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Agni-5 can target our Harbin city: Chinese daily

Funny, why you Indians like to twist BS as facts to support yourself ?

This report has not been confirmed by any other sources until 2009. Officials of the Indian government have repeatedly denied the existence of the project.

Surya missile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Please tell me your GOI is telling the truth or you are lying ? :smitten:


we didnt have any nuclear warheads even after 1974 ....... go check the official indian line ....:rofl:

be rest assured, I know what I am talking .........

there is no twisting of the facts ........ only inability on part of certain posters to comprehend and analyse posts ......
Please read about "Shourya Missile" Technology(TD). and Agni V will be of same tech, Anti-ABM. Multi-Warhead.

Note: Shourya Missile is very difficult to detect by satalite and radars. Nearly Impossible to Detect.

ummhmmm, i sure that agni v is a invisible, light speed, MIRV'ed, godly missile that no one else can match
Lol...........India is not in a weapons race .

Moreover we dont need anything more than 7000km missile that can be launched from far south west corner of India to the far north east corner of China.When its done our missile development will be capped.

any missile in India that carries a nuclear warhead is meant for deterrence only.we are not threatening anyone unlike our neighbour showing up all the missile types.We dont need missile diplomacy.

And at the same time we wont keep up any imbalances.Everything needs to be balanced.And a major settlement is over due for more than 48 years.

You might not have known about the real nationalistic people of India.It might take years to get back, but everything will be settled including the compound interest.

It is actually Chinese that started the rhetoric about the A-V that Ajai Shukla reported on business standard.India has a right to develop a missile of any range.Since India entered the field lately and dont have a friend like US in the beginning to counter russia and didnt get the technology from them,we will take time to develop one after another.
There is a old saying:
I dont care if be late,but you have to be latest.
I.e what India follows.

you know, china didnt received tech on its rocket booster and missiles(strategic) either, the long march series and the DF(originally derived from the long march) are one of the areas of technology that the world does not dispute that it is completely domestic. and yes its one step at a time with these things.
we didnt have any nuclear warheads even after 1974 ....... go check the official indian line ....:rofl:

be rest assured, I know what I am talking .........

there is no twisting of the facts ........ only inability on part of certain posters to comprehend and analyse posts ......

Yeah, you are right, need more proof ?

Here you go ;there was one particular missile Surya ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile) where Ministry of Defence (MOD) have repeatedly denied the existence of the project.

Surya ICBM Myth or Reality? IDRW.ORG = India source ? :smitten::pakistan::china:
grey boy ... be rest assured program is on backburner .... that all

told you why ....... Agni series is sufficient for our immediate needs .... we are not competing with China but maintaining something to take on with ........ Indo-Chinese confrontation is very likely in the near future ..... that is our assessment here in India
oh dear I said maybe you might get what he may have tried to allude to !!!!!!
suggest again go through MIRV technology and use of carbon composite ......

as also if you are trying to imply that you can detect a missile right from its lift off and then its entry into space and the subsequent deployment of MIRVs in space and independently track maneuverable MIRVs (they can be guided even after their re-entry into atmosphere and given an alternate target) along the whole route .... then I think you will be given offers for next ABM by the Central Committee Comrade .......

Maybe you need some lessons on carbon composite use in MIRVs .... and tracking of manueverable MIR vehicles ...... suggest read up and then try to rebutt!

according to china's declaration ,china will probably wait until it fall if we detect one long missle lifting off,let's say it has ten MIRVs,you think it's enough to destroy china's nuclear forces ,let me remind you one thing,most china's warheads are fit inside the mobile missiles,maybe Agni-5 is hard to intercept, that doesn't mean it's hard to detect it's coming,india had not chance having a N-war with china.india probably can distroy half of china's important cities,after that,china will make sure india is no longer exist
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according to china's declaration ,china will probably wait until it fall if we detect one long missle lifting off,let's say it has ten MIRVs,you think it's enough to destroy china's nuclear forces ,let me remind you one thing,most china's warheads are fit inside the mobile missiles,maybe Agni-5 is hard to intercept, that doesn't mean it's hard to detect it's coming,india had not chance having a N-war with china.india probably can distroy half of china's important cities,after that,china will make sure india is no longer exist

Just when I thought I was having a good discussion ....

where did the nuclear war come? the question was of detection of and subsequent interception being difficult in missiles ..... and I gave you the reason and the necessary pointers so that you may try to understand that it is mere heresay to say that ANYONE can intercept and shoot down a missile easily period.

Russsians have P-700 Granit missiles which is fired in swarms ...... and it serves to highlight the contention I have made

P-700 Granit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are talking about nuances of nuclear war .... suggest you go through my posts in other forum threads about the topic few months back ....... there is no question of nuclear war ..... both India and China have an official no first use policy ....... and we are not talking about border confrontation here ....
according to china's declaration ,china will probably wait until it fall if we detect one long missle lifting off,let's say it has ten MIRVs,you think it's enough to destroy china's nuclear forces ,let me remind you one thing,most china's warheads are fit inside the mobile missiles,maybe Agni-5 is hard to intercept, that doesn't mean it's hard to detect it's coming,india had not chance having a N-war with china.india probably can distroy half of china's important cities,after that,china will make sure india is no longer exist

Same applies to pakistani who thinks its easy to destroy India. Similar is that those who start war, will never win. :pdf:
Same applies to pakistani who thinks its easy to destroy India. Similar is that those who start war, will never win. :pdf:

Its not us tht want to start war, all the war hysteria and hype is created by india, before it was against pakistan and now china.
india media is helping on our cities' internationalization,they are planing to host the 2018 winter olympic ,welcome to "ice city".

common man,Its the Chinese daily which wants to popularize Harbin:what: just take a look at the thread.

Indian media busy reporting abt china suddenly being worried on a missile that's still on the drawing board.

This thread is not of any use than slinging mud at each other lets end this guys :pdf: there is a good quality thread on the same topic u guys must post there.

It will be more constructive :cheers:
india media is helping on our cities' internationalization,they are planing to host the 2018 winter olympic ,welcome to "ice city".

You know what you Chinese guys, I dont think India has any problems with your people and your well being. I know for a fact that many Indians are fascinated by your development and even want to emulate you. Personally me too I am impressed with what you have achieved, what I have a problem with is your land grabbing obsession. There is no need for you to have any issues with India. You have started this round of tension, its up to you to simmer it or eradicate it all together, given that we can live with peaceful coexistence. Some of our Pakistani members seem to suffer from persecution complex. Its like having nightmares that India is always going to attack you, maybe that is the reason you guys went into Kargil without provocation. And to say India wants to attack or anhiliate China....gosh get real, India is not all that stupid, we havent done it to Pakistan we are not crazy to provoke a far mightier neighbour
common man,Its the Chinese daily which wants to popularize Harbin:what: just take a look at the thread.

Indian media busy reporting abt china suddenly being worried on a missile that's still on the drawing board.

This thread is not of any use than slinging mud at each other lets end this guys :pdf: there is a good quality thread on the same topic u guys must post there.

It will be more constructive :cheers:

you should check the indian original report,indian should know one thing , if china will attack india someday ,it will only be a partial war around the disputed area.we won't invade into india's territory:toast_sign:then it will be india's choice whether she wanna a full-scale war or N-war ,china will respect her choice.will china nuclear india if india have a war with us in Aksai Chin?no. i think same to india .so when you finish the Agni-5 test in 2011,don't show off in front of china again,we don't care that much,and it's just matter of time india have her ICBM:cheesy:
you should check the indian original report,indian should know one thing , if china will attack india someday ,it will only be a partial war around the disputed area.we won't invade into india's territory:toast_sign:then it will be india's choice whether she wanna a full-scale war or N-war ,china will respect her choice.will china nuclear india if india have a war with us in Aksai Chin?no. i think same to india .so when you finish the Agni-5 test in 2011,don't show off in front of china again,we don't care that much,and it's just matter of time india have her ICBM:cheesy:

Which original paper are u talking about ? give me links ?

as far as i know the news was in a Chinese daily correct me if am wrong :cheers:

A nuke war Well no sir We have a no first use policy:azn:
according to china's declaration ,china will probably wait until it fall if we detect one long missle lifting off,let's say it has ten MIRVs,you think it's enough to destroy china's nuclear forces ,let me remind you one thing,most china's warheads are fit inside the mobile missiles,maybe Agni-5 is hard to intercept, that doesn't mean it's hard to detect it's coming,india had not chance having a N-war with china.india probably can distroy half of china's important cities,after that,china will make sure india is no longer exist

What a joke :woot: . Someone is trying to speak English :woot: .
Get your facts clear Mr. XXXshXT. India is a deocracy. China is a hegemony. Indians have rights, Chinese just bites.

How many Nobel Laureates did China deliver lately??? All Chinese know is to reverse engineer things and make crappy idiot boxes (Like they made Gulsar, copycat idiots). Wait till companies like MS, Apple, Adobe sue your a**. And please, don't crap about your missiles, they won't reach even Tibet. Such, copycats you are!!!
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