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Agni V Discussions


Unlikely heroes as that Intel ad goes...


They have done us proud....

We are proud of you. The whole nation salutes your brilliance and dedication....
No cap on Agni missile project: India

New Delhi: Buoyed by the success of its long-range Agni-V ballistic missile test, India on Friday said it will not "cap" its three-decade-old programme and continue to develop more missiles in the series with modern, latest technologies.

Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) Director General Dr VK Saraswat told a press conference in New Delhi a day after the successful testing of the 5,000-km-range missile that can hit targets deep inside China, including Beijing, that the nuclear-capable weapon was "a game changer" for the country.

"There is no question of capping the Agni programme," Saraswat said here, when asked if it was time to say the programme is over now that the DRDO has achieved a long-range deterrence capability to meet its threats from the immediate neighbourhood.

"Our missile development programme is based on today's, current and evolving threats. Evolving threats will continue to drive our future needs for platforms and weapons," he said, refusing to predict what could be the range of the futuristic Agni series and whether it will go beyond 10,000-km range.

However, the modern technologies such as anti-satellite, putting satellite in orbit on demand, and multiple independently targettable re-entry vehicle (MIRV) would be part of the Agni-series missiles in the future.

China has an inter-continental ballistic missile Dong Feng-31A that can reach targets 11,500-km away and it has in February 2007 proved its anti-satellite capability to hit targets in space.

The MIRV technology provides a ballistic missile to carry multiple war heads that can be directed at different targets during flight.

He clarified that the future Agni missile has not been named "Agni-VI' as has been speculated in a section of the media.

For anti-satellite capability, Saraswat said Agni-V has provided India the necessary velocity and range to reach the needed altitudes.

But its all about having the guidance capability to direct the warhead towards the intended target in space and whether we want to destroy it, for which a 'kill vehicle' is needed, or just disrupt the satellite's functioning.

However, he clarified that India is "a peace-loving' nation that does not approve or favour weaponisation of space.

The satellite-on-demand capability would help India to place mini- and micro-satellites in orbit if its other major satellites are disrupted or damaged during wartime. These micro-satellites would have a six-month to a year life and could be used for global positioning, navigation and other purposes for a short period of time.

Considering the assessment of threat to India in its neighbourhood, Saraswat said, "there is no harm in saying Agni-V is a game-changer, as it has taken us to a much higher pedestal and has added new dimension to our strategic defence."

He also said that the successful Agni-V test has provided him "happiness, satisfaction and excitement" and has been a "dream come true" for the defence scientists community of the country.

The DRDO chief also noted that Indian ballistic missiles "are second to none" and in particular, Agni-V, Agni-IV and Agni-II "are 21st century missiles."

"I have no doubt our missile technology is on par with the best in the world."

No cap on Agni missile project: India - India News - IBNLive
Du added that "the Indian government had deliberately downplayed the missile's capability in order to avoid causing concern to other countries".
Yeah thats true. If you look at the missile, you can clearly see that its range is especially capped to prevent controversy and it can reach further, although i don't know how much further. I think if A6 will have a range of 6000 km then it would be the same A5 missile with some new systems and electronics just for show because A5 can fly to 6000km easily. They will just change the name to A6.
shabasha sheeraaaaaaaa.. this cap would have been a disaster.
shrii APJ abdul kalam comimg back to power again as president. perfect timing, isnt it??

Mr Saraswat is doing an amazing job as a scientific advisor to Mod, he is making sure in is doing research in all fields from hypersonics to abm to all range of missiles. he will not let the govt stop his team from going ahead.
Mr. Saraswat is giving unnecessary information to media. BTW good to hear GOI hasn't show RED flag to development :D
Guys, It's a missile.... It is a ballistic projectile capable
of Nuclear strike... India made this missile to
show the world that we can
also develop effective
missiles... India DID NOT make this missile
to attack China... Indians and Chinese have
been brothers for the past
10,000 years... This missile will not make us
enemies.... It will only make our
friendship stronger... So, please, all Indians and
Chinese, quit the
arguements..... Thx...
I don't think that a war condition may evoke between India and china in near future.Both are major powers in Asia.But both of these countries are in a way to become extreme superpowers.There is competition in every field.either its economy ,arm race technology.We have land disputes along the border.once it happened in 1962 when no one was expecting china's offensive action against India under"hindi chini bhai-bhai" slogan!Better we must be prepared for every situation.Surely Agni V will successfully create an impact on world's map.After all India Joins the elite group of ICMB missiles along with US Russia France and China.
I'm willing to give the indians some credit: they are now at the same level China was at in the early 70's, they can launch a big ballistic missile in a general direction and do stage separation without blowing up. It took China 15 years to go from that stage to developing an accurate re-entry vehicle (late 80's).

LOL Agni-5 is not even indigenous. You imported the critical guidance systems from Russia (intended for space exploration rockets).

Now india has misplayed its hand by going openly hostile against China way too early. Now China knows india's true intentions and we'll smash india long before india really achieves a nuclear capability :devil:

India never misplayed any hand......in fact CHina did so since the 60's.......but with the recent posture by Bejing, India could not ignore the facts anymore. Many were willing to overlook such actions earlier, but Chinese hardened position didn;t help matters which led to the awakening in India as you see it. China has and continues to develop. India is catching up....just remeber how surprised you were when India teamed up with the US and Australia a few yrs ago. More surprised in the yrs ahead, Im sure. Only by showing China, that India was willing to join hands with other nations.....Chine's rhetoric has decreased. it doesn;t take a genius to understand why. So continue to act accordingly, otherwise, many more Asian Countries will join such allies....

As missile tech, remember India always downplays its cards.....to keep your guard down...just ask your analysts...

Guys, It's a missile.... It is a ballistic projectile capable
of Nuclear strike... India made this missile to
show the world that we can
also develop effective
missiles... India DID NOT make this missile
to attack China... Indians and Chinese have
been brothers for the past
10,000 years... This missile will not make us
enemies.... It will only make our
friendship stronger... So, please, all Indians and
Chinese, quit the
arguements..... Thx...

We were brothers till the COmmunists took over and changed their views....
No cap on Agni missile project: India

He clarified that the future Agni missile has not been named "Agni-VI' as has been speculated in a section of the media.

No cap on Agni missile project: India - India News - IBNLive

There is nothing like Agni 6 exists as per naming conventions are there. As per DRDO plans, Agni series lies from 1-5 only although some modification and update would be a part of it. It has to be followed by Surya projects :cheers: only. And it exists.
Agni V uses Indigenous Inertial navigation system.

Every critically required parts are made in India
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The successful launch of India’s Agni-V missile earlier today helped fulfill a cherished dream propelled by the vision of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in 1983. Gandhi wanted an Indian Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) to be made totally indigenously, from raw materials at home. The 20-minute flight of the new Agni-V, 80 percent of which was made indigenous parts, therefore heralds a new chapter in India’s strategic posture.

The Agni-V missile, although only an intermediate ballistic missile (IRBM), is in many ways similar to the United States’ Minuteman III. It can deliver a single 1.5 megaton weapon 5,000 kilometers and can carry a single thermonuclear warhead. It’s designed to potentially carry between 3 to 10 warheads at a time, once Multiple Independent Re-entry Vehicles are built for it. This missile is canisterised from inception, road-cum-rail mobile, and is totally solid fueled. This enables the missile to be launched from anywhere in Indian territory.

The present variant of the Agni-V will likely lead to spin-off Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles (SLBM) for India’s Ballistic Missile Submarines (SBBN). If this happens, India will have achieved a nuclear triad by the time the Agni-V is operational around 2014 to 2015. The Indian Army and Navy will be the operators of this missile class and its variants, through the Strategic Forces Command, headed by the prime minister. India’s ARIHANT class of SSBN’s, presently undergoing sea trials, will carry the first variant of this missile in its silos.

The missile launched today was in a depressed trajectory with an apogee of 600 kilometers and reached a max velocity of 7,000 kilometers before landing in a predestined spot in the Indian Ocean. The Relaunch Vehicle (RV) endured temperatures of around 3,000 degrees Celsius before splashdown. Fitted with indigenous built ring-laser gyros inertial navigation, Electronic Counter Measures) and ECCM (Electronic Counter Measures) systems, this missile is impervious to jamming.

And, contrary to what some headlines might suggest, the government of India has stated that the Agni-V is not country specific, and is instead part of the ongoing program of providing strategic deterrence capabilities to India’s national posture in the 21st century.

An Agni-V Leap Forward | Flashpoints

According to the DRDO, this missile is one of its kind. It showcased many new technologies for the first time and is a quantum leap in terms of missile technology. The missile is light in weight and has two stages of solid propulsion and a payload with re-entry heat shield. The composite rocket motor technology, which has been used for the first time, has also given excellent performance. The missile system is equipped with modern and compact avionics with redundancy to provide high level of reliability. The indigenous ring laser gyros-based high-accuracy INS (Rins) and micro navigation system (Mings) complementing each other in redundant mode, have been successfully flown in guidance mode for the first time.

Agni-IV places India on a new generation missile trail

India, however, is not in an arms race or "numbers game" like the US-Soviet rivalry of the Cold War era. "We are not looking at how many missiles China or Pakistan has. With a 'no first-use' nuclear weapons policy, we only want a sufficient number of missiles to defend the country in the event of a crisis. Ours is a defensive-mode strategy, even if others have offensive postures," Saraswat said. The DRDO chief added that "indigenous content" in India's strategic missiles had gone up to such a level, with ring-laser gyros, composite rocket motors, micro-navigation systems and their ilk, that "no technology control regime" could derail them any longer.


India has developed Ring Laser Gyro INS, Micro Navigation System, etc earlier on the Agni 4.
What is the CEP?Said to be just 40m.That's epic.

Yes, its 40m upto its maximum range.:enjoy:

Its pretty epic, yes, we must also acknowledge that the Agni-3 was the most accurate and advanced
IRBM in its range class in the world as well. Agni-5 would retain us that edge.

Bhai Log..............

Just Heard on NDTV,

The unit cost of Agni 5 missile is rupees 25 to 30 Crore Rupees.

Thats about US $ 5 to 6 million per missile................. quite reasonable ..........

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