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Agni V Discussions

nice going India!

Thanks brother! Are you really from US? :)

We seem to be getting a lot of US support here. First USAHawk785 and now Ulysses (that is, if you're american;))

you must have been paid 75 cents for all this research, great work !!!!

Hahaha...these sorta crazy articles by CCTV and its band of crazy "experts" are kept ready-made for
chinese trollers to come and pick up, put them on forums and chest-thump their way to deploration...hahaha!!
"Reminder to all whiners(commenting on india's poverty): The entire Agni V ICBM DRDO project cost is Rs.2500 crores. That's 1.4% of Team Sonia's 2G scam loot.. just 1.4%!"

took it from twitter
This Agni 5 is for 8-year-olds.

1. 5000km is classified as long-distance missile, not intercontinental which is >8000km.

The reentry warhead technology is very different from 5000km to >8000km.

The latter is much much more sophiticated, which are only possessed by US/Rusia/China/France.

India? Sorry, wait till the next life.

2. DRDO´s Indian definition of "accuracy": 1000KM x 600KM :woot:

So called Agni `accurately hit the target`....

it's like saying I accurately threw a stone into the target, which has size of a lake 50 yards in front me.

With 1000x600KM, you try to shoot Shanghai and will end up anywhere between the East China sea and Guan,

probabaly half a way to Haiwii.

If you try to aim at beijing, it would end up ranging from North Japan to Seberia...:rofl:

In comparison, accuracy of China´s DF4 of 1970s was 100X70 km for the first test.

3. 50 tons weight? 6X the Aryan tank? Man, that´s primitive.

So it´s not mobile wahtsoever as DRDO bull$shitted.

4. When DRDO recovers the warhead in the next days, let me know.

I beleive they can´t recover it. It means that its accuracy equals even worse probably = bullcrap.

5. Only after its recovery, show the photo of recovered Agni 5 warhead please?

It can´t. Why? Because it´ll show that it´s been burned into crap during re-entry.

India doesn´t have advanced wind tunnel technologies to test a re-entry warhead

to prevent its melting long before it finishes re-entry.

BTW, only US, Rusia and China have material technology to produce anti-reentry melting

nuke warheads. Not even France and the UK have it. India? Keep dreaming.

6. miniature of nuke warhead:

India even does not have a nuclear warhead small enough to put on the missile.

To miniature the existing one tookk decaded for US-RUS-CHN-FRN.

It would take Indian decades, if ever, provided neither the French nor Rus sell their tech secretly to India.

7. 100kg warhead = primitive 1st generation nuclear tech of 1950s-60s.

In conclusion:

Agni 5 is far less sophiticated than China´s DF4 in warhead and definitly in both accuracy and reentry techologies.

And DF4 was from 1970s...

Yeah, self-boasting so-called `india´s entry into elite club`? elite club of what?

It´s a joke. :wave:
This Agni 5 is for 8-year-olds.

1. 5000km is classified as long-distance missile, not intercontinental which is >8000km.

The reentry warhead technology is very different from 5000km to >8000km.

The latter is much much more sophiticated, which are only possessed by US/Rusia/China/France.

India? Sorry, wait till the next life.

2. DRDO´s Indian definition of "accuracy": 1000KM x 600KM :woot:

So called Agni `accurately hit the target`....

it's like saying I accurately threw a stone into the target, which has size of a lake 50 yards in front me.

With 1000x600KM, you try to shoot Shanghai and will end up anywhere between the East China sea and Guan,

probabaly half a way to Haiwii.

If you try to aim at beijing, it would end up ranging from North Japan to Seberia...:rofl:

In comparison, accuracy of China´s DF4 of 1970s was 100X70 km for the first test.

3. 50 tons weight? 6X the Aryan tank? Man, that´s primitive.

So it´s not mobile wahtsoever as DRDO bull$shitted.

4. When DRDO recovers the warhead in the next days, let me know.

I beleive they can´t recover it. It means that its accuracy equals even worse probably = bullcrap.

5. Only after its recovery, show the photo of recovered Agni 5 warhead please?

It can´t. Why? Because it´ll show that it´s been burned into crap during re-entry.

India doesn´t have advanced wind tunnel technologies to test a re-entry warhead

to prevent its melting long before it finishes re-entry.

BTW, only US, Rusia and China have material technology to produce anti-reentry melting

nuke warheads. Not even France and the UK have it. India? Keep dreaming.

6. miniature of nuke warhead:

India even does not have a nuclear warhead small enough to put on the missile.

To miniature the existing one tookk decaded for US-RUS-CHN-FRN.

It would take Indian decades, if ever, provided neither the French nor Rus sell their tech secretly to India.

7. 100kg warhead = primitive 1st generation nuclear tech of 1950s-60s.

In conclusion:

Agni 5 is far less sophiticated than China´s DF4 in warhead and definitly in both accuracy and reentry techologies.

And DF4 was from 1970s...

Yeah, self-boasting so-called `india´s entry into elite club`? elite club of what?

It´s a joke. :wave:

This Agni 5 is for 8-year-olds.

1. 5000km is classified as long-distance missile, not intercontinental which is >8000km.

The reentry warhead technology is very different from 5000km to >8000km.

The latter is much much more sophiticated, which are only possessed by US/Rusia/China/France.

India? Sorry, wait till the next life.

2. DRDO´s Indian definition of "accuracy": 1000KM x 600KM :woot:

So called Agni `accurately hit the target`....

it's like saying I accurately threw a stone into the target, which has size of a lake 50 yards in front me.

With 1000x600KM, you try to shoot Shanghai and will end up anywhere between the East China sea and Guan,

probabaly half a way to Haiwii.

If you try to aim at beijing, it would end up ranging from North Japan to Seberia...:rofl:

In comparison, accuracy of China´s DF4 of 1970s was 100X70 km for the first test.

3. 50 tons weight? 6X the Aryan tank? Man, that´s primitive.

So it´s not mobile wahtsoever as DRDO bull$shitted.

4. When DRDO recovers the warhead in the next days, let me know.

I beleive they can´t recover it. It means that its accuracy equals even worse probably = bullcrap.

5. Only after its recovery, show the photo of recovered Agni 5 warhead please?

It can´t. Why? Because it´ll show that it´s been burned into crap during re-entry.

India doesn´t have advanced wind tunnel technologies to test a re-entry warhead

to prevent its melting long before it finishes re-entry.

BTW, only US, Rusia and China have material technology to produce anti-reentry melting

nuke warheads. Not even France and the UK have it. India? Keep dreaming.

6. miniature of nuke warhead:

India even does not have a nuclear warhead small enough to put on the missile.

To miniature the existing one tookk decaded for US-RUS-CHN-FRN.

It would take Indian decades, if ever, provided neither the French nor Rus sell their tech secretly to India.

7. 100kg warhead = primitive 1st generation nuclear tech of 1950s-60s.

In conclusion:

Agni 5 is far less sophiticated than China´s DF4 in warhead and definitly in both accuracy and reentry techologies.

And DF4 was from 1970s...

Yeah, self-boasting so-called `india´s entry into elite club`? elite club of what?

It´s a joke. :wave:

amen...but you should get a life....and check your data... 100 kg warhead???? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

by the way...india has miniaturised warhead...

India has perfected the art of developing tactical nuclear weapons, miniaturized hydrogen bomb warhead. India has perfected three nuclear warhead designs.

by the way..you should read more how you got design of tactical nuke..its all here :rofl: :rofl:

kalkitv - Thermonuclear Nukes. Hydrogen Bomb- Miniature W-88 Hydrogen Bomb (1050) Kalki Gaur
Congrats to India for a successful missile test. I haven't been in here for a while and lack of maturity by trolls on both side should not overshadow this accomplishment. But it is in this forum.

Isn't a missle just a much bigger derivative of a functional rifle/bullet?


What kind of stupid, copy paste logic is that ?

Its like saying firing a bullet is a bigger derivative of sending a arrow out a bow ..which in turn is a bigger derivative of Hurling a stone at someone....!! According to your logic all are same....

You are going nowhere with the nonsense that you just wrote. Please stop that demonstrating your absolutely superior non existent thoughts...
Experts believe that Agni 5 ´s success probability is about 60%.

So objectively speaking, what has this Agni 5 launch proves?

This Agni 5 launch proves:

That with 60% sheer luck of not expoiting in mid air, India has

managed to make use of Russian rocket tech(for civilian satellites) to

launch a large pile of bruned up iron crap ( its hypothetical `warhead`,

at least on paper like india´s first `nuclear`sub without nuclear reactor, has surely

been vaporised during re-entry) into a right direction say towards north (by luck -- not

guranteed next time), 5000km away anywhere within the area of 1000km X 600km, say

in an area among Russia, Mongolia, China, Korea, Japan, Philippines...it´s anyone´s guess.

I, for one, welcome India into Elite Club of...

Experts believe that Agni 5 ´s success probability is about 60%.

So objectively speaking, what has this Agni 5 launch proves?

This Agni 5 launch proves:

That with 60% sheer luck of not expoiting in mid air, India has

managed to make use of Russian rocket tech(for civilian satellites) to

launch a large pile of bruned up iron crap ( its hypothetical `warhead`,

at least on paper like india´s first `nuclear`sub without nuclear reactor, has surely

been vaporised during re-entry) into a right direction say towards north (by luck -- not

guranteed next time), 5000km away anywhere within the area of 1000km X 600km, say

in an area among Russia, Mongolia, China, Korea, Japan, Philippines...it´s anyone´s guess.

I, for one, welcome India into Elite Club of...

The Chinese government already responded to india's bragging claims:

1. Agni-V is terribly inaccurate. indians have yet to master any re-entry related technology.

2. Agni-V is heavy, immobile and not survivable.

3. Agni-V will not be in service for quite a few years.

Besides, look at Iran. Iran has better ballistic missiles than india and Iran doesn't pretend it is a global superpower. China's DF-4 is equivalent to the Agni-V but back in the 70's and 80's when we developed this, we didn't consider ourselves a global superpower either.


Bottom line: india managed to manufacture a rocket that can go to first stage separation without blowing up...... but, as usual, they are exaggering themselves to such a degree they are a joke again. Looks like another 1962 spanking is in order to put them in their place!
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