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Agni-V missile to be tested this Wednesday

India is all set to test fire its indigenously developed nuclear capable Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Agni-5 at anytime now from a test range off the coast of Odisha, sources said.
By Our correspondent
Place: Balasore
Date: 18-Apr-2012 03:56:55
So the launch is around 4 PM..........it 3 PM on my PC:pop:
guyz no television available here, right now im in journey.... Im waiting for the good...please post news immediately....
Its already 4PM, how much more time...? few hours more and i will go ballistic... annoying wait
Well, i see something like a launchpad and something standing on top of it.

No way to verify it its indeed the A5 :lol:

Google map doesn't show live pics its usually a year old

from wiki
""Google Maps satellite images are not updated in real time; they are several months or years old."

you are not going to see missile take off on google map....lollllllllll if we could we would not need the spy satellites.....:lol:
Google map doesn't show live pics its usually a year old

from wiki
""Google Maps satellite images are not updated in real time; they are several months or years old."

Ya, but sumthing is definitely standing there on the launchpad. :lol:
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