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Agni V Discussions

What fun is this?:lol:

Chinese members boasting of obsolete Soviet missile technology they used to steal? Those
DF-3/4 are of horrible accuracy. A5's systems are like atleast 40 years ahead of their systems.

Plus, whats the point in talking of missiles no longer in service, eh?
Agni-5 range differential/payload-

5000km - 1.5 ton
6000km - 1 ton
8000km - 0.5 ton

Sorry but its not like that.. you can assume the throw weight by comparing the warhead on A5 and A3... A5 is more clearly visible which is shown separated from 3rd stage... the payload in the test more 2tons.. If not 2.5tons used in A3 Test.

With a 1000-800kg It can travel well beyond 8000km in normal ballistic trajectory... If flatter trajectory is followed It would cover more distance and hit 9500km with 1ton load If the propellant was similar in performance to what was used in A2P tests... this is just a stepping stone towards the goal of having A6(SLBM version of this missile).... which would fly flatter and cover more distance with more payload besides being a little shorter than A5.
guys have a look at this missile of Soviet union.

RSD-10 Pioneer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

it has range of 5,500km but still it is considered as MRBM

RSD-10 was basically designed to be an ICBM. But due to the SALT treties later on, it was classified as
an IRBM (MRBM according to Russian nomenculature). Its derived from the SS-18 ICBM as is also mentioned
in the article. Earlier Russians used to call ICBMs only those missiles that travel farther than 10,000km.
RSD-10 was basically designed to be an ICBM. But due to the SALT treties later on, it was classified as
an IRBM (MRBM according to Russian nomenculature). Its derived from the SS-18 ICBM as is also mentioned
in the article. Earlier Russians used to call ICBMs only those missiles that travel farther than 10,000km.

Thanks for the information mate:tup:
Let's just face it. Rocket science is no longer rocket science. We have seen so many failed states building rockets/missiles.

india will soon or later master this tech.

I doubt.

Rocket science needs support of rocket high IQers from different phases of fundamental research, design, manufacture, test, quality control, repreated tests, improvements, and maintainance... apart from general characters suhc as diligence, focus and discipline of related workforce... Many of these key factors of the value chain and industrial base is either missing or at primitive level of development stage.

Any Tom and Dick ( except India) can make a gun that shoots, yet only a few can make it shoot reliablely and accurately , thus a working gun - keys there is no evidence so far to suggest that Indians can ever master. Critical elements of success, being making a missle or a plane or a tank or a rifle or even a qualified bullet, are completely absent in Indian psych and therefore very likely genepool.

Isn't a missle just a much bigger derivative of a functional rifle/bullet?

It boils down to the same old question:

if you can't do a basic 2+4=6 as there is zero evidence coming out of India, how you suppose to claim being successful in derivatives?

Not a chance, really.

I doubt. Rocket science needs support of rocket high IQ.

Any tom and dick ( except India of course) can make a gun that shoots, yet only a few can make it shoot reliablelly and accurately - those are the key which there is no evidence so far to suggest that Indians can ever master.
Yes I know a lot about HIGH IQ thank you for that.
One Chinese quote for you. One of your comrade with weird name posted it. It's usefull for you
"Assumption is mother of all @sses. If you have to assume something then assume your enemy knows more and better than you"

I doubt.

Rocket science needs support of rocket high IQers from different frases of fundamental research, design, manufacture, test, quality control, repreatedly test, improve, and maintain... Many of these key factors of the value chain and industrial base is either missing or at primitive level of development stage.

Any Tom and Dick ( except India) can make a gun that shoots, yet only a few can make it shoot reliablely and accurately , thus a working gun - keys which there is no evidence so far to suggest that Indians can ever master. Critical elements of success, being making a missle or a plane or a tank or a rifle or even a qualified bullet, are completely absent in Indian psych and therefore very likely genepool.

It boils down to the same old thing:

if you can't do a basic 2+4=6 as there is zero evidence coming out of India, how you suppose to claim being successful in derivatives?

Not a chance, really.

You're rather funny. You seem to have forgotten the very fact that the guidance systems of the BrahMos
supersonic cruise missiles were developed in India can deliver a precise CEP of less than 0.2m.

Now I would call all russians/americans/chinese to better that, before trolling in whatever thread related
to India they (i mean the chinese ;) )can find.

I doubt.

Rocket science needs support of rocket high IQers from different frases of fundamental research, design, manufacture, test, quality control, repreatedly test, improve, and maintain... Many of these key factors of the value chain and industrial base is either missing or at primitive level of development stage.

Any Tom and Dick ( except India) can make a gun that shoots, yet only a few can make it shoot reliablely and accurately , thus a working gun - keys which there is no evidence so far to suggest that Indians can ever master. Critical elements of success, being making a missle or a plane or a tank or a rifle or even a qualified bullet, are completely absent in Indian psych and therefore very likely genepool.

It boils down to the same old thing:

if you can't do a basic 2+4=6 as there is zero evidence coming out of India, how you suppose to claim being successful in derivatives?

Not a chance, really.

your post concludes into a crap
By Ajai Shukla

Business Standard, 19th Apr 12


The tension sharpened at the launch area at Wheeler Island, on the Odisha coast, this morning as the massive, 50-tonne, 17.5 metre high Agni-5 missile was elevated into the vertical launch position, and the pre-launch checks began. The previous evening, exactly at this stage, lightening and thunder in the skies above had led to the launch being put off till morning.

At 8.07 a.m. the countdown went 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… Now… and a giant ball of fire leapt out as the missile’s first stage ignited. As the Agni-5 rose smoothly off the launch pad, scientists checked off the health of its systems on the public address system, their voices calm, measured, almost surreal given the tension amongst the viewers. After 90 seconds, the first stage burnt out and separated. The missile was travelling at exactly the speed it should have been. Then, on schedule, the second stage burnt out and separated, an all-new composite stage that had performed exquisitely. By now there was already the sense that this would be a perfect test.

Within minutes, the Agni-5 was in space, streaking southwards for 2,000 kilometres until it crossed the equator. Then it hurtled along for another 3000-kilometers, re-entering the atmosphere over the Tropic of Capricorn and splashing down between the southern tip of Africa and Australia. From launch to splash-down, just 20 minutes had elapsed.

“Indian naval vessels tracked the missile all along its course, including at the terminal stage. The accuracy of the missile was exactly as expected,” said the DRDO’s spokesperson.

For Dr Saraswat, the Defence R&D Organisation chief after a lifetime of working in the DRDO’s ballistic missile programme, this was the sweetest of moments.

“Any launch is tense, even after testing a hundred missiles; and this was the first launch of the Agni-5,” Saraswat told Business Standard soon after the test. “Over the last 3-4 days, the team had gone through the complete launch process, with each activity and system being put through our scanners: the propulsion system, navigation system, everything. By yesterday I was completely confident of a successful launch.”

At the launch pad with Saraswat were Avinash Chander, the DRDO’s chief controller of missiles, a man of few words and big achievements; VG Sekaran, the laconic, wry-humoured boss of Advanced Systems Laboratory, the home of the Akash programme; Tessy Thomas, the self-effacing “missile woman”, who handled the Agni-4 project; and Dr Gupta, the Project Director for this test.

“For us, the Agni-5 success is the culmination of 30 years of work that began in earnest in 1983,” said Dr Saraswat.

Defence Minister, AK Antony, congratulated the team for “the immaculate success” of the Agni-5, hailing the efforts of “numerous unsung scientists of DRDO who have worked relentlessly years together to bring the nation to this threshold.”

In fact, the success of the Agni-5 was almost a foregone conclusion. Last November, several challenging new technologies that this missile incorporates were validated in an unannounced launch of the surprise Agni-4 missile. That new 3,500 kilometre range missile successfully tested a new composite rocket motor, made of lightweight composite materials instead of the heavier “maraging steel” that earlier rocket motors were fabricated from. The other brand-new technologies that the Agni-4 tested included: a highly accurate “ring-laser gyroscope based inertial navigation system (RINS)”; a “micro-navigation system (MINGS)”; and a powerful new onboard computer. By testing all these technologies in the Agni-4 the DRDO minimised the technology risks of today’s Agni-5 test.

The DRDO chief told Business Standard that the Agni-5 was not just a long-range rocket. “This missile incorporates unique technologies that will allow us to have multiple variants. We can achieve short ranges, higher ranges… all with the same missile,” he said.

Although the DRDO calls the Agni-5 an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), its range of 5000 kilometres puts it --- by most conventional measures --- in the class of intermediate range ballistic missiles (IRBMs), which have ranges of 3,000-5,500 kilometres. The Agni-5’s range is carefully calibrated; it can reach targets anywhere except for America and Australia. This would allow it to strike all India’s potential adversaries, even as friendly capitals in Western Europe and the US stay out of range. DRDO sources say that, in case of need, the Agni-5 could easily be ramped up into an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), with a range of more than 5500 kilometres.

For now, more testing lies ahead, says the DRDO chief. “We will have two more test launches of the Agni-5, and then productionise it for induction into field service with the Strategic Forces Command. We will also start working on different variants of the Agni-5, including MIRVs (multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles), anti satellite systems, and on making the Agni-5 capable of launching military satellites on demand,” says Saraswat.

A distinctive feature of the Agni-5 is its “canisterisation”. Immediately after its manufacture, the missile is hermetically sealed into an airtight canister. Mounted on a flatbed truck, the missile can be easily transported to a launch site; and fired quickly by hydraulically raising the canister into the vertical firing position. The canister is made of maraging steel, allowing it to absorb the enormous stresses of firing, when 300-400 tonnes of thrust is generated to eject the 50-ton missile. The hermitically sealed atmosphere inside the canister allows the missile be stored safely for years.

The DRDO claims that the Agni-5’s advanced navigation system would permit the use of smaller nuclear weapons. Speaking earlier to Business Standard, Avinash Chander said, “Megaton warheads were used when accuracies were low. Now we talk of [accuracy of] a few hundred metres. That allows a smaller warhead, perhaps 150-250 kilotons, to cause substantial damage. We don’t want to cause wanton damage [with unnecessarily large warheads].”

Perfect launch for the 5000-km range Agni-5 missile

I doubt.

Rocket science needs support of rocket high IQers from different frases of fundamental research, design, manufacture, test, quality control, repreatedly test, improve, and maintain... Many of these key factors of the value chain and industrial base is either missing or at primitive level of development stage.

Any Tom and Dick ( except India) can make a gun that shoots, yet only a few can make it shoot reliablely and accurately , thus a working gun - keys which there is no evidence so far to suggest that Indians can ever master. Critical elements of success, being making a missle or a plane or a tank or a rifle or even a qualified bullet, are completely absent in Indian psych and therefore very likely genepool.

It boils down to the same old thing:

if you can't do a basic 2+4=6 as there is zero evidence coming out of India, how you suppose to claim being successful in derivatives?

Not a chance, really.


Here is ur 50 cent now shuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!

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