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Ahmadinejad again passes remarks on Holocaust, 9/11

i went in Germany in a camp. it is awful. there are many photos and many stil survived people who are honest people .
there are videos that in their time couldn't be fakes otherwise it would have been easy now to show it is fake.

this is a reality that it occured.
only sick minded people who hate Jews , but unhonestly say they don't hate Jews, who are saying this not occured
i am not surprised about AHmadinejad but as well the christian extremists
we have all our stupid extremists

Have you not studied math? Jewish casualties are not proportionate to the rate of killings and resources. I don't disbelieve facts and don't discredit the holocaust, but more Muslims have been killed than the numbers of Jews in the Holocaust. In the United States, a lot of cases have been faked. So, are you accusing Muslims of being blinded by hate when facts speak for themselves?

Look at reality. Please, I respect Iran that first came up with a bill of human rights thousands of years before any country.
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Nobody's saying the Holocaust didn't occur; people are questioning the details and the numbers. How many Poles, gypsies, Russians and others were killed? Why this almost-exclusive focus on one group of victims?

The Holocaust was a terrible event in history and its victims -- Jewish and non-Jewish -- deserve respect. The biggest crime of the Zionists is that they have cheapened the memory of this terrible event by hijacking it and abusing Holocaust sympathy to excuse their own crimes.

How ironic that the half-Jewish President of France ordered the summary expulsion of gypsies from France.
Easy mate.
Lots of Americans i would even say the majority of them dont support the action of their government. In Uk prior to the Iraqi war millions of british people of all background and colours went on marches and demonstrations against the war and the govt actions. In fact at the time the opinion polls in the UK showed the majority were against their govts actions. Would you have questioned me in this manor if i was white and non pakistani origin? I think not. Hope that kills your curiosity.

First no, I would not ask that of you if you were white_ because the white race or not is not the basis of my question. Next- not millions marched- you have agree the math in your assumption is wrong. Secondly- this conversation is not about Iraq- I know- I know -that’s the backup argument used always, but besides Iraq ( which your govt supported)there is also other foreign policy stances your govt takes that I know does not fits your meme.

Besides if we are talking about polls- Polls say in UK that most British (that 'majority' you cite) are wary of Muslims...
So again I ask - How do breath in country whose values are but mirror image of the US?
Have you not studied math? Jewish casualties are not proportionate to the rate of killings and resources. I don't disbelieve facts and don't discredit the holocaust, but more Muslims have been killed than the numbers of Jews in the Holocaust. In the United States, a lot of cases have been faked. So, are you accusing Muslims of being blinded by hate when facts speak for themselves?

Look at reality. Please, I respect Iran that first came up with a bill of human rights thousands of years before any country.

help me understand this Plesssszzee ---You guys come into amerika, get on your pedestal, enjoy its freedom - but I have yet to see you guys walking the talk and going back to the lands you love... You are what we call in the US “all hat no cattle" .

Would it be fair to say? if a jew or hindu came to pakistan( resident) and voiced such hate day in and day out about pakistan- he would be found dead on the side road courtsey of the _____
I didn't choose to come here my parents due to money issues, they loved Assad and Syria, if we weren't poor we would I stayed in Syria, I myself am going to leave the USA for good and return to syria, I'm neutral on several topics i have defended Indians, Pakistanis, Chinese, I had hate for Saudi's till I've met a few, my religion whats to talk about ?Arab spring ??? Syria is the closest thing to Iraq, right now if there isn't any dialogue then syria will erupt into a civil war, Sunni's vs Secular sunnis, Shia's, alwais, Christians, nationalists, Assad loyalists, yes civil war I fear that.


Wait a minute! Hold the horses-- your first sentence if I can decipher it correctly. You did not chose to come to the US rather your parents came there because of all countries in the world -they knew America would be the land of opportunity?

So that land that your parents came to, that land that gave them the opportunity , your education, treated you and them fairly- never acted on the bias of your religion to allow them to make money--- that’s the land you are now pissing on- because you suddenly got caught up on the 'feeling of being in Syria' .

I'll bet my life you will continue to milk this horrible land of America that affords your parents dignity and life...because most all of you haters do.
The pictures of the grocery stores again.
Where else do u want to have chips in Gaza? Maybe in Saudia chips grow on trees, by in all countries I've seen they are sold in grocery stores. :whistle:

Look everyone in Saudi Arabia is swimming in Gold and drives Bugattis... But we all know (Well most anyway) that is not true.
Gaza also has Gold shops:








Islam Madhoun and his fiancée, Ban spend time in Gaza's Gold Market in the city of Gaza. Palestine. 28th June 2011
Nobody's saying the Holocaust didn't occur; people are questioning the details and the numbers. How many Poles, gypsies, Russians and others were killed? Why this almost-exclusive focus on one group of victims?
Numbers are well known. In 1939 there were 33 million people in Poland. Among them 3.3 million Jews and 30 million non Jews. During the WW2 were killed some 3 million Jews (90%) and 3 million non Jews (10%) in Poland.

I am monitoring many discussions on Arab-Israeli conflict and I noticed than in 99% its anti Israelis who create topics on Holocaust. This is no exception.

The Holocaust was a terrible event in history and its victims -- Jewish and non-Jewish -- deserve respect. The biggest crime of the Zionists is that they have cheapened the memory of this terrible event by hijacking it and abusing Holocaust sympathy to excuse their own crimes.
If there were no Holocaust denials there would be no need to talk about it much.

How ironic that the half-Jewish President of France ordered the summary expulsion of gypsies from France.
They are non citizens and were just returned to their countries.

Wait a minute! Hold the horses-- your first sentence if I can decipher it correctly. You did not chose to come to the US rather your parents came there because of all countries in the world -they knew America would be the land of opportunity?

So that land that your parents came to, that land that gave them the opportunity , your education, treated you and them fairly- never acted on the bias of your religion to allow them to make money--- that’s the land you are now pissing on- because you suddenly got caught up on the 'feeling of being in Syria' .

I'll bet my life you will continue to milk this horrible land of America that affords your parents dignity and life...because most all of you haters do.

Indeed Milk the Cow until it's dead lol it seems to be happening now, American Haters Unite :usflag:
NO hitler hated the slavs and communism thats why he continued to fight on even when they were losing at Stalingrad, russia at the time had a population 170-220 , his troops could have won but they slaughtered all the slavs now if they considered the slavs inferior and THEY were going to wipe them out what do you think they would have did to the Non-Slavs that lived in Russia ?>

Dude, I think we all need to see a little bit of history here.

Actually, Hitler had a high opinion of Jews at first.

You see, Germany lost WWI, and that was a big defeat for the pride of the German people. There were many kinds of problems. They kept producing money with nothing to back it up. Result - Hyper-inflation. The German people simply felt that they could have done better, they should have won the war and ultimate victory theirs. They also felt alienated by the British Empire's power.

Hitler started off a simple life. In fact, he was poor with a seemingly bleak future after his mother died (the only person whom he truly loved). He joined the army, liked being a soldier, and later joined politics. The Nazi party were basically right-wing Socialists. Hitler despised Communism and Capitalism. And boy, was he a great speaker.

So, in face of these problems - what did he do? What did he plan to do? To make a case for war and the desires of the German people, they made scapegoats. One of them were the Jews. So, he decided to go **** the Jews. And so, the persecution, genocide, war, etc. began. Europe was in flames. And ironically, they were 30 years ahead of the Allies when it came to technology.

You see, even though the problems the Germans faced were from themselves, they made the Jews scapegoats. It is not just because they hated Jews, they just needed to make someone a scapegoat to further their aspirations.

They even came up with many...lame racial theories. Many of them were copied from other cultures. The term Aryan actually originated from Iran, some say India. For them, the term Aryan meant having white skin, blue eyes and blonde hair. In fact, being Aryan had nothing to do with those. Were they racists? Very much so. Albeit in an insane kind of way.

It just seems that a lot of inferiority complex went on there.

And actually, I did respect the determination of the Axis powers against the British Empire. My part of the world suffered from British rule. But, they just lost it due to their mindless and racist brutality. They were more busy wasting their time randomly killing people while they could have used that time to do better things!

And now there is Israel and the Palestinian issue whooping our *****.
After world war 2, Allied forces , slapped god know how many billion dollar ransom on Germany which was so big that it took them till early 2000's to pay it off , a major % of their GDP was quietly taken from them and transferred to the Allied forces

They needed substantial evidence to convince the local public that - yes we are Morally right to demand ransom from Germany , and Germany that perhaps did not even agree with Hitler's concept of Nation ... who knows

Similarly , Japanese were bombed even after the war had officially ended but it was more like a revenge taken for Pearl Harbor

Denying Holocaust is not a forbidding topic , no one denies Jews or their right to exist what people question is
"Scientific evidence" just like they question scientific evidence to what we are told is true or not .....even I question the scientific evidence behind the claims which seem a bit absurd

As stated by the Scientist

a) Facility was not used as Gas chamber or any chamber from his findings
b) There were no traces of Cyanide gas residue found in remains of building 0% traces nothing found
c) The facility was not air-locked , it would have killed Germans themselves
d) Geographical evidence does not confirms the Large figure claimed
e) There were no large Chimney's spotted which would safely discharge Cynide gas into atmosphere

Facts of war:
a) People died daily and there were corpses littered up after deadly raids
b) Lack of food was all over Europe , there were no food period
c) Prior years , Plague hit Europe and there were countless pictures of people who died

Does the above statement means , Jews have no right to live no .. but what it questions is the Propaganda , spread by allies in order to justify their own war crimes with out the Propaganda their own crimes would be worthy of punishment in court of law

Based on the scientific evidence , and reason one cannot accept the figure

Yes with Hollywood movies and Spielberg puting his magic on screen people can view the images and feel sorry and donate and have holocaust day but in end when we look at the scientific engineer's report as published above - it does not matter what Spielberg creates with his movie magic as that is all fictional story telling

Facts are what the scientist reported

"The scientist states clearly in the video : He is an engineer , not a religious bias person his findings are for benefit of future generations and he only looked at the facts not story clearly end of video"

Collective total of world war 2 is about 80 Million people !!! who died that is a huge number I don't see anyone making movies about 74 Million people who died , I only see monuments and movies about 6 million and the whole war is being projected as a war fought by 6 million

There are neumerous youtube videos that question the figure or how this figure came into existance with passage of years the figure has increased from thousands to millions

Fred Leuchter REPORT ..!!!! let the truth be told by the expert !!! Not Hollywood

Min 5:47 "Chemical Analysis show as fact these facilities were Never used as Gas Chambers"
Min 2:00 "Assuming maximum rates it would have taken 68 years to kill 6 million people"
Min 3:49 "Burning the 6 million bodies at maximum rate (impossible to achieve) 35-42 years"

Again - its an engineer - reputable man in charge of examining the findings not Hollywood Man or writing in newspaper writing fictional stories

The scientist also states that his findings were nothing knew all the other scientist knew it before he stepped in to investigate but he is standing up to say the truth rather not say it because he is professionally inclined to speak out the truth

Movies and books , they can formulate an opinion I mean alot of people thought Leonardo Di Caprio and Winslet were on Titanic , if the movie is convincing people accept it and that is what Hollywood does , it repeats the lie over and over again in main stream media until it becomes acceptable

After his disclosure the man , was professionally and personally targeted
a) He was banned from UK / Europe travels
b) His company was targeted he was not given state contracts
c) He faced harassment , protest etc organized by jews who attacked his home in protest
d) His personal life suffered
e) Professional campaign was launched to discredit him

Just because he was an expert of developing gas chambers at that time and his systems were used in state executions

Because I was somewhat naïve at the time, I was not aware that by so testifying I was offending the organized world Jewish community. By providing final, definitive proof that there were no execution gas chambers utilized for genocidal purposes by the Germans at these wartime camps, I established the simple fact that the Holocaust story is not true. What I did not know was that anyone expressing such beliefs is guilty of a capital crime: that of thinking and telling the unspeakable truth about the greatest lie of the age.

I would have to pay for this crime. While I innocently told the truth in Toronto, plans were made, and subsequently implemented, for a major effort to destroy me. If I could be destroyed and discredited — so the reasoning went — no one would accept my professional findings, no matter how truthful

----Fred Leuchter

I say thank you Mr Fred Leuchter for speaking the truth
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There are neumerous youtube videos that question the figure or how this figure came into existance with passage of years the figure has increased from thousands to millions
It is very noticeable that all your knowledge is based on youtube videos. I provided u numbers, you cant refute and keep posting conpiracy nonsense instead.
The knowledge is based on videos from experts not Spielberg and his fictional stories a guy who fires Megan Fox is no friend of mine - he is a great fictional movie maker and that is about it

I don't argue that Jews deserve to have a place to live my argument is simply

"The facts - do not add up" - and it certainly does not justifies denying third-party rights

And if the World leaders are arrogant to walk away from Mr Ahmadinejad's philosophical questioning of morality of the case that wrong.

And these nations , who walked out don't even have moral right - for such actions since they themselves promote terrorism in Libya , Iraq, Afghanistan with illegal wars - drilling polluting african countries with oil spills and then running away , or slave workers in Thailand etc

I just don't see why people should celebrate/remember fictional number while denying 74 million in population world wide right to similarly remember their deaths in world war 2

74 Million > Fictional estimates of 6 million (Fictional based on researcher's findings) in fact red cross stated in reports figure was few thousand , or hundred thousand (which is still big number but the figure of 6 million was orchestrated) for sensationlization

See the figure of 6 million magical number ...
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Even if there is no evidence that the jews were killed why would this retards come and question it? it would be very sad o think all those people were killed now this guy says i dont believe it..

there is no scientific facts that god exists but ahmadinejad is a religious nutcase.. what would happen of someone questioned islam in iran? they would be hanged.

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