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Ahmed Nijadi's pictures circulating !


Sep 7, 2010
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is it so that when he left president house, he went back to his house on his own bike?
Good riddance. This guy knew nothing about how to keep his mouth shut and properly do politics.
Rohani is much more experienced.
we will get to know his "moderate experience" in few months then picture will clear
I remember once I emailed him, he replied to, maybe by his office but they did reply.
Do you mind sharing what you asked him?

It was like 5-6 years ago, dont remember what exactly I said but crux of the email was our interests are same, we should workout on our economic ties, and america is the enemy, it came in the region to divide us...

in reply he wrote something like thanks, I appreciate your concern, and wish the same.
Even the most unpopular leader of Iran is (literally) worshipped by Pakistani Shias :P

To be honest , he is not hated in Iran. He is very humble and not corrupt like the others. The people see his presidency as negative because during his term all the heavy sanctions were placed on Iran. He actually promised more freedom, but so many people were against him...... I don't think he should've been the president of Iran in the first place. One common man from a village in Iran can not go against the World Order dictated by USA/Britain/Israel!
No, he went to his old house which he owned before presidency, but not with a bike.

Btw, one of few things I liked about Ahmadinejad is that he was humbe and a 'people' man.He went to crowds, to furthest poor villages of the country and listened to their words and problems. We need humbleness in all of our leaders.

although he was against america, i do have to like the guy, he was a very good leader i believe and a true leader who looked out for his countries interests unlike even our own congressmen in america, who will sometimes mix american and israeli interests into one.
I like his 'I kill you last' meme ... wish I could give him a framed copy that he could hang:yay:
Even though Ahmedinejad was a lousy Politician but he was a kind hearted man. Because of his lack of diplomacy, he opened himself to attacks by the Zionist media who reviled him mercilessly.

And OP please don't advertise your ignorance by misspelling the man's name. It is NOT Ahmed nejadi - It is Mahmoud Ahmedinejad.
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