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Featured AI Claims "Flawless Victory" Going Undefeated In Digital Dogfight With Human Fighter Pilot

Just wait and see the effect intelligent swarms of armed drones would have on the modern battlefield. They are not far off.

Yes, walking outside will mean being an instant target by a lurking killer drone.
A simulated F-16 Viper fighter jet with an artificial intelligence-driven "pilot" went undefeated in five rounds of mock air combat against an actual top Air Force fighter jockey today. The event was the culmination of an effort that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) began last year as an adjacent project to the larger Air Combat Evolution (ACE) program, which is focused on exploring how artificial intelligence and machine learning may help automate various aspects of air-to-air combat.......


Important point:

"No matter what, the digital dogfights today certainly underscores the ever-growing interest in artificial intelligence and autonomous capabilities throughout the U.S. military. It's certainly notable that Heron Systems' algorithms were able to go toe-to-toe with an actual Air Force fighter pilot and come out undefeated, but it remains to be seen whether this experience will reflect the outcome of any actual live flight testing in the future. It also may not necessarily represent just how advanced AI-infused autonomous aerial warfare is at present. Regardless, this was a very public display of the future of aerial combat."

Thoughts people:

@Hodor @Signalian @PanzerKiel @SQ8 @dbc

@airomerix @CriticalThought @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Bilal Khan 777

I believe we need to have a similar ex by collaborating with chinese so that in future we can incorporate the same in our own loyal wingman program.

Build the software/ML first while hardware catches up.

hope for Indian air force .....
Yes, walking outside will mean being an instant target by a lurking killer drone.

Being inside a building, unless secure to high standards, may not be any guarantee of safety. Smaller drones can navigate indoors, and many are not much bigger than grasshoppers, to send back targeting information. AI algorithms can scour open source information, including face recognition, to locate just about anybody of interest, to be followed up as needed.
Being inside a building, unless secure to high standards, may not be any guarantee of safety. Smaller drones can navigate indoors, and many are not much bigger than grasshoppers, to send back targeting information. AI algorithms can scour open source information, including face recognition, to locate just about anybody of interest, to be followed up as needed.

The FLIR Black Hornet 3 equips the non-specialist dismounted soldier with immediate covert situational awareness (SA). Game-changing EO and IR technology bridge the gap between aerial and ground-based sensors, providing the same amount of SA as a larger UAV and IED location capabilities of UGVs. Extremely light, nearly silent, and with a flight time up to 25 minutes, the combat-proven, pocket-sized Black Hornet transmits live video and HD still images back to the operator.
Being inside a building, unless secure to high standards, may not be any guarantee of safety. Smaller drones can navigate indoors, and many are not much bigger than grasshoppers, to send back targeting information. AI algorithms can scour open source information, including face recognition, to locate just about anybody of interest, to be followed up as needed.

True, I''ve previously thought about a cockroach robot sneaking passed the NORAD Cheyenne mountain's heavy steel doors. If I was the Russians I'd be working on that pronto.
IMHO, aircraft can't tolerate these forces. Structure of the aircraft would be compromised resulting in the loss of the aircraft. Any AI developer worth their salt would like the aircraft to be preserved while in battle.

Which is why aircraft have a load selector switch, specifically a CAT I / CAT III selector switch for load configurations in the F-16.

You could pull 10G's in CAT III but then you'd crack the wing spars. Good luck explaining that to the ground crew.
Which aircraft? Today’s aircraft designed around a fragile mass of flesh and bone incapable of high G tolerances and needing hundreds of KG’s in life support and safety systems to protect them not to mention aerodynamic compromises for this purpose, or those not needing to be?
Which aircraft? Today’s aircraft designed around a fragile mass of flesh and bone incapable of high G tolerances and needing hundreds of KG’s in life support and safety systems to protect them not to mention aerodynamic compromises for this purpose, or those not needing to be?

Yes, we need to ignore traditional manned plane designs and look more at unmanned shapes...like long range air-to-air missile shapes.
True, I''ve previously thought about a cockroach robot sneaking passed the NORAD Cheyenne mountain's heavy steel doors. If I was the Russians I'd be working on that pronto.

Can the Sentinels (aka Squiddies) from The Matrix be that far off?
Many of those zionists are actually highly educated emigrated Russian Jews who have no interest in blowing up their old homeland. We have to fight hard to keep those in Israel from influencing them into jumping over to the Russian side...which would be a complete brainpower disaster.

Of course they have no problem about blowing up their mid East neighbors.

That is actually a misnomer, hard-line Jews are zionists and the distinction between real Jews and zionists is that real Jews oppose the creation of the state of israel, while zionists are the main proponents of the creation of israel. Using any means to reach their agenda, including the total control and domination of the west (america, britain, france, netherlands and germany). The "Balfour Declaration" and AIPAC are proof of this.

Global war is their agenda, you ought to know why!
That is actually a misnomer, hard-line Jews are zionists and the distinction between real Jews and zionists is that real Jews oppose the creation of the state of israel, while zionists are the main proponents of the creation of israel. Using any means to reach their agenda, including the total control and domination of the west (america, britain, france, netherlands and germany). The "Balfour Declaration" and AIPAC are proof of this.

Global war is their agenda, you ought to know why!

"Between 1989 and 2006, about 1.6 million Soviet Jews ...emigrated from the former Soviet Union. ....About 979,000, or 61%, migrated to Israel. Another 325,000 migrated to the United States, and 219,000 migrated to Germany."

"...Some 74.24% are Jews of all backgrounds (about 6,829,000 individuals)"

979,000/6,829,000=14% of the zionist Jews in Israel likely have ex-Russian roots.

You really think they want to blow up Russia in some kind of conspiracy?
No, far more likely their non-Russian and non-Jewish neighbors.
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And no emotions or sensory distractions too. The beginning of the end of fighter pilots.

Exactly. But the one area where these AI systems, of all types, won't be able to overtake humans is.... Instinct.
I didn't watch the complete and don't know how good is AI of this system but its actually pretty common for ex as well as in-service pilots to practice against AI in simulators like DCS and BMS,in PAF as well and I have seen them getting beaten by the AI.

But there are many factors to this:
1)Pilot not being used to simulated environment.
2)Head tracking is a major issue for the pilot (in case of VR,it causes motion sickness)
3)AI has no fear factor
4)If pilot executes an out of the book maneuver,AI will be dead in no time.
5)As @PanzerKiel mentioned,no Gs involved for the AI.
6)A pilot being a pilot,when flying in a simulated environment,he will still be keeping an eye on his expendables such as fuel,ammo,counter measures etc.As well as aircraft's limits such as G limit etc.Al is free from all these distractions,it will consume everything it has and take advantage of the fight or crash at the end if goes bingo.
7)In BFMs,AI's accuracy will be much better (and of course this is what makes AI better than Human)
8)In a 1 v 1 BVR scenario,AI will go cold as soon as a missile is fired on it and stay cold until the missile dies while human has many options in this case.Also human pilot wont know he's been fired at until missile goes Pitbull but AI (most probably) will know he has to go cold as soon as a missile is launched.

And many more..

I have always been against a Real life pilot v AI pilot.A person who has been flying aircrafts his whole career cannot be accustomed to a simulated environment in just 2 missions,as soon as he starts pulling the stick,his mind will start working as he's in a real jet and not a Simulator.

If the goal is to study Human v AI then maybe a Simulator used person v AI might be better, flight simulation community is full of people who have been flying combat simulators since last 20 years.
The research will also be used for where the AI may assist a manned pilot. This was the first demonstration, yet an amazing experiment to watch
The research will also be used for where the AI may assist a manned pilot. This was the first demonstration, yet an amazing experiment to watch
The Typhoon has a function already through which the gun will fire if the computer thinks there is a solution - so a future situation may be an AI assisting or taking over in evasive maneuvers if GLOC occurs similar to GCAS today. It could also act as pilot and remove the need for WSO altogether and let pilots focus on weapons employment decisions while it flies the aircraft tactically
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