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Featured AI Claims "Flawless Victory" Going Undefeated In Digital Dogfight With Human Fighter Pilot

Plane suffers G forces. Does that make a difference?
Without a pilot to support with associated life support systems, enclosure , design limits due to canopy etc - aircraft can be stressed to much higher tolerances similar to missiles - say +/- 30G
Without a pilot to support with associated life support systems, enclosure , design limits due to canopy etc - aircraft can be stressed to much higher tolerances similar to missiles - say +/- 30G

I would hope + 30 G only
Welcome to the AlphaDogfight Trials Competition Event #3 - Final simulated dogfight between the Champion AI and an Air Force F-16 pilot!

The DARPA AlphaDogfight Trials aim to demonstrate the feasibility of developing effective, intelligent autonomous agents capable of defeating adversary aircraft in a dogfight.

AlphaDogfight Trials Competition #3 is being broadcast live from the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab (JHU/APL) via a ZoomGov Webinar on 18-20 August 2020.

DARPA’s AlphaDogfight Trials seeks to advance the state of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies applied to air combat operations. The trials are a computer-based competition designed to demonstrate advanced AI algorithms that can perform simulated within-visual-range air combat maneuvering, otherwise known as a dogfight. The goal is to use the dogfight as the challenge problem to increase performance and trust in AI algorithms and bring together the AI research and operator communities.

In August 2019, DARPA selected eight technically and organizationally diverse teams to compete in the AlphaDogfight Trials with the purpose to energize and expand a base of researchers and developers applying AI technologies to complex operational problems.

The first of three AlphaDogfight Trials competition events was held at JHU/APL in November 2019. Trial #1 was an exhibition match with the opportunity for teams to compete against different APL developed adversary agents and test the simulation environment at scale.

Trial #2 held in January 2020, was the first competition where teams were ranked against each other and tested their agents against more challenging adversary agents.

Trial #3 is the final competition. Teams will compete against each other in a bracket style competition with the top team advancing to fight against a USAF fighter pilot in a simulated dogfight on Aug. 20.

AlphaDogfight Trials is a precursor to the DARPA Air Combat Evolution (ACE) program, which involves AI development and demonstration in three program phases – modeling and simulation, sub-scale aircraft, and full-scale aircraft testing. Ultimately, ACE will be flying AI algorithms on live aircraft to demonstrate trusted, scalable, human-level autonomy for air combat.

at 4:39:53 lol end of humans AI 5 human 0
AI is the future for sure, not just in the air combat but in almost every field of life.
Without a pilot to support with associated life support systems, enclosure , design limits due to canopy etc - aircraft can be stressed to much higher tolerances similar to missiles - say +/- 30G
IMHO, aircraft can't tolerate these forces. Structure of the aircraft would be compromised resulting in the loss of the aircraft. Any AI developer worth their salt would like the aircraft to be preserved while in battle.

Which is why aircraft have a load selector switch, specifically a CAT I / CAT III selector switch for load configurations in the F-16.

You could pull 10G's in CAT III but then you'd crack the wing spars. Good luck explaining that to the ground crew.
This would be the "game changer" the zionist-west will use, the idiots in the west will be convinced with it and that would be the last straw holding back WW3.
You are a complete idiot if you think Russia and China aren't also looking into AI.

Russia Is Planning A “Ground Force” of Armed Military Robots
The never-ending saga of machines outperforming humans has a new chapter. An AI algorithm has again beaten a human fighter pilot in a virtual dogfight.

This was predicted long ago and is no surprise.
It will simply be too dangerous for a manned fighter to enter the future battlefield. That's why they talk about future fighters being unmanned AND also a main probable reason for the F-22 production stopping suddenly.
When manned AC were first used in combat in WWI, they were only used for surveillance. Bombing and Fighter missions came later. I expect unmanned AC to follow a similar path. Unmanned AC are already being used for surveillance and strike missions. Only a matter of time before they are used in the fighter role.
You are a complete idiot if you think Russia and China aren't also looking into AI.

I will ignore your "idiot" remark and suggest you read my post again. Nowhere in my post did I state that Russia and China aren't developing A.I tech. I implied that the main inhibitor for the zionist-west in not going for a full blown war against Russia and China, is because they have calculated there would be no decisive victory, rather a war of attrition. The west wants decisive victory before launching themselves into global war.

Russia has been carefully mitigating it's way through western sanctions and blockades to ensure that it is secure on all fronts, economic, political, social and military. It has been a dance with death, but Russia has successfully manage to check the zionist-west, every step of the way. Which is why, it has become crucial for the zionists to have a breakthrough in A.I to guarantee and in the same breath, convince the west to go full throttle against Russia and China.

Go read Zbigniew Brzezinski's works and you would understand what I mean.

Also, for future, watch your mouth and be humble. You won't make any friends with that attitude.
I implied that the main inhibitor for the zionist-west in not going for a full blown war against Russia and China, is because they have calculated there would be no decisive victory, rather a war of attrition. The west wants decisive victory before launching themselves into global war.

???? Why do you think we have an interest in going to war with Russia?
If anything our best chance was during their Soviet breakup.
The long term plan is to have the Russian people prefer moderates in power so they can become closer to Europe and finally end the 1917 black sheep moniker...not go in and start shooting them.
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???? Why do you think we have an interest in going to war with Russia?
If anything our best chance was during their Soviet breakup.
The long term plan is to have the Russian people prefer moderates in power so they can become closer to Europe and finally end the 1917 black sheep moniker...not go in and start shooting them.

Yes of course, that was the one half's policy which wanted this approach. However, if you've studied how and who is in control in the corridors of power, then would understand the other half. By the way, it is the other half (zionists) who are actually in power in Washington DC. And they want a global war.

Understanding the zionist agenda is the key to identifying which direction the west, led by america, is actually heading in.

The so-called "best chance" was checkmated by Russia, when the Soviet Union collapsed. The west (america in particular) wanted to the same to Russia, what they did to Argentina in the 1990s. But they failed miserably!

As for the "moderate selection" by Russians is concerned, well now ... even the most ignorant of Russians recognize that in order to preserve their country, they need to unleash a pack of mongoose into the viper pit. And so far, that strategy has worked pretty damn good for them.

Anyways, A.I is the "Trump Card" the zionists are betting on and the way things are going so far, it is inevitable that the zionists will get their way in the end.

The most amusing part in all of this is, that neither regular americans, nor Russians, not Chinese, not french or british want a global war ever again. Which brings us to the focal point of who actually runs the west these days?! .... Answer; the same damn people (doctrine) who ran it over the last 200 years (with a few exceptions of course).
This was predicted long ago and is no surprise.
It will simply be too dangerous for a manned fighter to enter the future battlefield. That's why they talk about future fighters being unmanned AND also a main probable reason for the F-22 production stopping suddenly.

Just wait and see the effect intelligent swarms of armed drones would have on the modern battlefield. They are not far off.
Anyways, A.I is the "Trump Card" the zionists are betting on and the way things are going so far, it is inevitable that the zionists will get their way in the end.

Many of those zionists are actually highly educated emigrated Russian Jews who have no interest in blowing up their old homeland. We have to fight hard to keep those in Israel from influencing them into jumping over to the Russian side...which would be a complete brainpower disaster.

Of course they have no problem about blowing up their mid East neighbors.
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