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Ahmadiyya Muslim sect thanks Guardian for exposing hate

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so some extremists visibly show displeasure to some Muslims.

It's not uncommon for crazy people to do so. I don't think most Muslims care about Ahmaddiyas as much as they think.
I understand that since 1983 (Gen Zia's rule) Ahmadis are categorized as non muslims in Pakistan.. But in India and a lot of other countries, their legal status is same as a Shia or a Sunni Muslim. And the passports do not carry any indication of being an Ahmadi or not.. I also understand that Ahmedis from countries other than Pakistan are able to perform Hajj like any other Muslim.. Doesnt that go in contradiction of the belief that only Muslims can/should enter Mecca?

No you are wrong. They are non-Muslims from start. Ever heard of Pir Mehar Ali Shah and qadiyani munazara?
I understand that since 1983 (Gen Zia's rule) Ahmadis are categorized as non muslims in Pakistan.. But in India and a lot of other countries, their legal status is same as a Shia or a Sunni Muslim. And the passports do not carry any indication of being an Ahmadi or not.. I also understand that Ahmedis from countries other than Pakistan are able to perform Hajj like any other Muslim.. Doesnt that go in contradiction of the belief that only Muslims can/should enter Mecca?

well, to be a Muslim you need to believe and practice what Allah says. ahmadiyyas REFUSE to believe what Allah says, do you know nation of Islam? ahmadiyyas are like them, looks like Muslims, but isn't nowhere close to be the same as us!
No you are wrong. They are non-Muslims from start. Ever heard of Pir Mehar Ali Shah and qadiyani munazara?

Pakistan has 4 million Ahmadis[59] and is the only state to have officially declared the Ahmadis to be non-Muslims;[56] here their freedom of religion has been curtailed by a series of ordinances, acts and constitutional amendments. In 1974 Pakistan's parliament adopted a law declaring Ahmadis to be non-Muslims;[60] the country's constitution was amended to define a Muslim “as a person who believes in the finality of the Prophet Muhammad”.[38] In 1984 General Zia-ul-Haq, the then military ruler of Pakistan, issued Ordinance XX.[61][62] The ordinance, which was supposed to prevent "anti-Islamic activities", forbids Ahmadis to call themselves Muslim or to "pose as Muslims". This means that they are not allowed to profess the Islamic creed publicly or call their places of worship mosques

Ahmadiyya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Doesnt the bold underlined part mean that before 1974, in Pakistan too, they were legally considered Muslims, as they are in rest of the world today....

---------- Post added at 08:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:41 PM ----------

well, to be a Muslim you need to believe and practice what Allah says. ahmadiyyas REFUSE to believe what Allah says, do you know nation of Islam? ahmadiyyas are like them, looks like Muslims, but isn't nowhere close to be the same as us!

Then why do most countries except Pakistan legally categorize them as Muslims ?
Pakistan has 4 million Ahmadis[59] and is the only state to have officially declared the Ahmadis to be non-Muslims;[56] here their freedom of religion has been curtailed by a series of ordinances, acts and constitutional amendments. In 1974 Pakistan's parliament adopted a law declaring Ahmadis to be non-Muslims;[60] the country's constitution was amended to define a Muslim “as a person who believes in the finality of the Prophet Muhammad”.[38] In 1984 General Zia-ul-Haq, the then military ruler of Pakistan, issued Ordinance XX.[61][62] The ordinance, which was supposed to prevent "anti-Islamic activities", forbids Ahmadis to call themselves Muslim or to "pose as Muslims". This means that they are not allowed to profess the Islamic creed publicly or call their places of worship mosques

Ahmadiyya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Doesnt the bold underlined part mean that before 1974, in Pakistan too, they were legally considered Muslims, as they are in rest of the world today....

I wish you were here before 1974. No one called them Muslims even before that but our politicians are always ________. They took a long time to do this but it is the same country who had its first constitution after some 9 years :lol:
I understand that since 1983 (Gen Zia's rule) Ahmadis are categorized as non muslims in Pakistan.. But in India and a lot of other countries, their legal status is same as a Shia or a Sunni Muslim. And the passports do not carry any indication of being an Ahmadi or not.. I also understand that Ahmedis from countries other than Pakistan are able to perform Hajj like any other Muslim.. Doesnt that go in contradiction of the belief that only Muslims can/should enter Mecca?

The concept of Ahmadiyya Muslims doesn't exist in Arab world in fact it is confined to subcontinent only. So I think Most of the Muslim countries don't have any say on it that is the reason why they are getting access to sacred land.
@ silko what is the legal status of Ahmedis in Turkey? I hope its exactly like what in Pakistan is.
what the government says and what the society says is totally different.

But the 2 can not remain in conflict for too long.. Equilibrium in a democratic society can only come if the 2 are more or less same..
But the 2 can not remain in conflict for too long.. Equilibrium in a democratic society can only come if the 2 are more or less same..

thats why we had so many protest before this law was passed. Most notably in 1953 Actually goverment had to do this under the pressure of people.
thats why we had so many protest before this law was passed. Most notably in 1953 Actually goverment had to do this under the pressure of people.

But Pakistan is only 13% of worldwide population of Muslims.. Rest of the countries with balance 87% Muslims do not distinguish legally between Ahmedis and non Ahmedis.. Why?
Just assume that Ahmadia's are not muslims. But again any pakistani member backing the ill treatment to Ahmadia's who are their own countrymen. God help this country.
A lot of hanky Panky going in here. Instead of talking too the point,lot of side talks are going on in here. Since Meesna defending Ahmedis, I invite him to share Ahmedi Beliefs. On what beliefs Ahmedis were formed, please share with us so we may know what are we dealing here with and These are five conditions accepted by all sects of Islam for becoming a Muslim

five articles of faith:

1) Belief in one God Who has absolutely no associate with Him in His divinity;

2) Belief in God's Angels;

3) Belief in God's Books, and in the Holy Qur'an as His Last Book;

4) Belief in God's Prophets, and in Muhammad (blessings of Allah and peace be upon him) as His Last and Final Messenger; and

5) Belief in life after death.
@ silko what is the legal status of Ahmedis in Turkey? I hope its exactly like what in Pakistan is.

dont know bro, i dont live in Turkey and just visit it sometimes. the rules there isn't affecting me so i dont go deep on them!
Doesnt the bold underlined part mean that before 1974, in Pakistan too, they were legally considered Muslims, as they are in rest of the world today

Before they were not bothered whether they were Muslim or not. The law/Constitution was secular.
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