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Ahmadi doctor killed in Chenab Nagar

Then you are a sad excuse for a human being, nuff said.

They are likely to get butchered slowly. Instead they should be sent to India.

Since you are a good human being I request you to start petition to kick them out.
Poor man RIP, we have educated people trying to come back to help their country getting gunned down in the middle of streets based on feeble things yet Pakistan has yet to collectively wake up. Then they wonder why Pakistan is in such a pitiful state.
Poor man RIP, we have educated people trying to come back to help their country getting gunned down in the middle of streets based on feeble things yet Pakistan has yet to collectively wake up. Then they wonder why Pakistan is in such a pitiful state.

the problem as I have espoused on this thread is, the constitution and govt of pakistan singles them out as " false muslims" , so as to speak.

Think about this , what if in the US said only catholics were real christians and only they be allowed in the US to follow their religion. what do you think the fanatics, the ones with a propensity towards violence would behave towards non catholic christians?

If you want to see change, I submit- you must allow freedom of religion for all ... you must not make Ahmadis and their beliefs as an bad example in your constitution. all that these fanatics need is an excuse, and they have one in Pakistan's constitution.
well its bad.... but ahmadis should go to their country israel

it is a very known fact that ahmadis qadyanis are supported by israel and india..whether someone accept it or not...although i am very sad for the doctor who is brutally killed....on a bigger picture, these people are of no dangerous than our own politicians..
I think the terrorist mullahs are trying to kill more ahmadis as the anniversary of the 28th may ahmadiyya mosques attacks draw near. But I would like to tell them one thing, we don't care how many ahmadis you martyr. In the end, you will have to accept defeat and give up your terrorist views. You can't kill the Jam'aat with violence and force. The prophet Muhammad (saw) faced far worse violence and brutality from your predecessors, yet he bore it with patient and prayed for them. So too will we pray, pray that you are guided.

May the Shaheed attain the highest station in paradise. Jama'at e Ahmadiyya Zindabad. Terrorist mullahs burn in hell.
I think the terrorist mullahs are trying to kill more ahmadis as the anniversary of the 28th may ahmadiyya mosques attacks draw near. But I would like to tell them one thing, we don't care how many ahmadis you martyr. In the end, you will have to accept defeat and give up your terrorist views. You can't kill the Jam'aat with violence and force. The prophet Muhammad (saw) faced far worse violence and brutality from your predecessors, yet he bore it with patient and prayed for them. So too will we pray, pray that you are guided.

May the Shaheed attain the highest station in paradise. Jama'at e Ahmadiyya Zindabad. Terrorist mullahs burn in hell.

are you ahmadi ..???
it is a very known fact that ahmadis qadyanis are supported by israel and india..whether someone accept it or not...although i am very sad for the doctor who is brutally killed....on a bigger picture, these people are of no dangerous than our own politicians..

Ahmadis are supported by Israel? How come I didn't know? I have spent a life time in Jama'at, I have never seen any such nonsense. What are you smoking, Mr terrorist?

are you ahmadi ..???

Yes, by the grace of God almighty, I am an Ahmadi Muslim. I thank God everyday that I was born an Ahmadi and not a terrorist.
He was Assistant Professor of Cardiology at Ohio University . He Came to Pakistan for a brief visit to give back to his society . Sadly , that did not end well .

Many professional Ahmadis do voluntary work for few months on their own expense. He went to serve the people of Pakistan and they greeted him with bullets. Yet we have people who are blind enough to think that everything is okay.

We have a sort of saying....kill the leader everything falls...I am only after bearded baffoons who failed the nation (they were supposed to teach the nation and give fatwahs or getting vaccination and stuff like that ---that which is good for the country) so they should be beheaded seriously, each one of them! I cant tolerate jahalat it has reached a disgusting stage!

Once useless assholes like those are unrooted then any uprising followed can be dealt with and after a while everyone will settle down....

I have repeatedly stated on this forum that people need to monitor what goes in a masjid.....

Pakistan is a strange country, any village idiot can become a mufti and start giving fatwas. I have read that many criminals and drug addicts in remote Punjabi villages become ''mullahs'', to attract attention they start preaching against local Ahmadis and Christians.
Pakistan is a strange country, any village idiot can become a mufti and start giving fatwas. I have read that many criminals and drug addicts in remote Punjabi villages become ''mullahs'', to attract attention they start preaching against local Ahmadis and Christians.
I have no connections with such people so I dont know...:enjoy:

But I do agree any bastard can become a Mufti because as the West says the state should not mingle (in here control or monitor) the religion
I have no connections with such people so I dont know...:enjoy:

But I do agree any bastard can become a Mufti because as the West says the state should not mingle (in here control or monitor) the religion

What does the West have to do with retards in Pakistan?
What does the West have to do with retards in Pakistan?
I was just saying people keep saying state and religion should be separated and in Pakistan sadly state has no clue what bastards are running the religion

Was just deriving similarities (lame but yea)
Dude, Pakistan is a cesspool of Yazidi forces........... it's not just the Ahamdi's that are dying........ these lower life forms with deep love for Arbee goats from Najd are silencing all peace loving people of Pakistan........... injustice can't go unchecked forever...... somewhere along the line, Allah SWT will interfere himself..... indeed he will.

Just found about this on PDF now. May Allah rest his soul in pace and give his family strength. Ameen.

So he was a doctor at Tahir Heart Institute which is one of most advanced institute in the region. They killed someone who saves peoples lives. Tahir Heart Institute is not only for Ahmadis, its open for all Pakistanis and many poor people from surrounding areas receive treatment from there.

So how can any idiot justify this by killing someone who was serving humanity will go to heaven?
I was just saying people keep saying state and religion should be separated and in Pakistan sadly state has no clue what bastards are running the religion

Was just deriving similarities (lame but yea)

Yeah the State should now favour one religion over other nor discriminate others based on their faith but this doesn't mean the State stay neutral when some extremists clerics are calling for the murder of anyone who they disagree with.

Dude, Pakistan is a cesspool of Yazidi forces........... it's not just the Ahamdi's that are dying........ these lower life forms with deep love for Arbee goats from Najd are silencing all peace loving people of Pakistan........... injustice can't go unchecked forever...... somewhere along the line, Allah SWT will interfere himself..... indeed he will.

I agree but I'm losing my faith in the people of Pakistan. No one wants to stand up to these lunatics. The few voices who do stand for are silenced.
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