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Ahmadiyya teacher, his mother killed in Pakistan

Dear what is this ?? "An Ahmadiyya teacher of a private university and his mother were found murdered here, in the latest incident of violence against minorities in Pakistan. "

Dear , It is from "Press Trust of India " .....
Certain members on PDF deserve to be hired by the police and intelligence agencies, for their godly abilities to reach to the facts and conclusions of criminals cases, while going through the news paper reports alone.

There are a number of people die everyday everywhere. Do all of them die because of ethnic or sectarian reasons?

Every non-Hindu Indian who dies in India also dies of sectarian reasons? Now please don't tell us that sectarian violence is never heard of in India. There are more large-scale sectarian riots in India than in any other country in the world.

come out with apathetic argument...
The thing is in Pakistan crimes against minorities have been institutionalized...no wonder why Pakistanis are among the highest asylum seekers in the world... most of them are from Minority communities..
Ok but this thread is not about India,is it?? So can we stick to the topic please.
No, it is not about India but people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, especially when they are cluless about something.

You have to agree though, that that declaration is a severe infringement of religious liberties. It is equivalent to muslims in christian countries being forced to sign a declaration that muhammad was a false prophet, and jesus was the only son of god. Irrespective of who murdered who and for what in this case, it is really surprising that Pakistanis are OK with state sanctioned belittling of religious beliefs. Or maybe not.

(And no, I am not trying to score points. It is a genuine issue.)
No, it is no equivalent to Muslims in Christian countries being forced to sign a declaration that Muhammad was a false prophet, and Jesus was the only son of God. Ahmedis insist on being recognized as Muslims, while they themselves don't recognize non-Ahmedis as Muslims. There would be (and should not be) any problem if they don't insist on being recognized as Muslims and maintain their identity as Ahmedis.

It would be curious to see the reaction of the church if someone refuses to accept the concept of trinity (the fundamental of Christianity) while calls himself as the true Christian and declare other Christians as infidel.
Indians on this thread are so pathetic. Coming to score points. Filthy people.
No, it is not about India but people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

No, it is no equivalent to Muslims in Christian countries being forced to sign a declaration that Muhammad was a false prophet, and Jesus was the only son of God. Ahmedis insist on being recognized as Muslims, while they themselves don't recognize non-Ahmedis as Muslims. There would be (and should not be) any problem if they don't insist on being recognized as Muslims and maintain their identity as Ahmedis.

It would be curious to see the reaction of the church if someone refuses to accept the concept of trinity (the fundamental of Christianity) while call himself as the true Christian and declare other Christians as infidel.

Please tell me which "Christian country" does it ?? I would love to increase my horizon of knowledge .
Professional jealousy, it was not about him being Ahmedi as many like or wish to believe, and pass it on without getting things confirmed. There are a number of Ahmedis working in every department and are on the key posts. My father had number of Ahmedi friends and like my father, held key posts in certain givernment departments. It is not like Ahmedis are confined to ghettos and not allowed to live and prosper in Pakistan, like Israel is doing to the Palestinian.
comeon, we all know what the ground reality is, pakistan still hasn't changed its old way, thousands of shiites, ahmedis, hindus and other minorities are being killed there everyday, u guys will definitely make Pakistan a ''land of pure'' one day, i have full confidence in u
Certain members on PDF deserve to be hired by the police and intelligence agencies, for their godly abilities to reach to the facts and conclusions of criminals cases, while going through the news paper reports alone.

There are a number of people die everyday everywhere. Do all of them die because of ethnic or sectarian reasons?

Every non-Hindu Indian who dies in India also dies of sectarian reasons? Now please don't tell us that sectarian violence is never heard of in India. There are more large-scale sectarian riots in India than in any other country in the world.

The assertion of this being a case of ethnic violence is being made by a newspaper of Pakistan. Not by PDF members

Here is what it says (The link you provided) :

As of this report the motive has not been established and the family is cooperating with investigators.

nd Press Trust of India has already declared it to be "An incidence of violence against minorities in Pakistan" !!! ;)


Link : Ali Ahmad - Ali Ahmad's Photos | Facebook

But hey they are lying . Tearing religious books and gouging eyes out is not a part of hate crime . Its just another day in paradise .
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You cant say its secetarian violence unless the final police report say so, it might bhe there naukar who killed them both. There are always two sides of a story.
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