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Ahmadinejad again passes remarks on Holocaust, 9/11

Yes, we should value every human being.

Even Millions of Germans also died.

There is difference between dying in war fighting for the country and Killing everyone for specific religion with worst kind of genocide in History.

I am in no way backing what Ahmabinejad said however it takes two to tango.
Zionists value life of a Palestinian lower than an animals life and that is bad.Really bad.

The killing by a Jew of a non-Jew, i.e. a Palestinian, is considered essentially a good deed, and Jews should therefore have no compunction about it. Source: Yitzhak Ginsburg, "Five General Religious Duties Which Lie Behind the Act of the Saintly, Late Rabbi Baruch Goldstein, May his Blood be Avenged.

and another

The four - Michael Ben-Chorin, Netanel Uzari, Yoel Lerner, and Yosef Dayan - issued the book in honor of Goldstein who slaughtered 40 Palestinian men and boys while they knelt in prayer in the Ibrahimi Mosque at Hebron's Machpela Cave, on Purim 1994. (Purim is the Jewish commemoration of vengeance against non-Jews)

and another

Ginsburg declares in Baruch Hagever that what Goldstein did in murdering the unarmed Palestinian civilians at their house of worship, constitutes, "a fulfillment of a number of commands of Jewish religious law...Among his (Goldstein's) good deeds, as enumerated, are...taking revenge on non-Jews, extermination of the non-Jews who are from the seed of Amalek...and the sanctification of the Holy Name.

and another example

"[The Palestinians] are beasts walking on two legs."-Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, speech to the Knesset, quoted in Amnon Kapeliouk, "Begin and the 'Beasts,"' New Statesman, June 25,1982.

Now have a little think. If they have so little value of life why should i give them any sympathy?
Get a grip - genocide was a horrible horrible thing never to be repeated i pray but stop making them out to be some sort of martyrs that are immune to critisism.
Derailing the thread again ? Now are we your country is blacked the same as mine.

Until Israel would massacre tens of thousands of its citizens, deny freedom of speech, freedom of press and political gathering, mass protests, women and gay right, we can say in understatement that you hardly can say "Israel" and "Syria" in the same sentnce regarding human rights record.
Until Israel would massacre tens of thousands of its citizens, deny freedom of speech, freedom of press and political gathering, mass protests, women and gay right, we can say in understatement that you hardly can say "Israel" and "Syria" in the same sentnce regarding human rights record.

We all don't live in your utopia you know :azn:, why don't we get back to the topic shall we ?
now your just making numbers up there are plenty of sunni assad supporters, stop derailing the thread this is about ahmadinejad at the Un.

Start a thread, I will post how He Killed 1,00,00 Sunni Muslim. Forget about plenty, There is very few who do for money. Start, I will post all news from Middle-east country only.

A Person Ahmadinejad who supports Assad Father-Son duo for killing of 1,00,000+, Don't have right to say such thing. :no:
Even in PDF is hard to find this concentrated of crap only in one post. You must be proud.

Come on mate you are so emotional about jews being killed. What about Palestrinians. Zionists being murderd by europeans is no mitigation for Zionists killing Palestinians. Victims of Paedaphilia end up becoming Paedophiles. EUROPEAN Nazis killed Jews Zionists kill paleatinians. Both are evil
Start a thread, I will post how He Killed 1,00,00 Sunni Muslim. Forget about plenty, There is very few who do for money. Start, I will post all news from Middle-east country only.

A Person who supports killing of 1,00,000+, Don't have right to say such thing. :no:

Go ahead by all means, but back to the topic.
Until Israel would massacre tens of thousands of its citizens, deny freedom of speech, freedom of press and political gathering, mass protests, women and gay right, we can say in understatement that you hardly can say "Israel" and "Syria" in the same sentnce regarding human rights record.

Address the issues my posts raise about zionists killing palestinians and their mitigation is Jews were killed by European Jews
at the UN you can voice your opinion so why shouldn't Dr. Ahmadinejad hmm ? no matter what your opinion is what are you going to do to him shoot him ?
It's terribly sad that we degenerate into our favorite class of victims - we vie for who has suffered more, who has killed more, who has given more sacrifices - and we say we are civilized - Rent Collecting must end

I have no favorite class of victims. To me Jewish life Hindu life Muslim life all human life is human life.

I resent your assertion to the contrary and what is this rent boy bizz that you refer to on a number of your posts
I am in no way backing what Ahmabinejad said however it takes two to tango.
Zionists value life of a Palestinian lower than an animals life and that is bad.Really bad.

The killing by a Jew of a non-Jew, i.e. a Palestinian, is considered essentially a good deed, and Jews should therefore have no compunction about it. Source: Yitzhak Ginsburg, "Five General Religious Duties Which Lie Behind the Act of the Saintly, Late Rabbi Baruch Goldstein, May his Blood be Avenged.

and another

The four - Michael Ben-Chorin, Netanel Uzari, Yoel Lerner, and Yosef Dayan - issued the book in honor of Goldstein who slaughtered 40 Palestinian men and boys while they knelt in prayer in the Ibrahimi Mosque at Hebron's Machpela Cave, on Purim 1994. (Purim is the Jewish commemoration of vengeance against non-Jews)

and another

Ginsburg declares in Baruch Hagever that what Goldstein did in murdering the unarmed Palestinian civilians at their house of worship, constitutes, "a fulfillment of a number of commands of Jewish religious law...Among his (Goldstein's) good deeds, as enumerated, are...taking revenge on non-Jews, extermination of the non-Jews who are from the seed of Amalek...and the sanctification of the Holy Name.

and another example

"[The Palestinians] are beasts walking on two legs."-Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, speech to the Knesset, quoted in Amnon Kapeliouk, "Begin and the 'Beasts,"' New Statesman, June 25,1982.

Now have a little think. If they have so little value of life why should i give them any sympathy?
Get a grip - genocide was a horrible horrible thing never to be repeated i pray but stop making them out to be some sort of martyrs that are immune to critisism.

Your quote of PM Begin is distorted, he meant only Arafat (and History proved him to be right).

Unfortunately in every society there are sick people like the one you quoted, but they hardly represent the overwhelming majority of the Israeli public. To portray Israel through this people who never had any influence or power in the government or even elected to any public position is worst than a lie.

Of course, in Arab and Muslim public the situation is completely different: The consensus is hatred towards Israel, Anti-Semitism, and declaration to destory it completely.
I have noticed on this thread of people becoming experts in avoiding to answer the question - well done nirriech.
Also when in doubt and start losing the arguement diversify and go off thread and attack the poster by mentioning something bad about the plag he posts. Why Syria is brought into this thread is beyond me
at the UN you can voice your opinion so why shouldn't Dr. Ahmadinejad hmm ? no matter what your opinion is what are you going to do to him shoot him ?

When a hideious man like this Iranian criminal threatens to eliminate another country and deny the greatest atrocity of our time and support conspiracy theories about 9/11 all the representatives of all nations should have left the hall in protest.
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