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Agni-VI to have longer reach (10,000 km)

we need another 10000km missile for subs.because subs can be anywhere in ocean say in antartic ocean and fire missile on china only if it has larger range
Technically speaking when a missile leaves the earth's atmosphere it can hit any part of the world provided the entry/exit points are accurate so by extension an ICBM can reach upto ~15K pretty easily though we'll have to conduct field trials for its reliability !
A new policy that UK and France have is that they will not keep any land based nuclear detterance as that can be wiped out, hence their entire leg is sea based with SLBMs,

We need to prepare the SLBMs with 6000 kms range and then teh moment of "real" pride will come. A pride that no one can touch us.
A new policy that UK and France have is that they will not keep any land based nuclear detterance as that can be wiped out, hence their entire leg is sea based with SLBMs,

We need to prepare the SLBMs with 6000 kms range and then teh moment of "real" pride will come. A pride that no one can touch us.

Yes, we need a triad.

Our needs are different from UK and France. They don't really have the kind of security environment that we do.

And they have the NATO umbrella as well.

An SLBM based on Agni-5 will complete the triad. Hopefully within the next 4-5 years we will see this on our Arihant.
Technically speaking when a missile leaves the earth's atmosphere it can hit any part of the world provided the entry/exit points are accurate so by extension an ICBM can reach upto ~15K pretty easily though we'll have to conduct field trials for its reliability !

Right bro. However not that easy not hard.
Its not easy when no of mirv and to launch single need accuracy. And the thruster gives important support to reach at target.

Indian needs to show the american that they are independant. USA sees you guys as a threat.
US slips, calls India a

You need missile to reach the yankees.

awsomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this is wht i was waiting for, usa should recongonize us as a threat.
they r just our wannabe friends and allies. drdo should fire a 10000km missile in american ***.
awsomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this is wht i was waiting for, usa should recongonize us as a threat.
they r just our wannabe friends and allies. drdo should fire a 10000km missile in american ***.

You serious dude ? Or you are just talking like our Pak friends here. India can't attack USA/China/Russia. We can defend ourselves. Can't go out and fight with them. And there is no need to do that also.
You serious dude ? Or you are just talking like our Pak friends here. India can't attack USA/China/Russia. We can defend ourselves. Can't go out and fight with them. And there is no need to do that also.

loll u didnt get my pont man, i didnt mean like literally throw up a missile in american city. all i meant was buildup up an army that can not just defend but also defeat usa in case of a war. trust me bro us and india wont be friends forever. india is heading towards a big economy and is now capable of building almost all war components by itself.

the defence industry is all set for a crazy expansion seeing the work done in just last 7 yrs. america already feels threatned by china and will fell it by india within nxt 5 yrs. the good boy image of india will eventually turn into a bad boy.
loll u didnt get my pont man, i didnt mean like literally throw up a missile in american city. all i meant was buildup up an army that can not just defend but also defeat usa in case of a war. trust me bro us and india wont be friends forever. india is heading towards a big economy and is now capable of building almost all war components by itself.

the defence industry is all set for a crazy expansion seeing the work done in just last 7 yrs. america already feels threatned by china and will fell it by india within nxt 5 yrs. the good boy image of india will eventually turn into a bad boy.

USA will not turn to India unless China is destroyed. I don't think China will be destroyed or lost its economic growth to become poor nation in next decade. Though many experts belive china will hit the roof of growth in few years they are just assumptions. And for USA it's really difficult to attack India. They can't find a good reason for that. In 71 they actually have the reason to attack India but they didn't. So it's highly impossible that USA will attack India.
I personally don't like USA and agree with the fact USA is friend of its national interest only. But now with the rise of China and it's strong presence atleast for this decade put USA in India's favour.
I still think India shouldn't draw unnecessary attention of the world..SLBM ok,ICBM ok..but we shouldn't try to infuriate USA..no need to draw unnecessary attention.that'll be counter productive.India's only focus should be to defend themselves,not to threaten other countries (not even symbolically).
I think the priority should be given to SLBM in the range of A-5 than allocating resources on 10k ICBM project ..I believe the same group of scientist would be working on both the projects so we need to prioritize the project based on our near future/perceivable threat which I guess is China and not US!
I still think India shouldn't draw unnecessary attention of the world..SLBM ok,ICBM ok..but we shouldn't try to infuriate USA..no need to draw unnecessary attention.that'll be counter productive.India's only focus should be to defend themselves,not to threaten other countries (not even symbolically).

We aren't doing this for drawing any attention bro. When US UK Rus Fra Chi can have 10000km missiles then why can't we?

Make no mistake bro, if it suits American interests to see us screwed they will do it. We are gonna face 2 nuclear powers in future, and they are our neighbors - both claim two of our entire states. We need a nuclear triad with missiles that can reach any part of the world if we want to live peacefully without getting into any wars and conflicts or just diplomatic confrontations.

Next 10 years are important - and we must make sure to acquire this capability within this period.
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