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Agni 5 : Significance of Indian ICBM ( Implications on Asian Balance )

Agni 5 is not an ICBM. An ICBM has to have atleast 8,000km, but Agni 5 is only 5,000km. India still has not joined the ICBM club.

Ha ha....

Its THE CHINESE Who Say So.. lol

Thursday's successful launch of the Agni- V missile continued to rattle China which has now claimed that India has deliberately downplayed its capability.

While India said the missile can cover a distance of over 5,000 kilometres, Chinese researchers felt the missile has the potential to reach targets 8,000 km away.

"The Agni-V actually has the potential to reach targets 8,000 km away, but the Indian government had deliberately downplayed the missile's capability in order to avoid causing concern to other countries," Du Wenlong, a researcher at China's PLA Academy of Military Sciences, told the Global Times on Friday.
India says the reach of Agni-V is over 5,000 km

India says the reach of Agni-V is over 5,000 km

Expressing similar sentiments, Zhang Zhaozhong, a professor with the PLA National Defence University told the Global Times: "According to China's standard, an ICBM should have a range of at least 8,000 km.

"The Agni-V's range could be further enhanced to become an Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile." On Thursday, the Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Liu Weimin had tried to downplay the missile launch.

"China and India are both emerging powers. We are not rivals but co-operative partners. We should cherish the hardearned momentum of co-operation," Liu had told the media in Beijing following the missile test.

The US, which has tried to project India as a counterweight to China, refused to criticise New Delhi for the missile launch.

"I would simply point out, because comparisons have been made to the DPRK (North Korea) and its actions, that India's record stands in stark contrast to that of North Korea," White House spokesman Jay Carney said in Washington.

The success of Agni-V has, meanwhile, opened up possibilities for the Indian defence scientists to step into the domain where they could come up with a single ballistic missile to eliminate multiple targets, launch mini satellites and destroy "enemy" satellites in the orbit.

Agni-V is a single warhead missile but it will help the ongoing Multiple Independently Targetable Re-Entry Vehicle (MIRV) project whose primary modules are at an advanced stage of development, Avinash Chander, chief controller (missiles and strategic systems) of the DRDO, said.

China accuses India of undermining Agni-V missile capabilities | Mail Online
There are some similarities and differences between you and Hong Wu. The similarities is that you two talk about sending troops to attack another countries. The difference is that Hong is talking about sending some troops now. But you are making up troops that didn't exist in the past that you imaging had forced China to turn back. With Hong, we all know that he is bragging or exaggerating. With you, you are hallucinating about the past. I would suggest that you go to see a shrink. But shrink can't help stupidity.

lol cmon buddy Poor India has only 12K soldiers managing border in 62 while china attack and it took more then month in India to mobile its 5,00,000 army to china border but by that time Chinese run back.

but that fact is the Chinese cant accept the fact that they cant fight with an army which is equal in no.

A) It is known fact that Chinese only attack few soldiers in larger no
B) They cannot fight with Larger Army , 62 and Viets incident only proved that Chinese soldiers know they will defeated if IA arrived from main bases from India and IF they goto inside Viet. so its better go back and tell our people they won.

Till now Chinese army run on propaganda which don't even exit.

Coming in Present , India shows china who is boss , South China oil Drilling in one example.
Agni V hasn't even been deployed and I doubt it even works. Just like the LCA which has been developed for 30 years and still not ready.

It's not even deployed and I doubt it will be deployed in the next 10 years.

I Completely Agree With you and Your Wisdom My Brother...

..... The irony is.. Your Chinese Intellectuals are Fools.. and NOT so Wise as You are....

See these People.. Making Hue.. n Cry over this Stupid.. Worthless Agni Missile....

Du Wenlong, a researcher at China's PLA Academy of Military Sciences, reportedly told the Global Times that Agni-V has the potential to hit targets 8,000 kilometers away. He added that "the Indian government had deliberately downplayed the missile's capability in order to avoid causing concern to other countries."

Zhang Zhaozhong, a professor with the People's Liberation Army National Defense University, told the Global Times that an ICBM should have a range of at least 8,000 kilometers, which means India is not in the club yet.

"According to China's standard, an ICBM should have a range of at least 8,000 kilometers. The Agni-V's range could be further enhanced to become an ICBM," the Global Times quoted Zhang Zhaozhong as saying. "It is India's goal to possess an ICBM, as the country seeks to improve its status and become a major world player. Without it, India will remain a regional power," he added.
Agni V hasn't even been deployed and I doubt it even works. Just like the LCA which has been developed for 30 years and still not ready.

It's not even deployed and I doubt it will be deployed in the next 10 years.

it is not CM-4000 AKG missile which don't have any lunching picture and already manufactured and shipped AC.

That's the old definition. Now it's 8,000km. India still cannot make and deploy an ICBM. That's a fact. We don't need to make ourselves superior, we ARE superior. That's also a fact :coffee:

Oh i forget , its Chinese who give definition, forget they are always based on propaganda. But buddy world run on standards which are not defined and manipulated by china and it define by world.

We already seen in Chinese ships standards which you called destroyers , world called it Freights (which are less then destroyers in weight), by this only making yourself fool not world.

lol thats why India is in South China sea and drilling oil despite china warning.
Agni V hasn't even been deployed and I doubt it even works. Just like the LCA which has been developed for 30 years and still not ready.

It's not even deployed and I doubt it will be deployed in the next 10 years.

That's the old definition. Now it's 8,000km. India still cannot make and deploy an ICBM. That's a fact. We don't need to make ourselves superior, we ARE superior. That's also a fact :coffee:

ok that is very good, if A5 is not yet developed or according to you will not work then why do you look worried??

Chinese researchers can be anyone. That's not official confirmation. Just some random person. There are some researchers that make outrageous claims. It's impossible for India to get 8,000km. You can't even get 5,000km IRBM like the Agni V to work. It will be atleast another 10 years before Agni 5 is deployed.

We are not even sure Agni 5 can even travel 5,000km without failure. India has not shown that capability to the international community.

( But we do know Israel has Nukes dont we.. .. But Hey..They never told You.. did they.... lol .. Welcome to the Defence Arena...)

You CANNOT Judge a BOOK by ITS COVER .. and Damn.. its a Missile we r talking about...

Chinese researchers can be anyone. That's not official confirmation. Just some random person. There are some researchers that make outrageous claims. It's impossible for India to get 8,000km. You can't even get 5,000km IRBM like the Agni V to work. It will be atleast another 10 years before Agni 5 is deployed.

We are not even sure Agni 5 can even travel 5,000km without failure. India has not shown that capability to the international community.
Chinese researchers can be anyone. That's not official confirmation. Just some random person. There are some researchers that make outrageous claims. It's impossible for India to get 8,000km. You can't even get 5,000km IRBM like the Agni V to work. It will be atleast another 10 years before Agni 5 is deployed.

We are not even sure Agni 5 can even travel 5,000km without failure. India has not shown that capability to the international community.

And some random Chinese guy like Du Wenlong can become a researcher at China's PLA Academy of Military Sciences and your state media like Global Times can quote such outrageous claims! :rofl:

See this random guy's official designation here:

China accuses India of undermining Agni-V missile capabilities | Mail Online

I Completely Agree With you and Your Wisdom My Brother...

..... The irony is.. Your Chinese Intellectuals are Fools.. and NOT so Wise as You are....

See these People.. Making Hue.. n Cry over this Stupid.. Worthless Agni Missile....

Chinese and intellectual? :rofl:

Chinese have too much IQ to be intellectuals!
it is not CM-4000 AKG missile which don't have any lunching picture and already manufactured and shipped AC.

Oh i forget , its Chinese who give definition, support your fake deification from any reliable source? or it is same fake propaganda

lol thats why India is in South China sea and drilling oil despite china warning.

We are superior because we are smarter (IQ, PISA, etc), stronger economy, stronger military, more advanced technology (supercomputers, patents, Beidou, mid-course missile defense, deployed our first ICBM in 1971, etc), better at sports (Olympics), more advanced space program (man into space, space lab, soon make soft land on moon with rover), more important in geopolitics (UN veto power), more brands in Fortune 500, etc.

We are superior to India and Indians in every way. God made us superior. :coffee:

And some random Chinese guy like Du Wenlong can become a researcher at China's PLA Academy of Military Sciences and your state media like Global Times can quote such outrageous claims! :rofl:

See this random guy's official designation here:

China accuses India of undermining Agni-V missile capabilities | Mail Online

Chinese and intellectual? :rofl:

Chinese have too much IQ to be intellectuals!

They can exaggerate things to get more money for defence just like what US does. The fact that you have to get some opinion of a researcher tells you India has nothing close to 8,000km. Not even close.
We are superior because we are smarter (IQ, PISA, etc), stronger economy, stronger military, more advanced technology (supercomputers, patents, Beidou, mid-course missile defense, deployed our first ICBM in 1971, etc), better at sports (Olympics), more advanced space program (man into space, space lab, soon make soft land on moon with rover), more important in geopolitics (UN veto power), more brands in Fortune 500, etc.

We are superior to India and Indians in every way. God made us superior. :coffee:

With all Due Respect,

US and Russia can Say the same to YOU.... Guess What...

India Can Say the SAME to 190 other Nations.... Whats the Point ?

You know my brother a few "small" Countries in Europe which Nither have all the Big gadgets you just mentioned.. Nor they are "powerful made by god" .. But Still they have MUCH MUCH better Human Life Scenario.. is that Means Anything To You....

As an Indian I Understand This Harsh Reality. Cant Say abt Chinese/Pakistani Perceptions.
We are superior because we are smarter (IQ, PISA, etc), stronger economy, stronger military, more advanced technology (supercomputers, patents, Beidou, mid-course missile defense, deployed our first ICBM in 1971, etc), better at sports (Olympics), more advanced space program (man into space, space lab, soon make soft land on moon with rover), more important in geopolitics (UN veto power), more brands in Fortune 500, etc.

We are superior to India and Indians in every way. God made us superior. :coffee:

They can exaggerate things to get more money for defence just like what US does. The fact that you have to get some opinion of a researcher tells you India has nothing close to 8,000km. Not even close.

And the Americans are superior to you in every way, God made Americans superior.
With all Due Respect, US and Russia can Say the same to YOU.. Guess What...

India Can Say the SAME to 160 other Nations.... Whats the Point ?

The fact remains we are superior to Indians. Deal with it.
And the Americans are superior to you in every way, God made Americans superior.

So you admit you are inferior to us and the only way you can massage you ego is to live off American achievements! :lol:

What have India got vis-a-vis China? Nothing!

Oh yea, to add insult to injury, we have defeated you in war and even just a few weeks ago, we invaded India, stayed there and got concessions out of your regime and then left on our own terms like a boss!!!

Indians will always be behind Chinese.
The fact remains we are superior to Indians. Deal with it.

It is like a Homo Erectus is claiming to be superior to a Homo Sapien!

Chinese are so superior to Indians that the Chinese Premier Li Keqiang asks the Chinese to learn from Indians culturally! :rofl:

"Both China and India are ancient civilisations. We have created great civilisations that can make mankind proud and our two countries are proud historical tradition of cultural interflows and now the conditions are even better faced to learn from each other culturally," --- Li Keqiang (Chinese Premier)


Premier Li Keqiang Meets with Chinese and Indian Youth Representatives, Encouraging Young People of Two Countries to Be Participants and Promoters of China-India Friendship

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