPOL global database.These dtails were then added to the database and circulated to the members of the INTERPOL.
as far as sharing of evidence is concerned...well the '52 page dossier' that you hear of today...was not finished back then.new Delhi wanted to give the killer punch...and so decided not to share half-baked findings which would have not had the sting that it has now.

As far as cooperating with pakistan is concerned...well now is the best time for pakistan to act and co-operate is it not?
Sorry Paritosh I disagree with you, you cant bully any nation into submission from the word go first second after the incident you have actually admitted that you cannot share half baked evidence even as we speak the investigations have not been completed. So your country decided to go on war footing first your media spewing all trash and hatred for Pakistanis then your own government giving out very hostile statements which can be declared as an act of war.
i am not saying that it was the righteous way...but doing what we did...not a single bullet was fired and we got all the world backing us.diplomacy is a potent weapon.i thought the best thing for pakistan would have been to act against these stateless actors who actualy are stateless...not because of the indian pressure but as a diplomatic counter-offensive...the issue should have been handled better than what your govt managed...agreed it was a diplomatic nightmare...but there were things that could've been done and things that could've been avoided.
are you happy with the way islamabad has handled this crises?
Supposedly Ajmal Kasab is a Pakistani is there any DNA evidence such as fingerprints, footprints relating Ajmal to the crime scene in Mumbai where he allegedly and 9 other unknown accomplices carried out the attack? Still there is no information as to why has the evidence not been shared with INTERPOL and they have been turned away by the Hindustani authorities. Why is the joint investigation being turned down everytime Pakistan offers to co-operate to the maximum so they can get to the bottom of this or is Hindustan deliberately doing this to gain maximum votes in next general elections.

Koolio please understand how badly GOP failed in crisis management. The question was is Ajmal Kasab is a pakistani or not! GOP has to tell its true or false! Thats all. But see from day 1 its all mess created by GOP not by India. Kasabs dad agreed, GOP said kasab went to nepal and missing from there.....Nepal denied any such..later Nawaz said kasab is pakistani nad govt denied it. Now pm adviser removed from the post for declaring kasab is pakistani....

Do you understand just this incident created such a mess to GOP not only with India and also with international community. Ofcourse Inidan media taking advantage of the situation to promote this to get international attension.
Do you think is it fair from GOP? Dont u feel they didnt manage the show properly. If GOP agreed on first day that kasab is pakistani and we will investigate his links inside the country the issue would have been closed. Now GOP dont have face to accept the truth.
Koolio please understand how badly GOP failed in crisis management. The question was is Ajmal Kasab is a pakistani or not! GOP has to tell its true or false! Thats all. But see from day 1 its all mess created by GOP not by India. Kasabs dad agreed, GOP said kasab went to nepal and missing from there.....Nepal denied any such..later Nawaz said kasab is pakistani nad govt denied it. Now pm adviser removed from the post for declaring kasab is pakistani....

Do you understand just this incident created such a mess to GOP not only with India and also with international community. Ofcourse Inidan media taking advantage of the situation to promote this to get international attension.
Do you think is it fair from GOP? Dont u feel they didnt manage the show properly. If GOP agreed on first day that kasab is pakistani and we will investigate his links inside the country the issue would have been closed. Now GOP dont have face to accept the truth.

aJMAL KASAB is not a pakistani, just because CIA sponsored officials in pakistan say blah blah it does'nt mean it's the truth. Our media has already proven in the beginning that is part of our media not all cause the vast majority like ARY one world and Geo news have CIA penentration and sponsorship. You people can not change our facts, stuff your opinion where it should be down in your throat. Ajmal kasab does'nt even look pakistani nor does he have any record at national database. The video footage about kasab from faridkot is bunch oflies from who else but CIA sponsored GEO News. Why did shahid masood's programme hidden truth and meray mutabiq get stopped ? cause he was the only journalist on GEO NEWS telling a lot of inside true stories but he got kicked out.

This guy's name is not even ajmal kasab. Nepali or mauritius whatever his background but he is NOT PAKISTANI.

I don't know why mods are allowing so many indian trolls to come here with their nonsense and flood our forum with pointless absurd threads. These indians are only interested in putting their view across and presenting themselves as superior to pakistanis but in actual fact they are scums of earth who are real losers. They actually have inferiority complex that's why thy flood pakistani military videos at youtube and pakistani defence and other forums.

If i was a mod i would not allow a single indian to be a member on this forum.
Why was Kasab ‘confession’ written in Hindi?

By Iftikhar Gilani

NEW DELHI: Has India goofed up its probe into the Mumbai terror attacks by recording the confession of Ajmal Amir Kasab, the lone surviving gunman, in Hindi, to give a handle to Pakistan to question credibility of the terror dossier provided to it on Monday?
Still worse is the alleged use of Hindi in the letter written by Kasab to the Pakistan high commissioner in Delhi, which was handed to the High Commission on December 22.
The confession, included in the dossier, quotes Kasab as saying that it was read out to him in Hindi. The government might take the stand that the police officer who recorded the confession preferred Hindi as he might not be conversant with Urdu, the language that the terrorist allegedly knew, and that there is not much difference between spoken Hindi and Urdu that would make it difficult for Kasab to understand when the confession was read out to him in Hindi.
However, if true that the letter Kasab wrote to the Pakistan High Commission seeking legal aid was also in Hindi, India will have no way to explain that as Kasab’s writing as Hindi is not taught in Pakistan and a Pakistani national cannot be expected to write in Hindi. Urdu is Pakistan's language and would have been used by Kasab if he wrote any such letter.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

You see india can keep on placing false allegations on pakistan with support of so called world which consists of USA primarily but we don't give a damn. I have also heard indians now blaming pakistani officials for mumbai attacks ?! Did'nt FBI recently clear ISI of any involvement in mumbai attacks ? YES THEY DID. Did'nt interpol chief said pakistan has been the most cooperative nation with regards to this issue and previous other issues in past. ohhh wait indians don't trust interpol !

Mods i have humbly made a request before and will do so again that please BAN ALL INDIAN TROLLS. We don't want to read their nonsense we have our own issues to deal with and talk on. I don't want people with inferiority complex on board pakistan defence forum or on any pakistani forum.
AJMAL KASAB is not a pakistani, just because CIA sponsored officials in pakistan say blah blah it does'nt mean it's the truth. Our media has already proven in the beginning that is part of our media not all cause the vast majority like ARY one world and Geo news have CIA penentration and sponsorship. You people can not change our facts, stuff your opinion where it should be down in your throat. Ajmal kasab does'nt even look pakistani nor does he have any record at national database. The video footage about kasab from faridkot is bunch oflies from who else but CIA sponsored GEO News. Why did shahid masood's programme hidden truth and meray mutabiq get stopped ? cause he was the only journalist on GEO NEWS telling a lot of inside true stories but he got kicked out.

This guy's name is not even ajmal kasab. Nepali or mauritius whatever his background but he is NOT PAKISTANI. .

Well. I respect your view. Atleast talking after referring some media news..So intersting to see what comes up.

I don't know why mods are allowing so many indian trolls to come here with their nonsense and flood our forum with pointless absurd threads. These indians are only interested in putting their view across and presenting themselves as superior to pakistanis but in actual fact they are scums of earth who are real losers. They actually have inferiority complex that's why thy flood pakistani military videos at youtube and pakistani defence and other forums. If i was a mod i would not allow a single indian to be a member on this forum.

well. I am here on this forum not to irritate anyone. Not to blame either GOP or Pak ppl. If u read my many posts I have supported pakistan in many occations not for the sake of it, supported with a thought. I am here to learn about what you guys are think. Even you can become member of some Indian forum and try to present ur view. Try to keep your emotionas low and argue with facts. Dont u feel pakistan voice should reach the otherside? If u r right everyone will listen. Sorry if its too much of funda. But i didnt mean to hurt u fren
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