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Ahmedinejad: Iran goes nuclear

The Patriot;666395]Some members here are getting excited on Iran becoming nuclear but IMO nuclear Iran would be a problem for Pakistan and the region.

A nuclear Iran will also destabilize Pakistan by supporting and abetting Shia groups in Pakistan and that will spawn a radical Sunni response. There would be no end to sectarian violence. We all know that the Sunni-Shia violence in Pakistan is in fact the proxy of Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Mr. patriot i can assure you if we shias wanted to fight back against wahabi terrorist and help wahabis destroy our country with a civil war you are sadlly mistaken that we will need any help from Iran or any other nation for that matter.we have everything we need to defend our self or inflict damage on you or likes you not fighting back and helping wahabis destroy our country should not be considered our weakness but holding back should be considered the price we are willing to pay for the love of our country.
So far problem for Pakistan and is not exactly a hidden secret Arabs and their lovers also known as Wahabi Talibans guess who is helping them i can guarantee you it's not Iran but i am sure you will bend backwards to deny that.

1- A nuclear Iran will minimize Pakistan’s potential role of leadership in the gulf region.

LOL the amount of investment in India by these so called gulf region suggests you have little or no chance of any leadership in that Region.

2-It will destabilize the Persian gulf and Arab states will follow suit. There would be nuclear race in the region.

You mean Israelis nuke are no threat to these Arabs but Iranian non existence nukes are or the fact iran is willing to share its nuclear tech with any muslim nation is a threat to these gulf nations which one is it.

3.Iran is the biggest exporter of terrorism (Shia based). It will try to destabilize—which it is doing already—Iraq, Lebanon, Bahrain, Yemen, and Northern parts of Saudi Arabia. Iran tries to play regional leader and nukes will give it a great deal of leverage.

Biggest exporter of terrorist Awards all of them goes to yours beloved house of saud only the one speaking from his back end can deny that.
Iraq= so U mean all these terrorist attacks in Iraq against shias are being done by Iranians all those suicide bombers are shias saddam was shia killing Sunnis is that what you are saying.

Lebanon=majority shias Sunni government is being enforced on them with the help of USA Israel and yours beloved house of saud.so you are saying people fighting back against the aggression of Israel are terrorist are you sure is that what you are saying.

Bahrain=Bahrain is unique in all the states of the Arabian Peninsula in that it has a Shia majority, roughly 65% of the population. But the ruling elite is Sunni. Shia Bahrainis say they have been discriminated against for years.

Yemen= again people fighting against a corrupt government installed on them by west and house of saud is irans fault we all remmeber few days ago iran launched the military raid on yemens civilians oh wait it wasnt iran it was your beloved Terrorist of the century house of saud you must have been sleeping at that when this happend.

Northern parts of Saudi Arabia=Last i checked its is shias who are being killed by house of saud yet you go on to claim its the shias carrying out terrorist attacks against them what a whicket imagination at least have the guts to speak the truth when you are hidding behind the computer screen or even then you prefer to lie and think people will buy your biased crap.

4.Pakistan will be sandwiched between different nuclear powers from all sides: India, China, and Iran.

Pakistan is between india and china last i checked they both are nuclear power but yeah with iran having nukes we will be in trouble indias nukes on the other hand are painted on walls and are no threat to pakistan.

6. Most importantly, Iran is an unstable state where majority of the population is against the current authoritarian and theocratic regime. IT can blow up any time.

you are right only democracy in that region with all minorities having equal rights including Jews are going to blow up cause of few cias trained Trouble makers but all west appointed dogs also known as queens and protected from their population by Americans Marines are stable if that what you are saying i guess you are right

IMO United States should have already taken out Iran’s nuclear program. IT is delayed and may be Iran is now months away from becoming a nuclear state. I would strongly support America, or any other power for taking out Iran’s nuclear program through strategic strikes and operations. It will be in the interests of Pakistan and the region.

So that why whabi Talibans are supporting and trying to help India destabilizes Pakistan so Americans can take out our nukes.i take it you will strongly support Americans in there adventures against Pakistani nukes because taken out Pakistani nukes will be the interest of India and us all no how the west and Gulf states love India.
Israeli F-16s are all upgraded and MLUed...rest assued Israelis won't retire their F-16 in next 5 years they are here to stay for the next 10 Years...

I am kind of confused are you Jewish who is in love with Nazis OR are you are brown Pakistani who is love with Nazis are you an Arab who lives under the shadow of jewish F16 and is ok with the status quo or are you a nazi your self.
Cheetah786....cheetah read my signature you'll know who i am or i'll paste it here:
Sura 8:57 “So if you gain the mastery over them in war, punish them severely in order to disperse those who are behind them, so that they may learn a lesson.”

Secondly My details Pakhtoon sane Muslim. Yes Nazis I believe were brave i don't believe in the propaganda crap against Nazis I hope i am clear....Don't refer to Nazis to be barbaric evil men they were brave soldiers who were fighting against opponents a well trained Army some times its better to research independently instead of believing in NatGeo/Discovery/BBC/CNN..

F-16s---The discussion was about enemy's state of the art warplanes against Iran's old fleet..
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Some members here are getting excited on Iran becoming nuclear but IMO nuclear Iran would be a problem for Pakistan and the region.
You needn't worry, we're not interested in stocking nuclear weapons and neither do we believe having them proves or signifies any kind of real power. What you will however see is what you already witnessed during the 31st revolution celebrations, and that is that we will continue to develop our nuclear industry and as the president has already announced: we can make a nuclear bomb, but we do not wish to.

1. A nuclear Iran will minimize Pakistan’s potential role of leadership in the gulf region.
With great emphasis on potential. No number of nuclear devices Pakistan produces and puts in stock will allow it to ever exert any kind of power or attain any kind of position, be it leader like or of any other kind, in the Persian Gulf or in the Arabian peninsula. In other words, don't hold your breath.

2. It will destabilize the Persian gulf and Arab states will follow suit. There would be nuclear race in the region.
You are not from the region, so let me inform you. The Arabian states will have difficulty making a vending machine, let alone they attempt to compete in the military industry or try to attain nuclear power. Both of which will never be condoned by the foreign powers fully in control of their countries. Other than that, we are already stabilizing the Persian Gulf by patrolling it 24/7, not that that should be any of your concern.

3. Iran is the biggest exporter of terrorism (Shia based). It will try to destabilize—which it is doing already—Iraq, Lebanon, Bahrain, Yemen, and Northern parts of Saudi Arabia. Iran tries to play regional leader and nukes will give it a great deal of leverage.
Your claim is flawed and you sound like a FOX news reporter. We will continue to support Muslims in need of help, from whatever stream they may be. We have helped sunni Bosnians so much so that they treat Iranians royally. We have and continue to help the Ikhwani Hamas, and their majority sunni population (Gaza) have no other source of income other than Iran. We have an continue to help the ikhwan al muslimeen in Egypt. When nearly four million Afghans came to our border, we let them enter, sunni or shia, while we barely had food for our own people during the war. The call of those in need of help will never go unheard in Iran.

4. Pakistan will be sandwiched between different nuclear powers from all sides: India, China, and Iran.
What exactly do you think Pakistan has that will interest Iran? I have read some of the topics and posts on this forum and some people seem to think Pakistan is the very centre of every important thing going on around the world. I don't mean to hurt your feeling, but we're not interested in 'sandwiching' Pakistan.

5. A nuclear Iran will also destabilize Pakistan by supporting and abetting Shia groups in Pakistan and that will spawn a radical Sunni response. There would be no end to sectarian violence. We all know that the Sunni-Shia violence in Pakistan is in fact the proxy of Saudi Arabia and Iran.
When is the last time you have been to Pakistan? The country is near collapse, people are being kidnapped and robbed by armed men from quette, to karachi to the north. In fact, I know a person who was kidnapped a week ago. Why do you think the US says they will prevent Pakistan's nuclear weapons getting in the hand of these thugs at whatever cost? A few days ago the US centcom general mentioned their main concern remains the possible collapse of Pakistan. Its time for you to get back to reality here.

6. Most importantly, Iran is an unstable state where majority of the population is against the current authoritarian and theocratic regime. IT can blow up any time.
You must be so detached from reality. Let me wake you up from your western news word dream. I'm not a stranger to Pakistan. I lived there for quite some time, we know a lot of people there. My brother's wife's family lives there. The people are afraid of leaving their homes unless necessary. While on the other hand, saying Iran is unstable is like saying France is unstable. In fact, I would say France is more unstable than Iran with thousands of cars burnt down each day and its population at a boiling point.

IMO United States should have already taken out Iran’s nuclear program. IT is delayed and may be Iran is now months away from becoming a nuclear state. I would strongly support America, or any other power for taking out Iran’s nuclear program through strategic strikes and operations. It will be in the interests of Pakistan and the region.
This is the most disgusting part of your whole post. Regardless of disgusting we Iranians think all of the Pakistani leaders are, and hate the disgusting terrorists your country is harbouring and letting them perform terrorist acts on our land. The list goes on... We would NEVER, even in thought support a war against Pakistan.

You sir have no honour, and your religion is Satanism.
siorgh...With great emphasis on potential. No number of nuclear devices Pakistan produces and puts in stock will allow it to ever exert any kind of power or attain any kind of position, be it leader like or of any other kind, in the Persian Gulf or in the Arabian peninsula. In other words, don't hold your breath.

simorgh...long speech little content of importance sheer jealousy..smoke it.. it did not impress me..
read the history and do not forget to read the 80's history about Jewish state intentions towards Pakistan's nuclear facility(we are single most important nation to be discussed solely because we are the only Islamic nation to have nukes)..The big bold words flying all around in the western govts and media guess yourself why discussions about Pakistan takes place here and there Internationally...the way india is kept at bay from any sort of aggression against Pakistan alone makes us in a position to exert pressure and a credible position!...forget Leader alone our Impressive Army has the reputation that has disturbed the western govts and media..(and clearly Iran is not a leader in persian gulf or arabian peninsula you are all alone)..
All in all your speech was a failure just like Iranian president came to UN for a speech and no body gave a damn about what he was saying..
Lastly your hilarious personality with all these replies to the other guy before you talk about Pakistan's collapse look at Iran "she is one large prison cell"
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Have you seen how Arabs treat Pakistanis in the Persian Gulf? If so, why are you talking about leadership?

Why are you talking about the Persian Gulf in the first place? Pakistan is a "desi" country, you have more in common with India than you do with Arab states. You are no where near the Persian Gulf, so i don't know what this obsession with it comes from.
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I'm not the one you and your friend is the one talking about leadership read your friend's earlier post. Pakistan has more in common with Arab nations because we're a Muslims nation you've proved you've little knowledge of Pakistan just because India-Pakistan doesn't mean we are totally in common bond we got this Pakistan because Muslims and alot different from hindus read Pakistan's creation her history your less informed. define the term desi i want to know your version definition.

abi..you are no where near persian gulf

Don't slip out of your pants look at your nation being in persian gulf you're all alone the way you guys are treated by both east and west makes you a vulnerable state...obsession of what? read what you wrote it is iran's obsession not us Pakistan again i would want you to read Pakistan's history you are little educated about Pakistan your information definitely comes from indian forums use your Internet for better research...stop living in the past your no more that persian state that used to be warriors nation dream on try coming out of the past..
Cheetah786....cheetah read my signature you'll know who i am or i'll paste it here:
Sura 8:57 “So if you gain the mastery over them in war, punish them severely in order to disperse those who are behind them, so that they may learn a lesson.”

Secondly My details Pakhtoon sane Muslim. Yes Nazis I believe were brave i don't believe in the propaganda crap against Nazis I hope i am clear....Don't refer to Nazis to be barbaric evil men they were brave soldiers who were fighting against opponents a well trained Army some times its better to research independently instead of believing in NatGeo/Discovery/BBC/CNN..

F-16s---The discussion was about enemy's state of the art warplanes against Iran's old fleet..

A nazi sympathizers is talking Good about jewish Firepower (i wonder who jews would wanna use that fire against more Iran or Nazi )to scare a Proud Yes Proud Muslim Nation And you are calling them jealous really are you for reall.
At least they have the guts to stand up to the rest of the world can you say that about your beloved Arabs.

As far as discussion is about firepower should pakistan back away from india as clearly we dont have as much firepower Airforce or navy wise as them for now should we bow out or should we stand and fight.
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cheetah..A nazi sympathizers is talking Good about jewish Firepower (i wonder who jews would wanna use that fire against more Iran or Nazi )to scare a Proud Yes Proud Muslim Nation And you are calling them jealous really are you for reall.
At least they have the guts to stand up to the rest of the world can you say that about your beloved Arabs.

you still didn't get it research about Nazi and come back talk to me about Nazis..secondly I am talking about F-16s fire power whether it be in hands of Jews or Pakistan or Taiwan I am discussing new platform against old obsolete platform there is nothing about jews or Nazi or anything involvement in it don't act amateurish..read your own and your friend's previous post jealously reflects to its core...and grow up jews have firepower just as we all accept united states to be super power..there a big difference is refusing and denying google it if you don't know their meanings..you have taken discussion out of context you guys started i am simply replying and than you put your "talk went wrong" upon me..standing up and looking in the eyes in one thing that don't make them woohoo guys! when something good is being offered to Iran wise is to accept it and this way you can eliminate the hostility between west and Iran but Iran chose to be all negative i don't call it brave act come out of the state of suspicions..
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Have you seen how Arabs treat Pakistanis in the Persian Gulf? If so, why are you talking about leadership?

Why are you talking about the Persian Gulf in the first place? Pakistan is a "desi" country, you have more in common with India than you do with Arab states. You are no where near the Persian Gulf, so i don't know what this obsession with it comes from.

pakistan has ample chance of influence in the middle east firstly because pakistan is a nuclear country, it has many strategic advantages, and pakistan being the sunni majority state has very good relationship with arabs whereas iran seek bad relations. pakistan has very good labour force in middle east. pakistan army has participated several military activities in the middle east. pakistan and turkey have the best relationship. pakistani port gwadar is strategically located to handle middle east oil exports. pakistan has a very developed agriculture and who knows in future pakistan maybe fulfilling the needs of middle east.

you may be so ignorant n arrogant to pakistanis when you say that arabs treat us bad and blah blah but the truth is even though pakistan has economic set backs but when our economy improves iranian dream to control the middle east will be all gone!!

and what do you mean by pakistan is desi. do you even know the meaning of desi???
mech-e..good answer i don't know after this answer would the need further clarification they simply don't understand..as i said earlier "Iran is all alone" the last one is Russia they're also slipping away..
We're getting off topic. Pakistan is not in the middle east or in the Persian Gulf, so i don't understand why a few people on this thread have fantasies of Pakistan becoming a "leader" in this region. A Pakistani member by the name of Cheetah answered you best, so i am going to leave it at that. Now lets stop going off topic.
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No offense to Iranian members here but the Iranian regime is the carbon copy of Taliban or the other way round. The only difference it that it is based on Shia'ism while Taliban are Deobandi and Wahabi.
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