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Air Force Quotes

Don't mind me for stating this, but the above is akin to:

"To come up with a recipe is nothing, to cook is something, to eat is everything".

Now the question that begs to be asked is, if there was no recipe in the first place, what would one eat? The same goes for designing. That is the single most difficult thing in the world. You design by becoming very creative (without having flown your very design). I am sure the most fun is flying, however the poor guys in the engineering labs, wind tunnels and behind computers writing millions of lines of code do everything for the pilot to take to the air. Lets not forget them ;-)
Q. what is common between a fighter a aircraft and a woman.
A. Men can ride on both.
Air power may either end war or end civilization.
—Winston Churchill, House of Commons, 14 March 1933.

Once the command of the air is obtained by one of the contended armies, the war must become a conflict between a seeing host and one that is blind.

— H. G. Wells

Not to have an adequate air force in the present state of the world is to compromise the foundations of national freedom and independence.

— Winston Churchill, House of Commons, 14 March 1933.

It gives me great pleasure to pay my first visit to a unit of the Royal Pakistan Air Force. There is no doubt that a country with out a strong Air Force is at the mercy of any aggressor. Pakistan must build up her Air Force as quickly as possible. It must be an efficient air force, second to none and must take its right place with the army and the navy in securing Pakistan’s defence.

I am well aware of air development in other countries and my government is determined that the Royal Pakistan Air Force will not lag behind.

The Royal Pakistan Air Force has started with very few assets except loyalty and determination to succeed. But the Royal Pakistan Air Force is already taking shape, this school formed only seven months ago is a worthy example of this.

I know you are short of personnel but I understand recruitment is brisk and good material is coming forward. To fill up the gaps in the meantime the Royal Pakistan Air Force volunteers are coming forward and are welcome.

I know also that you are short of aircraft and equipment, but efforts are being made to procure the necessary equipment and orders for modern aircraft have also been placed.

But aircraft and personnel in any numbers are of little use, unless there is a team spirit within the Air Force and a strict sense of discipline prevails. I charge you to remember that only with discipline and self-reliance can the Royal Pakistan Air Force be worthy of Pakistan.
Never fly the 'A' model of anything.
-- Layton A. Bennett
Always fly the "A" Model of anything, to be remembered in the history.

---Tauqeer Iqbal
18th June 2009
Always fly the "A" Model of anything, to be remembered in the history.

---Tauqeer Iqbal
18th June 2009
A Joke rather then a one-liner

Two pigeons are flying in formation up in the sky.

Suddenly an F-16 zoom's by nearly knocking them out of their flight path.

One pigeon says to the other, I wish I could fly as fast!

The other replies, you sure would if your @ss is on fire too!
Thanks a lot you ignited some real old memories. But we used to narrate all these jokes in Punjabi:taz:
Don't mind me for stating this, but the above is akin to:

"To come up with a recipe is nothing, to cook is something, to eat is everything".

Now the question that begs to be asked is, if there was no recipe in the first place, what would one eat? The same goes for designing. That is the single most difficult thing in the world. You design by becoming very creative (without having flown your very design). I am sure the most fun is flying, however the poor guys in the engineering labs, wind tunnels and behind computers writing millions of lines of code do everything for the pilot to take to the air. Lets not forget them ;-)

Thats why they say " WE MAKE THE FOOLS FLY"
an F-16 closes in on a c-130 and the pilot starts doing loops and barrel rolls and asks the c-130 pilot " can you do this? "
then the f-16 performs a tight Zero-zero 360 degree turn and the pilot asks the c-130 pilot " can you do this ? you fat lil duck"
The C-130 pilot says " Oh just tell me can you do this ?" and he switches off two of his engines " Stop being a circus clown and go home before your fuel dries off" :P
Why pilots prefer airplanes to women...

* Airplanes usually kill you quickly; a woman takes her time.

* Airplanes can be turned on by a flick of a switch.

* Airplanes don't get mad if you do a "touch and go."

* Airplanes don't object to a pre-flight inspection.

* Airplanes come with a manual to explain their operation.

* Airplanes have strict weight and balance limitations.

* Airplanes don't whine unless something is really wrong.

* Airplanes don't come with in-laws.


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