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Ajit Doval Lahore Pakistan experience

I am sure the trauma of forced neutering is still haunting you. Aint it so @Horus :D

Offcourse no but i can see that in you during the recent checkpost attack where 4 PAgot killed and 8 kidnapped
Offcourse no but i can see that in you during the recent checkpost attack where 4 PAgot killed and 8 kidnapped

Of course it is, its so obvious... Let it out, it will relieve the pain... I heard 13 IA got killed recently including a Colonel...Plus a few more in other attacks and another dozen or so in paramilitary by naxals... That and the forced neutering... No wonder you are stressed out, poor you...
Of course it is, its so obvious... Let it out, it will relieve the pain... I heard 13 IA got killed recently including a Colonel...Plus a few more in other attacks and another dozen or so in paramilitary by naxals... That and the forced neutering... No wonder you are stressed out, poor you...

Of course it is, its so obvious... Let it out, it will relieve the pain of you imagining that the 8 PA soilders who are kidnapped should not end up getting beheaded like it was before ... No wonder you are stressed out, poor you...
Of course it is, its so obvious... Let it out, it will relieve the pain of you imagining that the 8 PA soilders who are kidnapped should not end up getting beheaded like it was before ... No wonder you are stressed out, poor you...

Mimicking... good. Thats a form of submissive behavior which is quite common if one is suffering from trauma. Good, you are making progress. I heard the naxals blew the poor paramilitary folks, all 13 of them, to bits and nothing remained of them for the last rites? tsk tsk tsk...
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It means Conspiracy Theory which i Exported, successfully Imported in your Brain....:yahoo:

No brother, you are new here, this export is going on for a long time. Do you know Ajmal Kasab was also a Hindu RAW agent named Amar Singh, or 9/11 was a CIA/Mossad inside job? You need some knowledge and training to participate here in this forum and counter evil Indians like us. :D
No brother, you are new here, this export is going on for a long time.

Failed argument as usual....
I may be new to you, but you people are not new to me....:D

Do you know Ajmal Kasab was also a Hindu RAW agent named Amar Singh,
9/11 was a CIA/Mossad inside job?

Wow !!!! it was also a successful export, after all you have a import mindset....:P

You need some knowledge and training to participate here in this forum and counter evil Indians like us. :D
I am not genius or super knowledgeable, but isn't this enough that, i am exporting and you are importing....:azn:
You watch too many spy movies, right? ;)

lol, wish there were such RAW bakths in India - probably will happen when RAW launches a propaganda campaign that the existence of the country is dependent on RAW or that it's the No.1 agency in the world and a CIA wannabe ;).

Though, practicality dictates otherwise - praise should be performance driven and not some blind belief spread among the population.
Failed argument as usual....
I may be new to you, but you people are not new to me....:D

Wow !!!! it was also a successful export, after all you have a import mindset....:P

I am not genius or super knowledgeable, but isn't this enough that, i am exporting and you are importing....:azn:

But we are not buying it. :)

lol, wish there were such RAW bakths in India - probably will happen when RAW launches a propaganda campaign that the existence of the country is dependent on RAW or that it's the No.1 agency in the world and a CIA wannabe ;).

Though, practicality dictates otherwise - praise should be performance driven and not some blind belief spread among the population.

The difference is:

India has RAW,
ISI has Pakistan. :)
The difference is:

India has RAW,
ISI has Pakistan. :)

That comes with the territory. RAW can own India when there are multiple dictators who are bent on taking over.
Maybe you are right but i have heard some bone chilling stories from Pakistani Sindhi Hindus who have migrated to India.

have you met any of them personally? or you are being Ajit Doval.
any story after the 5th degree becomes "I was taken to mother ship where they (Aliens) sexually assaulted me" kind of story
Ok I am sorry, I'll have to eat my words back, the guy has looks of Brad Pitt and brain of Einstein, we are really sorry to underestimate is super human qualities.

To consider him as a man of super human qualities or a dumb is your choice. But on one hand you say that he is dumb and on other way you are very much concern about himself being on a primere position are contradictory. It should either be dumb than you should not concern but he is dumb and you are concern is contradictory.
Mr Doval, a 1968 batch IPS Officer of the Kerala cadre, also did his tour of duty in Pakistan, considered a high-risk, high-reward assignment in an intelligence officer's career. In the late 1980s, when militancy was at its peak in Punjab, Mr Doval walked into the besieged Golden Temple in Amritsar posing as a Pakistani agent months before the 1988 Operation Black Thunder and obtained vital intelligence on the militants holed up inside.

He received India's second highest gallantry award, the Kirti Chakra, for his daring exploit in the Golden Temple Operation. In Kashmir, he lured away prominent militants like Kukkay Parey and turned him and his colleagues into counter-insurgents, a policy criticized in some quarters but also praised by others as an effective tool that helped combat militancy in Kashmir at its peak.

Narendra Modi and Ajit Doval, both staunch believers in a strong state and stronger counter-terrorism measures, are likely to concentrate more on the internal security situation, improving India's covert operations capability in the neighbourhood even while they put in place an equally robust foreign and defence doctrine. Mr Doval, more George Smiley than James Bond

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