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AIDS infested India - deadly threat to Bangladesh

Yes indeed, here's another one. Looks like Indian truck drivers have already started rooting Bangladeshis.


Now grow up will you? There are other ways to score point, don't do it at the expense of diseased people.

But total number of infected people is still less then 1000 where in India it is in millions. Try something else...
But total number of infected people is still less then 1000 where in India it is in millions. Try something else...

But its on the rise which is a matter of concern. Anyways as I said we have many other things to score point on, lets leave disease out for the sake of decency.

P.s: Your "less than 1000" figure is outdated. Current figure is around 10,000.
But its on the rise which is a matter of concern. Anyways as I said we have many other things to score point on, lets leave disease out for the sake of decency.

P.s: Your "less than 1000" figure is outdated. Current figure is around 10,000.

Those who infected with AIDS are mostly foreign worker and infected in other country but not in Bangladesh like that of India. Even if it is 10000 it is less then 1% of the AIDS infected patient of India.
Indian has become great case study of how to contain this disease. Look at Indian programs n awareness. The Reproduction number of AIDS has or will come below 1 within few years.

These success of programs has provided right strategy to eradicate this disease or contain it first.

Indian has become great case study of how to contain this disease. look at Indian programs n awareness. The Reproduction number of AIDS has or will come below 1 within few years.

These success of programs has provided right strategy to eradicate this disease or contain it first.
Indian has become great case study of how to contain this disease. look at Indian programs n awareness. The Reproduction number of AIDS has or will come below 1 within few years.

These success of programs has provided right strategy to eradicate this disease or contain it first.

Indian has become great case study of how to contain this disease. look at Indian programs n awareness. The Reproduction number of AIDS has or will come below 1 within few years.

These success of programs has provided right strategy to eradicate this disease or contain it first.

Not only that India producing generic affordable AIDS drugs has been very helpful as well.

Millions will die if India stops AIDS drugs: U.N.
Bangladeshis are getting infected very fast because of poor education and no program whatsoever. These tin pots are rather more interested making fun of India and its sick population. Karma will teach them a lesson for their bigotry and schadenfreude.
Bangladeshis are getting infected very fast because of poor education and no program whatsoever. These tin pots are rather more interested making fun of India and its sick population. Karma will teach them a lesson for their bigotry and schadenfreude.

How do you know that there are no program at all!! Bangladesh is one of the least affected nation in terms of AIDS... because of intensive program Bangladesh has achieved low birth rate, 90% sanitation facility and reduction of various diseases including child mortality rate. Without knowing a sh!t dnt make comment...

Karma will teach us a lesson :lol: I guess you know Karma is a ******. It cant do anything.
I used to hear aids awareness program few year back but now its very rare ..bangladeshis should not worry about aids as they are morally upright people ..but some bad apples have doubt in themselves it seems ...

HIV/AIDS does not discriminate between nationality, race, gender or religion and it cuts across all borders and nationalities. BD should not relax because of low infection rates. It spreads silently and you wake up to its realities one fine morning. I can understand your reservations of infected drivers crossing your country and infecting local population. You have every right to monitor and inspect every driver to have a test taken before entering Bangladesh. I strongly urge that if you implement this across border check points, it will not only serve your interest, but also ours. Right now, we do not have any monitoring of our drivers for HIV infection. Hopefully this will weed out infected ones and will spread awareness.

To all Indian members, lets not be sarcastic just to score points.
my innocent indian friend there are some issues with your comparison, number one statistics from western world are 99% accurate because of high litracy rate, advanced medical and health infrastructure, highly documented helth data records.

India in comparison is a backward country with 1.2 billion people almost half ofwhich are illetrate, very poor without any access to any BASIC health or medical facilities, and very poor record keeping, and most of all corruption and dceit by the government officials at all levels. First of all that 0.3% figure is a much washed down figure the real figure should be somewhere in the range of 1.5 ~ 2% of total population. Second percentage alone is meaningless without reference to total population.

Why are you posting an article published in 2005? How is it relevant to anything? This article is outdated and inaccurate.

I just read first couple of lines when I came across this - "India has the world's largest AID infested population."

Fact#1 -

India does not have the world's largest AIDS population. It has the world's third largest behind South Africa and Nigeria.

India HIV caseload seen dramatically lower | Reuters - UN USAID revised figure

Fact#2 -

India's AIDS population is in the range of 2.5 million (not 5+ million).

This has been mentioned in the source above and also, most AIDS cases in India are restricted to certain pockets in south and NE India.

Fact#3 -

India's AIDS prevalence rate is 0.30%, not 1%


Compare this with AIDS prevalence rates in developed countries -

USA - 0.6
Spain - 0.5
Portugal - 0.5
Canada - 0.4
Italy - 0.4
France - 0.4

Therefore, the AIDS prevalence rate in India is lower than that of several developed nations. As a matter of fact, the global figure is 0.80% and India's figure is 0.30%.

Yet, some people here keep presenting outdated information to taunt India. Lame really.
my innocent indian friend there are some issues with your comparison, number one statistics from western world are 99% accurate because of high litracy rate, advanced medical and health infrastructure, highly documented helth data records.

India in comparison is a backward country with 1.2 billion people almost half ofwhich are illetrate, very poor without any access to any BASIC health or medical facilities, and very poor record keeping, and most of all corruption and dceit by the government officials at all levels. First of all that 0.3% figure is a much washed down figure the real figure should be somewhere in the range of 1.5 ~ 2% of total population. Second percentage alone is meaningless without reference to total population.

More like serious state of mental agony over the fact, the Indian figures did not appeal to your perverted Indo-phobic fantasies and delusions fed by your Zaid Zombie breed.

Besides, Since you attribute India's illiteracy and other maladies to wrong statistical data, would you say the same for Pakistan ie. Pakistani poverty rate of child or maternal mortality rate statistics are fudged by the Pakistani Govt?
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