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Ahmadinejad gallery

great man,would love to meet him one day. Send him here we want a leader like him.
You have potential great leaders in your own country.The only thing you need to do is putting them in to power,I know that's the difficult part.:)
Ahmadinejad is one of the best politicians out there.A true honest one.A great leader.This guy knows how to talk,not someone to argue with.Will shut you up with logic.And he actually takes actions.AND NO HE IS NOT A MUSLIM RADICAL.This guy wants to promote peace,not kill Jews and Christians.Its just he doesnt support the zionists,and doesnt support Israels existence,and whenever asked about why,he answered with logic.I truly wish we could have a leader like him.

Not reported in the MSM: What Ahmadinejad did on Monday afternoon - Democratic Underground

And as to get nuclear weapon,he got it the only way he could.Iran didnt have nukes before,they didnt complain about Israel and America having them.Why do the americans and israelis cry so much??

Gaddafi was gotten rid off,but you guys cant get rid of this one.

Ahmadinejad and Putin,the two of the best out there :yahoo:
Brother we know that feeling as well and it sucks :sick:

Lets pray together for a clean and true leader.

You have potential great leaders in your own country.The only thing you need to do is putting them in to power,I know that's the difficult part.:)
yes we have a hope in Imran Khan, my first ever vote would go to him.
yes we have potential once a leader ZA bhutto wo make pakistan nuclear power made china as allweather friend pakistan's 1st president who vistied russia to make allince but we all know what happend to him
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