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Aircraft carrier is a glorified training ship per NY times article

Actually indians did not buy the hull alone everything in it was included just the wiring and buttons and some other equipment is being upgraded refurbished its the same old carrier painted and updated with new screens buttons doors and other equipment that is what it is called refurbished not brand new. The Chinese Navy AC is Brand New, so a Huge difference.

This is gorshkov


and see the pics of viki in above link :lol:

you can continue ur cheerleading btw..
So in India a helicopter is not considered an "aircraft"? I suppose you worship them like cows then?

Man, I don't usually go for that, but that was one good snappy comeback. Shows a sense of humour. use it more often.
Yeah our training AC is actually better than the kiev that will enter service in India next year.
and question to the OP, why do you think we need a AC to train? ;)

It takes several years to be trained force to effectively use AC and CBG's

..and PLAN is kindergarten kid in using AC..no offence..

I posted a link

see that b4 commenting.. as i said earlier,no body knows wat happnd and ship is perfectly sailing :)

I posted a link

see that b4 commenting.. as i said earlier,no body knows wat happnd and ship is perfectly sailing :)
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Lol are you normal why are you posting some rusted gorgor and letting me know about it that is why I am cheering at your stupidy on this Thread along with your friends.

coz i wanted to show the difference..

ask any body ..do those ship look alike? as u said just new buttons are fitted inside :lol:

dont make ur self laughter stock .
coz i wanted to show the difference..ask any body ..do those ship look alike? as u said just new buttons are fitted inside :lol:

Why are you shamed that the old russian AC got refurbished for IN with new buttons-doors-electronic and other equipment?

Truly you are making yourself look funny juggler.

Why should I ask anyone about two ships. I only said indian AC procured was a decommissioned old AC where as the Chinese AC was not even 30% completed because soviet disintegrated and so Ukraine took the charge and without funds did not proceed with its developed, so China completely build the AC, only fools would spend billions on developing an AC for Training. This Chinese AC is dual use Training and for Operational use in Conflict Zones.
Indian still boasting all day. I'v yet to see them make concrete changes to supass china in anything!
it is a designated training ship, with no aircraft capable of landing on it- and all your hollering hooting personal attacks and whining won't make a lipstick on a pig - anything but a pig!

I see you are trolling good here.

I take been an indian american, you have never heard about the first US carrier Langley?

Jupiter was converted into the first U.S. aircraft carrier at the Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia, for the purpose of conducting experiments in the new idea of seaborne aviation. On 11 April 1920, she was renamed Langley in honor of Samuel Pierpont Langley, an American astronomer, physicist, aeronautics pioneer and aircraft engineer.

USS Langley (CV-1) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh btw she participated in the war against Imperial Japan.
So much for your training ship with no aircraft capable of landing on it. :whistle:
I see you are trolling good here.

I take been an indian american, you have never heard about the first US carrier Langley?

Jupiter was converted into the first U.S. aircraft carrier at the Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia, for the purpose of conducting experiments in the new idea of seaborne aviation. On 11 April 1920, she was renamed Langley in honor of Samuel Pierpont Langley, an American astronomer, physicist, aeronautics pioneer and aircraft engineer.

USS Langley (CV-1) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh btw she participated in the war against Imperial Japan.
So much for your training ship with no aircraft capable of landing on it. :whistle:

it went to war 22 years after 1920. why do you guys think you can try to pretend to be smart but not read your own links?

"Following another conversion, to a seaplane tender, Langley fought in World War II. On 27 February 1942"

Sure you will get it off from being a training ship at some point. But it is a training ship as it stands and all the propaganda they did in your state media was for internal consumption.
Yeah our training AC is actually better than the kiev that will enter service in India next year.
and question to the OP, why do you think we need a AC to train? ;)

The ignorance in your blather is quite fitting of most of your countries citizens reaction to news that this is ,as it stands now, a training ship that has no aircraft that can land on it.
and the point is?

Of course its a friggin training ship the first carrier any country buys borrows or builds is going to be training try landing on a postage stamp when some bastard keeps moving the stamp.

The mark “16” emblazoned on the carrier’s side indicates that it is limited to training, Chinese and other military experts said. China does not have planes capable of landing on the carrier and so far training for such landings has been carried out on land, they said.

And there goes credibility :lol:

Have they ever heard of the carrier-based J-15? We have already seen prototype photos. It had been discussed here before.

And who are those Chinese military "experts"? :lol:

Never belief everything in the mainstream media guys. Especially military matters, unless of-course it is a specialized source - which NYT isn't.
And there goes credibility :lol:

Have they ever heard of the carrier-based J-15? We have already seen prototype photos. It had been discussed here before.

And who are those Chinese military "experts"? :lol:

Never belief everything in the mainstream media guys. Especially military matters, unless of-course it is a specialized source - which NYT isn't.

Credibility gone because that 16 mark is a training ship designation by the Chinese? what does J15 an aircraft have to do with naval vessel designation used by the Chinese?

don't believe mainstream media but believe state run propaganda media? okayyyyy - you do that :)

As it stands now - It's a training ship and that's what it is and not the propaganda brainwashing hoop la they put out for internal consumption. At some point it may be fitted to be as a real war zone capable carrier but not now . To make this worthy of US carrier war time capable it needs a lot more, forget you can't land an aircraft on it now- even when they do that, it would still be short.
Sure you will get it off from being a training ship at some point. But it is a training ship as it stands and all the propaganda they did in your state media was for internal consumption.

Langley CVL-1/CVL-27 both took part in War period.

Lastly jayatl, you are not in Chinese Navy therefore you comments renders useless. There has been no propaganda on Chinese media they took it from your media that your AC in Russia is delayed by 5-7 months and certainly no huge hoopla about Chinese AC they let you assume its Training AC, No Navy spends billions on building AC from scratch for training.

Case closed; All Chinese members ignore the Troll who is unable to digest Chinese AC News. Talk to yourself.
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