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Air Force's MiG-27 Fighter Jet Crashes In Rajasthan, Pilot Ejects Safely

I am sure those who put it there must have made sure to put it so that it looks.like a crash

Or may be Unobtanium from movie Avatar


Then at this point, it is a conspiracy theory and nothing more.
Rocky, not sandy.
Have you ever been to Rajhastan, jaisal meer ,becaanair,thal and thar ? And just watch the sherbs growing around the fallen parts , I can name them these are prosiphus juliflora، I studied ecology and did masters in it please don't tell me about soil types and Flora of area,
I am sure those who put it there must have made sure to put it so that it looks.like a crash

Or may be Unobtanium from movie Avatar


I will post how, give me minutes, making the pictures.
You mean to tell me that rust does not occur if a jet is flying?

Yah you are correct engine parts can catch rust because Indians take their jets to car wash regularly. For Gods sake man get some brains. They have $57 billion defence budget.
Have you ever been to Rajhastan, jaisal meer ,becaanair,thal and thar ? And just watch the sherbs growing around the fallen parts , I can name them these are prosiphus juliflora، I studied ecology and did masters in it please don't tell me about soil types and Flora of area,

Congrats on studying ecology. I am surprised you cannot differentiate between soft soil suburbs and hard rock like those you will find between Karachi and Hyderabad.

Yah you are correct engine parts can catch rust because Indians take their jets to car wash regularly. For Gods sake man get some brains. They have $57 billion defence budget.

lol. I don't think you understand rust.
This piece of crap was shot down a month ago... seems like exploded in the sky and pieces fell to the ground..

Some one did a mess job planting it there...
Another strange thing why is this seal rusted? looks like it has been in storage.

View attachment 550385

How does it helps India and particularly IAF if this wasn't an actual crash and it was made to look like one, it certainly gives a bad picture of jets maintenance and bad professionalism from IAF.

Yes it helps in getting the Rafael jets fast without much political noise about the 30,000 Crore Rs. corruption/commission, this could be one reason.

BTW Indian pilots are always good in ejection, if not in other aspects of flying.
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This piece of crap was shot down a month ago... seems like exploded in the sky and pieces fell to the ground..

Some one did a mess job planting it there...
This is exactly my assessment
lol. I don't think you understand rust.
I think you are trying to be smart and Now you have my attention.

Here look at this pic the wires which are used to drag this wheel are still tied to it and a similar seal is thrown here rust free.


How does it helps India and particularly IAF if this wasn't an actual crash and it was made to look like one, it certainly gives a bad picture of jets maintenance and bad professionalism from IAF.

Yes it helps in getting the Rafael jets fast without much political noise about the 30,000 Rs. corruption/commission, this could be one reason.

BTW Indian pilots are always good in ejection, if not in other aspects of flying.

It could have been a victim of their own SPYDER missile defence system from north or a victim of PAF BVR salvo.
I think you are trying to be smart and Now you have my attention.

Here look at this pic the wires which are used to drag this wheel are still tied to it and a similar seal is thrown here rust free.


It could have been a victim of their own SPYDER missile defence system from north or a victim of PAF BVR salvo.

You're lost, man.

Have you ever been to Rajhastan, jaisal meer ,becaanair,thal and thar ? And just watch the sherbs growing around the fallen parts , I can name them these are prosiphus juliflora، I studied ecology and did masters in it please don't tell me about soil types and Flora of area,

Also, new species?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosopis_juliflora is what turns up.
Congrats on studying ecology. I am surprised you cannot differentiate between soft soil suburbs and hard rock like those you will find between Karachi and Hyderabad.

lol. I don't think you understand rust.
Just zooom the parts are lying on on sand accumulated in the area after decomposition of rocks, and there is tree in back ground called accacia indica, endimic species of thar and rajhastan, and it is a sub arid zone , classified as dessert, and desertd is made of sand ،and some small Rocky hills، I did my Msc from Karachi University and also DHMS from karachi ,I traveled thousand times from karachi to hyd، but I can bet you will have never been to thar and thal,
Yah you are correct engine parts can catch rust because Indians take their jets to car wash regularly. For Gods sake man get some brains. They have $57 billion defence budget.
Well out of that 50bil$ alot is spent on wages, pensions, corruptions and whatever, so in the end , it's just a peanuts budget
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