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Ahmadinejad: Pakistan's enemies are Iran's enemies


thats not funny but more like an insult to the country...head of states are obliged to dress appropriate and one cannot argue Iran to be poor enough that it can afford a proper dress for its president..these are usual Persian fooling tricks..may be instead of torn clothes if he behaved respectfully and humbly that would make more sense.

And never mind the announcement - another cheap shot at popularity...we are no fools like Iranians and do not want to go under sanctions.

First of all stop making cheap shots.

You may not know this but one of my relatives was standing near liaqat Ali when he was assassinated and he stated that when they looked his vest was torn.

Being humble and not bothering about clothes is something other Muslim leaders could aspire to.

I would say we must reciprocate. Not only that if the opportunity arises sign a defense pact with Iran

Lets not beat about the bush our enemy number 1 is America. India is nothing ino

India is not Pakistan's only enemy.I see U.S too as Pakistan's enemy because of its policies.He meant some western countries.
You better know that Iran tries to stay neutral in India-Pakistan standoff avoiding worsening the situation.

Sorry to disagree with you Era. Iran and Pakistan have to learn that America/Israel is the enemy but Indians and Saudis are American proxies.

You Iranians need to understand that about India and some Pakistanis need to understand about Saudis. If push comes to shove Saudis India will stand with America not us
Poor Ahmadinejad is only the CEO of IRI the power lays with Khameni who controls everything including IRCGC .
I don't think Pakistan has any enemies except India (many Pakistanis think so).

Therefore, who is Ahmedinajad referring to? India? No way! So that's just for Pakistani public consumption!


It could be a jab at India for falling into line with US. Ahmedinejad is not a crackpot as some allege. He is reasonable but uses a lot of everyday dialogues in public(like calling Israel a fly). He chooses his words carefully, never crossing the line. So this might be a warning for India.
So he is indirectly warning india ?
First of all stop making cheap shots.

You may not know this but one of my relatives was standing near liaqat Ali when he was assassinated and he stated that when they looked his vest was torn.

Being humble and not bothering about clothes is something other Muslim leaders could aspire to.

I would say we must reciprocate. Not only that if the opportunity arises sign a defense pact with Iran

Lets not beat about the bush our enemy number 1 is America. India is nothing ino

Sorry to disagree with you Era. Iran and Pakistan have to learn that America/Israel is the enemy but Indians and Saudis are American proxies.

You Iranians need to understand that about India and some Pakistanis need to understand about Saudis. If push comes to shove Saudis India will stand with America not us

Come out of the closet Iran_B
Come out of the closet Iran_B

Why do you feel the need to get personal?? Its so easy to see your posts contradict themselves all one has to do is go through all your posts. I am consistently anti American cos I believe them to be evil for a reason. Go now start a petition lol. The pastime of losers

Back to topic the evil in today's world is America. They are responsible for directly or indirectly killing Muslims everywhere and they do not distinguish Shias or Sunnis

We have to support anyone who is an enemy of Americans and be prudent and not trust America's "friends and proxies"
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