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Ahmedinejad: Iran goes nuclear

No offense to Iranian members here but the Iranian regime is the carbon copy of Taliban or the other way round. The only difference it that it is based on Shia'ism while Taliban are Deobandi and Wahabi.

Why would i be offended? Your ignorance makes me laugh.
the reason why iranians dont like the talibans i guess is that its the pushtun monopoly which are sunnis, and they are more oriented towards pakistan then iran, if they had been shia comprising the other ethnic minorities than like hizbullah iran would have been gladly supporting and arming them against the US occupation, and they would not have been labelled as wabbies and terrorists by them!!
The reason why Iran doesn't support the Taliban is because they're wahhabi takfiri terrorists. It's not because they're sunni or Pashtun.
No offense to Iranian members here but the Iranian regime is the carbon copy of Taliban or the other way round. The only difference it that it is based on Shia'ism while Taliban are Deobandi and Wahabi.

No problem brother. You are allowed your biases. I would say the ultimate worth of our theories is determined at the point of impact with reality. That's where the wheat is separated from the chaff.

We dealt with Pan-arabism, we will deal with pan-turkism and after that with pan-kurdism and maybe after that it'll be the turn of pan-fryism or whatever 19th century bankrupt European ideologies may still be laying around. And after that we'll see who's still standing and who has moved to bigger and better things.


I think you should've a look what's happening in Pakistan before lecturing Iran what they should do or shouldn't.

In Iran, bombs are not going off everyday, while in Pakistan life is quite different. Standard of life in Iran is far better than in Pakistan. Corruption is also less, they don't have ar** holes like Zardari in Iran. There literacy rate is also far better than us. There is a huge different between both countries.

At least Irani government got the balls to stand up to the west and tell them to f off. While here in Pakistan our government have sold over 50% of the country to the Yanks. See the difference? Iranian government might or might not be right but that's up to the people of Iran to decide, who are we to comment?

And yeah, luxury is not measured by how many western jets you have. Their airforce is crap, so what? Has US got the guts to attack them? I don't think so!

Their living standards are far better than our's. Even their police have some respect and is not as corrupt as our's. There is a huge difference between both countries and i believe we Pakistanis shouldn't be telling them what they should or shouldn't do. I am a Pakistani and i love my nation but what you are saying is just not right.

And just to let you know. Iran can't buy any latest tech even if they want to. They are under strict UN sanctions. But yet they are not giving up. Good luck to them! I hope they get the nukes.
^ i think we members have just come to know another shia hiding in PDF, sympathising iran.

by the way the "standards of living in dubai, saudi arabia, qatar etc are much higher than iran can you draw some parallells and comparison

the reason iran is surviving the heavy sanctions today its just because of oil, oil contributues to the lions share of irans GDP and exports, irans population is half of pakistan so stop rediculing your own country.

and personally i have contacts with some iranians who abuse their government.
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Haha, i speak the truth and i am a shia? Wow great mentality bruv. Just for you info, i am a Sunni and i love my country more than u could imagine.

There is a huge difference between both countries. I was merely telling that guy instead of criticizing other country's government and it's policies, he should have a look what's happening in his own country. We shouldn't be lecturing other's when we ourselves are in deep sh**.

Yeah i agree Iran has oil but what about our nation? Aren't we blessed with natural resources as well? Can't we utilize them and make our country better? The difference is Zardari is so corrupt he has literally sold half of the country. We have a better airforce than iran but is it protecting it's citizen from drones attack?

There is no need to compare these two countries living of standard with arab's, dubai, qatar etc. Those countries have also sold themselves to US. They can't even say 'No' to western countries and it's the same here in Pakistan.....

Government of Iran is good or bad, we shouldn't care. It's them who should decide it. It's their internal matters. I was merely praising Iran guts. Literally, whole world is against them but yet they are not willing to give up or allowing themselves to get bullied by western countries. This is what you call courage!

Please don't assume things. I am a Pakistani and i love my nation. Read up my few posts to get an idea. I love my country but my love for the country is not blind.....and i know the difference between right & wrong.
Aeri-Eye...don't act like a blind read my posts i am not lecturing anyone..
leave aside explosions in Pakistan Iran is all alone just because it suspect every single damn foreign nation....and no doubt Iran is a corrupt nation and a sane govt don't cut off ties with the world to live in isolation..and yeah i did not talk about luxury i referred to shia Iran's enemy to have thing in their inventory that can give a single powerful blow and cripple Iran..Is Iran ready to defend its skies leaving aside penetrating Jew's airspace..the answer is Big No! what i was referring to was If Iran has greats boxes filled with currency they could trash american super obsolete Jets and buy something decent enough to safe guard their air space since Iran govt is corrupt i don't see any change (forget poor copy of F-5) at the most Iran can rain down missiles is that all it? US has all the guts to evaporate Iran and that would be horrible and condemnable of Us to do such thing..but us has a stance to protect Jewish interests and Jew land so Jews don't get killed otherwise Iran is a piece of cake for the americans....poor Iran if they are under strict UN sanctions i thought Iran don't care about sanctions bad approach by you..Iran can buy defense weaponry for air land sea corruption won't allow it to buy! thanks but you too did not impress so much for your long speech. I am neither against Iran nor do i have any enmity against shias they are our brothers..don't try to indirectly divide they shia-sunni situation on this thread if your a shia declare it here no body is against shia sect.
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I heard Iran has better ties with India than Pakistan :s is that true? personally I have a liking for Iranian state... our language is very similar to them and I think our national anthem is in their language. We should be like brothers.
by the way the "standards of living in dubai, saudi arabia, qatar etc are much higher than iran can you draw some parallells and comparison


Dubai has a population of 2.2 million of which only 22% of them are citizens. They have all of this oil and are not under sanctions? You want their standards of livings to be lower?

Saudi Arabia has 1/3rd of Iran's population and exports 3 times more oil. You think standards of livings should be lower? Their standards of living should b 9 times as much, yet it is barely 1.5 times better.

Don't let your jealousy blind you. Look at your fellow Pakistani Brothers Aeri-Eye, Cheetah, Unity and Shahrose Khan, look at their posts.

Aeri-Eye...don't act like a blind read my posts i am not lecturing anyone..
leave aside explosions in Pakistan Iran is all alone just because it suspect every single damn foreign nation....and no doubt Iran is a corrupt nation and a sane govt don't cut off ties with the world to live in isolation..and yeah i did not talk about luxury i referred to shia Iran's enemy to have thing in their inventory that can give a single powerful blow and cripple Iran..Is Iran ready to defend its skies leaving aside penetrating Jew's airspace..the answer is Big No! what i was referring to was If Iran has greats boxes filled with currency they could trash american super obsolete Jets and buy something decent enough to safe guard their air space since Iran govt is corrupt i don't see any change (forget poor copy of F-5) at the most Iran can rain down missiles is that all it? US has all the guts to evaporate Iran and that would be horrible and condemnable of Us to do such thing..but us has a stance to protect Jewish interests and Jew land so Jews don't get killed otherwise Iran is a piece of cake for the americans....poor Iran if they are under strict UN sanctions i thought Iran don't care about sanctions bad approach by you..Iran can buy defense weaponry for air land sea corruption won't allow it to buy! thanks but you too did not impress so much for your long speech. I am neither against Iran nor do i have any enmity against shias they are our brothers..don't try to indirectly divide they shia-sunni situation on this thread if your a shia declare it here no body is against shia sect.

You hatred for Iran is just so obvious in this post. What makes you think i am Shia? Just bcause i am telling the truth? Why should i should admit to something i am not? I am a Sunni and you don't want to believe me, ine, I don't have to prove it to you.

There are good reasons why Iran have cut ties off with west. You are failing to see them obviously because you are full of hatred. Corruption exist in Iran, no doubt about it. But it exist in every country, what's your point? Iran don't have means to defend it's nation? Are you kidding me? Yeah they are a piece cake for US:blah:. Wasn't Afghanistan & Iraq also piece of cake? Look what's happening now.

Even if Iran wants to buy jets & latest tech, where do you suggest they should buy it from? From US?:lol: Or from european countries?:lol: Do you even know what 'sanctions' are? I doubt it.

You are moaning about corruption & government in Iran as if in Pakistan the situation is any better. Do i have to tell you about Mr Zardari or Nawaz? Is our government any better than theirs? It's actually worse, at least their government don't sell their nation just for the sake of few f-16s, $$$s or to 'be more friendly with west'. It's you who needs to open up your eyes and face the reality.

My speech wasn't suppose to 'impress you'. I was hoping you will open up your eyes and will see the reality. We shouldn't be lecturing others when our own country is for sale. Aside from bombings, their country is better than our's in many fields. Education, living standards, law & order etc.

Open your eyes and stop acting like an arrogant ars*. Perhaps you should consider re-reading your posts to get an idea of what you have been saying.:agree:
I heard Iran has better ties with India than Pakistan :s is that true? personally I have a liking for Iranian state... our language is very similar to them and I think our national anthem is in their language. We should be like brothers.

Yeah that is true. We are not each other enemy either. It's just that there are some misunderstanding that needs to be cleared up. We both are Muslims nation and our ties can improve if we sit down and sort things out.

Our, their & Turkish government have started the Train route, hopefully it will bring us a little closer. The gas pipeline project will be signed in May i guess.

We need to clear the misunderstandings, we don't really have any big issues with them. Sitting down on the table will hopefully clear the air out. We can benefit a lot from Iran if we improve our relationship.:agree:
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