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Agni V Discussions

LOL at indian self-delusion. China calls it "india's missile delusions."

The truth is india imported the guidance systems for Agni-5 from Russia under dual-use civilian space exploration purposes. Now you've diverted it to the ballistic missile program.

China is not going to accept this. We have already declared on state TV news that indian missile are made from proliferated dual-use components.

We have already summoned the UN Security Council to discuss cracking down on proliferation and put pressure on Russia to stop dual-use partnership with india. Russia is our good friend and thinks india is just a pet dog of the West.

Wow Sino. That was a massively huge dump that you took. :tup:
Megaton dump?
A country that is aggressively pursuing military objectives is always a threat to world's peace. It is like preparing for world war III.

WISE THINKING!!! convey your views to China. see if they listen to you and stop aggressively pursuing their military goals.
I think they would since your friendship with them is taller than mountains and deeper than oceans.
So not only should Pakistanis and Chinese be wary of india, UK should be wary of india too. indians have such an inferiority complex and they think UK is no longer as strong as the British Empire, so they will try to bully UK if they can.
So not only should Pakistanis and Chinese be wary of india, UK should be wary of india too. indians have such an inferiority complex and they think UK is no longer as strong as the British Empire, so they will try to bully UK if they can.

we are Planning to occupy Britain !! just FYI
The range of Agni V is surely more then what is stated because govt. don't want to panic UK, France etc.

The range is 6,000 kms for sure :yahoo:
how this "Chinese Analyst" concluded that Agni V has 8000kms range? is it just a conspiracy theory or what? :/
soo whats next guys, this missile can reach upto heights of 800-1100km in space, good enough to hit the satellites in leo orbit. chinese asat test was done at 850km, and asat test will also prove midcourse tech. do u think this will happen soon. saraswat said in an interview it will soon be done.
soo whats next guys, this missile can reach upto heights of 800-1100km in space, good enough to hit the satellites in leo orbit. chinese asat test was done at 850km, and asat test will also prove midcourse tech. do u think this will happen soon. saraswat said in an interview it will soon be done.
i doubt it our leaders and country has been against militarization of space
But are Americans and Western Europeans really india's true friends, when they eat so much beef? :azn:

The Pakistanis are your true friends even though the Pakistanis are not known to practice cannibalism right? Dietary habits don't usually come into play in international relations.
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